RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) E...

By HyperKabuto264

74.2K 1.6K 1.7K

This is inspired by Nehpetssanders. He owns Wattpad and especially DeviantART. After seeing his inserts, I fe... More

Shadow Wrath's Abilities, Weapons and Accessories
Red Trailer
White Trailer
Black Trailer
Volume 1 Opening
Volume 1: Ruby Rose
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon (Part 2)
Volume 1: The First Step
Volume 1: The First Step (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest (Part 2)
Volume 1: Players and Pieces
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden (Part 2)
Volume 1: Jaunedice
Volume 1: Jaunedice (Part 2)
Volume 1: Forever Fall
Volume 1: Forever Fall (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Nightmare Grimm Strikes
Volume 1: The Stray
Volume 1: Black and White
Volume 1: The Nightmare has Weiss?!?!
Volume 1: The Nightmare Hunters Arrive
Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark
Volume 1: A New Day Begins
Special Episode: Got away with it by a Pardon
Special Episode: One Down, Three to go
BONUS Volume 1 Episode: A Gift from an Unknown Ally
Volume 2 Opening
Volume 2: Best Day Ever
Volume 2: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2: A Minor Hiccup
Volume 2: Painting the Town...
Volume 2: Extracurricular
Volume 2: Burning the Candle
Volume 2: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2: Field Trip
Volume 2: Search and Destroy
Volume 2: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2: No Brakes
Volume 2: Breach
Volume 2: Build Tenma Tribe -vs- Team CRDL (PART 1)
Beacon's Secret
Special Episode: "Lovely Ca"-Tastrophe
Special Episode: Visiting an Old Friend
Special Episode: Build Tenma Tribe and Team STRM meet up
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 1)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 2)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 3, FINAL)
Special Episode: Two Down, Two to go
Volume 3 Opening
Volume 3: Round One
Volume 3: New Challengers...
Volume 3: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3: Lessons Learned
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 1)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 3)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 4)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 5)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 6)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 7)
Volume 3: Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3: Fall (Part 2)
Volume 3: Fall (Part 3)
Volume 3: Destiny
Volume 3: PvP
Volume 3: Battle of Beacon
Volume 3: Heroes and Monsters
Volume 3: End of the Beginning
Plans for Vol. 4, 5 and Upcoming Seasons, Crossovers & Franchise
Special Episode: Lupinranger vs Patranger & Evol's surprise Deal
Special Episode: Gladiator Tyrant's leader (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Shadow's Request (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The History behind the Relic (New Gen. Beta Spark)
Special Episode: Three down, One to go
Volumes 4 and 5 Trailers
Volume 4: Character Short
Volume 4 Opening
Volume 4: The Next Step
Volume 4: Remembrance
Volume 4: Runaways and Stoaways
Volume 4: Family
Volume 4: Menagerie
Volume 4: Tipping Point
Volume 4: Punished
Volume 4: Returning what's from the Past (Special SHORT Episode)
Volume 4: A much Needed Talk
Volume 4: Two Steps Foward, Two Steps Back
Volume 4: Kuroyuri
Volume 4: Taking Control
Volume 4: No Safe Haven
Volume 4: Momma's Boy
Special Episode: The Letter (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Orochi's Identity and Meet up with Qrow
Special Episode: Orochi Tenma's latest creation (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Visitation of the Six Ancient
Special Episode: Drazen's Super Weapon (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Secret & The Novice He/She Seeks
Volume 5: Tenka Kaito Character Short
Volume 5: Rachel Claws Character Short
Volume 5: Mitchell Striker Character Short
Volume 5 Opening
Volume 5: Welcome to Haven
Volume 5: Dread in the Air
Volume 5: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5: Lighting the Fire
Volume 5: Necessary Sacrifice
Volume 5: Known by its Song
Volume 5: Rest and Resolutions
Volume 5: Alone Together
Volume 5: A Perfect Storm
OC sneak peaks PART 1
Volume 5: True Colours
OC Sneak peaks PART 2
OC Sneak peaks PART 3
Volume 5: The More The Merrier
Volume 5: A Silver-Eye Comfrontation
Volume 5: The Vault of the Spring Maiden
Volume 5: Wizard of Oz, Fire & Ice vs Brute Force
Volume 5: Downfall
Volume 5: The Battle rages on
Volume 5: Haven's Fate
Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...
Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue)
Volume 5: A Huntress or Grimm???
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 6)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 7 - Epilogue)
Special Episode: 'Hiro -vs- Adam' & 'A Gift Beyond Death'
Special Episode: The MUTEKI Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet (PART 2)
SPECIAL Episode: Genm's Ultimate Weapon to surpass Salem (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Special Training
Special Episode: The SECRET Behind STRM Combination
Special Episode: The Secret's Out
Special Episode: The Swan Song
Special Episode: The God of Remnant's UNKNOWN Golden Semblance
Special Episode: Four down, ALL are Gathered
Special Episode: The Remnant Beyond Duo & The "Mercury"-ium Servant
Epilogue: Saving Remnant... is my Desire Grand Prix

Yellow Trailer

1.4K 31 10
By HyperKabuto264

Hey everyone and WELCOME to RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow/S) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the White Trailer where we will be focusing on Rachel Claws and Yang Xiao Long, the dragon duo! Just a recap of the disclaimer, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID.

So sit back, an LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*

A/N: At least nothing happened

 It was a peaceful night at the dark alleyway of Vale, when the revving of motorcycles engines are heard further away. Soon after, two motorcycles appeared through the streets of Vale which they appeared to be racing. Then, they eventually stopped in front of a club that is blasting music to end the race.

???: Good race. What's your name?

Rachel: Well, consider this as a draw, gal. Anyway, my name is Rachel, Rachel Claws.

???: Good to meet you. Yang Xiao Long. Wanna come to the club with me for a drink? My treat.

Rachel: Sure. (Hand gestures to the club) Shall we?

Yang: Sure.

As they got off from their bikes, they entered the club, only for Yang to see Roman Torchwick ending a conversation with Junior. Yang pats Rachel at the shoulder to follow her. So, they made their way to the bar where Junior stands. Junior sees the blonde and the pink-haired girl, and dismisses the two girls near him.

Yang: Two Strawberry Sunrises. No ice. Oh! And one of those little umbrellas.

Junior: Aren't you and your pink girl-friend a little too young to be in this club, Blondie?

Yang(giggles): Aren't you a little old to have a name like Junior?

Rachel: Wwooooo~~~ Junior~ too cute for a man like you to have.

Yang leans on the counter as she crosses her arms after she said this and Rachel puts her hand on her hip, giving Junior a seductive smirk.

Junior: So you know who I am. You got a name, sweetheart?

Yang: Yes, Junior, I've got several. But instead of sweetheart, you can just call me sir.

She grabs his groin and squeezes it painfully causing Junior to cry out in pain comically.

Rachel: Ooooooohh.... right in the balls..... Damn.....

Yang: People say you know everything.

She brings her scroll up to his face, showing him a picture.

Yang: Tell me where I can find her and I'll let you go.

Junior(straining): I've never seen her before, I swear!

Yang: Excuse me?

She says this as she grabs Junior's groin harder.

Junior(straining): I swear, sir!

Just then, Junior's henchmen begin to gather around them.

Yang: Hmm, looks like we have an audience. This must kind of embarrassing for you, huh? Awkward....

Rachel: Well, Junior. If you don't want this to get even more awkward, I'd suggest you answer to the point.

Junior(straining): Listen, blondie sir. If you and you pink-haired friend want to make it out of this club alive, I suggest you let me go. NOW!

She lets go and Junior sighs in relief.

Junior: You'll pay for that!

He puts on his sunglasses and walks away from Yang and Rachel. Yang follows closely behind.

Yang: Oh Junior, I was just playing with you! Don't be so sensitive! Come on, lets kiss and make up, okay?

Junior stops in his tracks by this and turns around.

Junior: Huh? Uh, okay.

Rachel: I'm going to sit this one out. (Taking a few steps back)

As Junior leans in to kiss Yang, she punches him in the face sending him flying across the room. Junior is then seen with hearts hovering over his head before a bottle falls on top of his head. The henchmen run towards her. She activates her Ember Celica while Junior's henchmen advanced towards Yang, who jumped up into the air and slams a fiery punch into the ground, sending a ripple through the dance floor that knocks the incoming henchmen off their feet. As the henchmen got up from the impact, Yang charges at one, jumping into the air and performing a somersault kick on her first victim. She then turns around and uppercuts a second one, following it up with a spinning kick that sends another two tumbling away.

Rachel: Yang, Heads up!

As the rest charge at her, two spears got in their way. Yang is overwhelmingly confused by this until Rachel Claws appeared on the spot, before grabbing her duel spears. She grabbed her weapons from the ground called Steel-Bane and Ice-Bane and did several back-flips towards Yang. Once she is next to her, she gave Yang smirk.

Rachel: Didn't want you to hog all the fun ya know. And, I could tell you could also use a hand.

Yang: Hmm, maybe. In fact, you're a little late but yet, everything's a little alright now. But now that you mention about hogging the fun, let's do this, shall we?

Rachel: Sure, BFF.

Yang: (smirks in ammusment to accept her as a BFF)

And with that, the fight continues. Yang shoots at the first one in front of her and kicks behind her at another. A henchman swings at Rachel from behind, but she sweeps his legs out from under him and spears him up into the air, only to kick him down into the ground. Yang then takes a couple steps toward an oncoming henchman to jump up and launch herself off of him, allowing her to deliver a flying punch to another henchman. This is quickly followed by Rachel rushing forward as she dispatches yet another nearby opponent and attacks the other by spinning her spears around at a faster rate, knocking them out. As the fallen henchman collapses, he lands on the henchman behind him, sending him stumbling back. He attempts to block the oncoming oncoming spear attack from Rachel, but to no avail, she simply gave him a flurry of slices and slashes to her opponent's guard before kicking him away.

Yang then notices several more assailants approaching from behind and fires a shot, using the recoil to send her flying towards yet another group of enemies. She elbows the first henchman and kicks him away while another attempts to swing at her, but is promptly blocked by Rachel's wrist.

Rachel: Let me tell you something, you either mess with me or my gal, you mess with the claws.

Rachel retracted her Dragon claws and started clawing him in the face. She then swings around under his arm and clawing him once again. This is followed by a spin from Yang as she kicks, punches, and kicks him again, with the final hit, together with Rachel's kick, sending him flying backwards through a glass pillar.

Yang and Rachel turns around to see the two final henchmen charge swing at them. Yang promptly blocks a blow from the henchman and punches his chin, stunning him and allowing her to follow up with a flurry of blows that conclude with an uppercut that launches him into the air. Yang then delivers a final punch that sends him flying back. Rachel dodged a punch before giving the henchman a flurry of claws before she send him in the air while throwing her spears at him, piercing through his clothes, giving Rachel an advantage to leap into the air to grab her spears while kicking the henchman through the ceiling.

Upon clearing the dance floor, Yang spots the DJ pulling out a machine gun before firing down at her from his booth, while another henchman behind them uses an automatic handgun behind them.

Rachel: DJ's all yours. I got the other one right here!

With that, Yang charges towards the booth, dashing from side to side in order to avoid the incoming fire. Rachel charges at the last henchman while she activates her spears, slowly igniting Broad-Bane and Ice-Bane into a double-edge spear. The henchman starts to shoot at Rachel, hoping of getting a hit, but Rachel was too fast that she went straight up to him and gave the henchman a flurry of punches, claws, slashes and slices before kicking him away. Meanwhile, when Yang was close enough, she jumps up, firing her shotgun-gauntlets at the floor for additional propulsion. As she lands, she places a hand on the mixing desk before swinging her legs around, kicking the DJ in the face. This sends him stumbling back. Yang then spins and lands with her back facing him, only to fire once more to elbow him in the face. She then slams his face into the table, picks him up, and launches him off by firing. He lands at Melanie and Miltia Malachite feet, unconscious, with his "helmet" rolling away. Rachel jumps up towards Yang to joins her at the podium shortly after. 

Miltia: Melanie, who are these girls?

Melanie: I dunno Miltia, but we should teach them a lesson.

At the podium,

Rachel: Yang, you know these ladies? Friends of yours??

Yang: Yeah, shall we?

Rachel: Sure do. (Twirls twin-edge spear and poses while having the spear behind while unleashing her claws)

Yang loads another belt of ammunition into her Ember Celica. They both jump from the podium, unleashing a barrage of shell-shots and Dragon-Slashes in mid-air at the Malachite Sisters, which they narrowly evade by backflipping away. After recomposing, the sisters charge at Yang and Rachel as they both land on the dance floor, who continues their line of fire. 

Rachel: Yang, I got an idea. You take White, I got Red!

Yang: Sure thing!

As Rachel and Yang, and the sisters split to their opposing sides, Yang focuses her barrage on Melanie and Rachel on Miltia. Then, the sisters began their counterattack, with Melanie dodging and deflecting Yang's bullets while Miltia takes a swipe at Rachel from behind who she frontflips at.

Rachel turns to face Miltia and does a double slash at her, only to have Miltia jump to avoid it. Melanie lands behind Yang and retaliates with a heel-kick. Yang blocks the kick with her gauntlets forcing herself back a distance away from the Melanie.

Yang quickly grounds herself and fires a round at them, which Melanie deflects a round with a frontflip heel-kick off into a pillar. Miltia quickly closes in on Rachel and delivers a couple of swipes that Rachel defends against with her spears. Melanie follows up with a series of quick jump-kicks at Yang. Blocking each attack, Yang quickly fires a round in response, which Melanie ducks to avoid. Miltia swoops in with a downward swipe while Melanie sweeps Yang's right leg and finishes with a series of kicks that made contact, launching Yang across the stage.

Rachel: I got them!!

Rachel then jumps over Yang, evading her, while rushing in towards the two with series of slashes.

Yang rolls and quickly regains her footing, firing both gauntlets to propel her back across the stage. Rachel saw Yang from behind coming in fast and jumps high in the air to get out of her way. And with that, Yang lands a hard right punch onto Melanie's face, knocking her down. While Melanie lies stunned on the floor, Rachel places two of her spears behind her back to confront Miltia in a close-range melee combat, with Rachel retaliating each claw attack and Miltia defending with her own pair of claws. However, Yang leaps over Rachel's shoulder and overwhelms her with a low kick, a series of boosted body shots, and a final round from Ember Celica, blasting Miltia off the stage.

Rachel: Nice shot!

Yang: Thanks.

Rachel: Now, let's deal with White.

Yang: Sure, BFF.

Melanie finally recovers from Yang's punch just in time to see her sister get flung into a pillar overhead. Both Yang and Rachel confront her, with Yang firing off a round at close-range, which Melanie again avoids by backflipping. After avoiding another round into the ground, Melanie retaliates with an upward leg swipe before kicking a third round point-blank in order to deflect it. Rachel rushes in with Steel-Bane at hand, but was quickly overpowered by Melanie's set of kicks before finishing with a tornado roundhouse kick, launching her across the dance floor.

Rachel: I'm okay!

With Rachel out, Both Yang and Melanie resort to close-range melee combat, with Yang throwing boosted punches and blocking with her gauntlets while Melanie kicks and swipes as she defends with the blades of her boots. A hard side-kick pushes Yang away as each take a second of reprieve before Melanie closes in on Yang.

Feinting with her boots to keep Yang off-balanced, Melanie shifts herself along the stage, forcing Yang to back-step continuously. This leaves Yang unable to ground herself while defending against Melanie's feints and kicks. A longer series of kicks from Melanie allows Yang to finally ground herself, spin to dodge Melanie's last kick while retracting Ember Celica, and land a body blow with her left elbow. Yang quickly grabs Melanie's right arm and uses it to twist and spin the rest of Melanie's body, using the built-up momentum to land a final devastating jump-kick to Melanie's face. The current fight may have ended, but the other fight, has yet to begin in a moments time.

Rachel: Nice "Dragon Kick".

Yang: Thanks.

As Rachel regains herself, she sees the holograms in the club suddenly turn off and a spotlight shines on Junior as he brings out his Bazooka.

Junior: You're gonna pay for this.

He begins to attack by firing off a stream of rockets from his weapon's bazooka form, and Yang backflips and siderolls to dodge several. Upon righting herself, Yang then destroys several more incoming rockets with well-placed shots from Ember Celica. Junior fires his last barrage of rockets, and that's where Rachel rushes in, drawing both her spears, and begins to slash all of junior's last remaining barrage of rockets which Yang missed out.

Advancing, Junior changes his weapon to its bat form, strikes Rachel on her side, which launches her out of the way with a side swing of his weapon, and strikes at Yang multiple times, with the latter managing to defend and block all but one, causing her to recoil and stumble. This gives Junior an opening to hit her in the face, sending her flying backwards into a glass structure.

This gives Rachel the opportunity to strike back by transforming her two spears into one huge saber called, Dragon's Judgement and advances towards Junior and give him a flurry of dragon slashes from Dragon's Judgement. Yang pushes herself to her feet, her hair ablaze and shining gold. She then slams her fists together, creating a minor shockwave before dashing forward. Junior sees this, arms his rocket launcher and starts firing wildly, Rachel then withdraws and backflips as each shot misses her and Yang sidestepping and evades them. Yang quickly closes the gap between them, dodging a strike from Junior before laying into him, landing several punches at Junior and his weapon, each amplified by her weaponry. As she prepares for her final blow, her eyes turned red. The final punch sends Junior flying back, his weapon broken in two, one piece of it in one hand, a lock of Yang's hair in the other.

The sight error that Junior made enraged Yang, who promptly engulfs herself in a huge explosion of fire, which shatters the dance floor and catches Rachel behind her by surprise.

Claire: WHOA!!!

Rachel then thrust her saber down to the ground, forming a barrier to prevent the explosion from reaching her as Yang then charges Junior at an astonishing speed, landing one final blow square in the jaw, which sends him flying through a window into the street, completely incapacitated, effectively ending the fight. Yang and Rachel comes outside shortly after, with Rachel looking a bit in awe from Yang's result of fully using her semblance.

Rachel: Yang, cool!

Yang: .... yeah....

Ruby: Yang? Is that you?

Yang: Oh! Hey sis!

Ruby: What are you doing here?

Yang gives of a small sigh before replying.

Yang: It's a long story.

Yang then remembers Rachel behind, who she hadn't introduced to her sister yet.

Yang: Oh! By the way this is Rachel. Rachel, this is Ruby, my younger sister. Ruby, Rachel. Rachel, Ruby.

Ruby: Hi, Rach.

Rachel: Hi Ruby. Fancy seeing you here.

Ruby: Likewise with you and my elser sister.

The three then started to laugh a bit until something dawned into Yang's mind.

Yang: Oh, hey Rachel. I've been willing to ask you this. Why are you here, in Vale?

Rachel: Oh. Well, since it's a draw, I guess I can tell you. So, you see... I'm currently looking for someone and some friends of mine.

Yang: Oh?

Ruby: What are their names??

Rachel: Hmmmm... if I'm not mistaken, (places spears back behind her back after transforming her saber back into spears) their names are, Tenka, Mitchell and the last one was a... hang on.

Rachel pulls out her scroll to check her recent contacts.

Rachel: Doctor.... Hojou.... Hiiro.... Kiriya.... Taiga.... Nurse Asuna..... Oh! There we go. Doctor Shadow, that's his name. The three of my friends go way back.


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