Foreign Love

By Bookworm_Tina

103K 2.8K 501

Tiana takes a foreign exchange student programme to the USA. Her life turns upside down when she is to stay w... More

Farewell Party
Departure Marking the Beginning
Mixed Emotions
Vampire Out of Control
Giving into Temptation
Mindless Behaviour
Lads vs. Lassies
Our Indescribable Relationship
An Emotional Outbreak
A Sweet Nightmare
A Violent Dinner
Riccardo The Guardian
A Bitter-Sweet Evening
Growing Closer
Erasing the Vampire
Starting Anew
Who's Bipolar Now?
Riccardo: The Vampire Prince
Goodbye,But Forever?
Soulmate Stalker
Approving the Vampire
At The Lake Part One
At The Lake Part Two
Meeting the Parents
A Dramatic Turn Of Events
Shape Shifter
Nothing Ever Goes To Plan
Tiana: The Vampire
Friend Or Foe
The Royal Ball Gone Wrong
Family Matters Part One
Family Matters Part Two

Meeting the Andersons

3K 86 13
By Bookworm_Tina

This is more of a filler, I'm not too pleased with this chapter, but I had to introduce the Anderson's, the next chapter is going to be the real beginning, it introduces the most important character....

Please comment I need to know if you guys want me to continue or not.

Tina. Xx

Pic of Jason------------------------>>>>

Jai's POV

"Bye Jai" she said sweetly and turned to make her way to board the plane.

She turned back to look at me and I waved slowly at her, she waved back.

I couldn't believe that my Tiana would be away from me for one whole month; it will be the first time that I

wouldn't see her for more than one week, only I know how I was to manage.

As I watched her make her way, the further she went out of my sight, I don't know why I felt that my heartbeat got slower and slower; it was like the further she went the more life seemed to sink out of me.

I don't know what I would've done if I didn't get to see her off. I don't know what made me so sad knowing that she was not going to be here, but it was only for one month right, and this month would go by so fast, and

before I know it Tia would be back.

So then why when I said goodbye to her, it felt like I was saying bye to her forever? Why did I feel that I was about to lose Tia forever?

I don't know what's gotten into me, I must most probably still be drunk from last night or I have lost my mind. I'm thinking this over too much. Of course Tia was coming back, she said so herself.

Tiana's POV

"Passengers if you could please fasten your seatbelts as we are about to land in fifteen minutes." the flight attendants voice said.

I took in a deep breath and let out a huge sigh. I could really feel the butterflies now. Here I was almost in a new country; I was about to land in fifteen minutes. I quickly checked my appearance in my pocket mirror that I kept in my bag; my hair was a little messed up as I had slept half way through the flight. I tied it up into a loose pony tail and got ready to land.

After almost thirty minutes of going through customs I went to get my luggage. All I knew is that I was to be living with a Mr and Mrs Anderson, and their two children who attended the same school I was to attend for the next month. The hard part was exactly how I was going to find 'The Andersons'.

After wondering about around the airport for an hour, a sweet looking middle aged lady came up to me and

said, "Hello sweetie, if I'm not mistaken you must be Tiana Rana?"

"Uh...... yeah I am." I replied a little confused.

"Oh, thank goodness you're still here, I thought you would've run off and try to find your home. I'm so sorry I'm late I got the times mistaken." She said rather apologetic and grabbed me in an awkward hug.

"Um..... It's alright." I stated quite confused as I pulled away from the hug.

"Oh I'm sorry, but I'm Rose Anderson and you will be living with me and my family for the next month." She said

So this was Mrs Anderson, she really looked like someone I would get along with, she had red, straight shoulder length hair with green eyes, she was wearing track pants and a sweater. She really had the appearance of a busy mom.

"Oh Mrs Anderson, it's really nice to meet you." I said politely.

"If you don't mind may I ask how you recognised me?" I asked a little embarrassed.

"Your dad had your picture e-mailed to me; you really are prettier in person." She said with a chuckle.

I blushed pink, I wasn't that used to compliments.

We made our way to her car, and headed to her house, the place where I was to stay for the next month.

The ride was rather quiet except for a few questions Rose asked about me and my family in general. We reached after a forty five minute drive.

We reached her house, or shall I say her mansion, typical of my dad to make sure I live with a rich family. The house was beautiful, it was painted white and was two stories, it wasn't as spread out as mine, it had a long rounded driveway, and two huge wooden doors.

"Welcome home honey!" Rose said knocking me out of my thoughts.

As we enters the home, the entrance hall was beautiful with a huge rounded wooden with a large vase filled with fresh flowers. Rose gestured for me to follow her to the room I would be staying in; she took me up stairs and into my room.

The room was really very cosy; it had a queen sized bed in the middle with white satin beddings, a desk at the end of the room with a study lamp and at the side a small book shelf. And finally at the opposite corner was a door leading to a bathroom, which really pleased me, I wasn't too keen on sharing a bathroom.

"Now Tia, I want you to feel at home, and not like a guest, if you need anything then don't hesitate to ask. Now I'm going downstairs to whip us up some lunch, when you settled down please feel free to join us." Rose said sweetly.

I nodded and smiled.

I put some of my clothes in the wardrobe, I decided to fully unpack later in the week, I really was looking forward to that lunch, as I barely had lunch back home. I just remembered that I left home at noon, and arrived here at just a little after noon.

I headed downstairs to the dining room; surprisingly it wasn't as hard as it seemed to find my way around. I quickly found my way to the dining room, as I reached the dining room I noticed a pretty red headed girl sitting at the end of the table. She looked at me and smiled I smiled back. She then said "Hi I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jen. You must be the foreign exchange student whose going to live with us right?"

"Yeah, I'm Tiana, but you can call me Tia." I replied with a smile.

She nodded and smiled.

Just then Rose walked in and said, "Ah I see you met Jen, Jennifer's my daughter, she's fifteen and attends the same school you are to for the next month."

I smiled and sat down at the table ready to dig in. Rose had prepared lasagne, my favourite, I just loved anything Italian.

As we ate Jen asked, "So Tia, I take you going to be in the senior class?"

"Um... I would guess so yeah." I replied

"That sucks, that means I would hardly see you around, since I'm a sophomore, but don't worry I'm sure you'll

make tons of friends, and I'm almost one hundred per cent sure that a lot of guys are going to be drooling over you." She said with a smug grin.

I chocked on the juice I was drinking, and blushed a bright red at what Jen just said.

"Uh..... I don't get what you mean." I said a little embarrassed.

"Yeah sure you don't, I mean you're really beautiful, and with that Australian accent it's only going to make it more appealing to the guys. Trust me I know the guys at my school, I can almost imagine their hungry expressions as soon as you step into those school gates." Jen said casually.

If I was blushing earlier on, it was nothing compared to now. I really wasn't used to getting compliments at all.

"Uh... thank you for the compliments." Was all I could manage to say.

I now really wasn't looking forward to school tomorrow, especially after what Jen had said. I didn't like attention; it always made me extra self-conscience.

After that rather awkward and embarrassing lunch Jen decided to show me around the house. The house truly was exquisite, but at the same time really homely. I guess I could get used to being around, I could feel myself slowing warming up to the place already.

Jen was a sweet girl, she reminded me a little of my sister, so I easily warmed up to her.

After touring around and watching some 'American TV" as Jen put it. It was already four-thirty. While sitting in the lounge with Jen, I heard a car pull up outside. Jen got really excited and screamed "Mom, Jason's home!"

Jen ran excitedly to the front door, and I saw her expression drop after the door opened, she asked, "Dad, where's Jason?"

"I'm sorry sweet heart, but you know your brother, he told me drop him off at Drew's place, he said Drew would drop him off later as they had some homework to finish." Said a deep voice which I guessed was Mr Anderson.

"Ok" Jen mumbled sadly.

Mr Anderson made his way with Jen to the lounge, Jen then introduced me, "Dad this is Tia, the exchange student who's to stay with us for the next month,"

"Ah yes, it's nice to meet you Tia, I hope you have a pleasant stay, and please don't hesitate to ask for

anything. Please do feel at home, honey." Mr Anderson said sweetly as he took my hand to shake it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." I replied with a smile as I shook his hand.

"Please call me Rob." Mr Anderson said.

"So I see you pretty close to your brother?" I asked Jen as Rob made his way to the kitchen to greet Rose.

"Yeah, I really look up to him, he takes care of me, especially at school when the other kids bully me, you see he's pretty popular and I'm much of a loner." She replied.

"He went on a field trip to Arizona for two weeks, so I really missed him." She added.

"Awe, I'm sure he'll be back before dinner, so don't worry about it, and if he's not back then punish him by giving him the silent treatment." I said with a grin.

By eight pm I really was tired, I was up for a lot longer than I would normally be, because of the jetlag, so after dinner I decided to head straight for bed. Jen was pretty upset since Jason hadn't come home for dinner so she also decided to call it a night.

Jason's POV

"I really am sorry Jen." I said apologetically to my sister.

She was mad at me for not coming home yesterday straight after dad picked me up from the airport. What made her even more mad was that I didn't turn up for dinner either, but what could I do, Drew dragged me along to Masons party, after all there were really hot chicks there, so I couldn't refuse him. And now Jen was giving me the silent treatment.

"Oh come on, Jen what do I have to do to make it up?"

"I tell you what, today after school how about I take you to McDonald's?" I asked hopefully.

"Do I get a big mac meal and a Mc flurry, and you paying?" she asked.

"Anything you want." I stated with a huge grin.

"Ok deal, I missed you Jason." She said and hugged me tightly.

I smiled to myself, finally she was speaking to me again, I really couldn't stand my little sister being mad at me.

We sat quietly at the breakfast table; mom had left for the hospital and dad left for work early today, so it was just the two of us.

"You know you would've loved it if you came home early yesterday." Jen said with a grin.

"Why, what happened?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"The foreign exchange student arrived, that's what happened." She said

"Oh wow, I missed out on so much!" I said sarcastically.

"You'll see what I mean, when you see who the foreigner is." She stated with a grin.

"Oh and if I'm right about you wanting to come home early yesterday, you owe me fifty bucks." She added smugly.

I rolled my eyes at her and said, "Deal!"

There's no way that this foreign exchange student was going to let me regret getting lucky last night, if you know what I mean.

"Hey Tia, sleep well last night?" Jen asked to someone behind me.

I turned around to see this foreign exchange student, I was left awe struck, she was beautiful, she had long black-brown wavy hair, deep chocolate brown eyes, she had the most beautiful tan, and was a small petite thing.

"Yeah, I did thank you." She replied shyly.

That did it; her accent added the cherry on top. She looked at me weirdly as if I was a mental patient, I then

realised that I was staring at her wide eyed with my mouth opened. I quickly put on my smug grin,

"Number one, Tia." Jen told her with a wink.

She looked away and I could see her blush slightly.

Yep, looked like I was to treat my little sister to McDonalds and fifty bucks, I'd really have loved to come home to this hottie yesterday, but hey I got all month.

Back to Tia's POV

I opened my eyes and studied my surroundings; i was in my room at the Andersons. I realised that I had to get ready for school so I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom

After my quick shower, I dressed in a pair of black skinnies, an Ed Hardy sweater and I put on my suede boots, I combed out my hair and let it loose knowing it would dry into natural waves. I then swung my jacket over my shoulder and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey Tia, sleep well last night?" Jen asked as I entered the dining room.

As I was about to reply I saw a guy turn around and look at me, he was really very good looking, his brown hair was messy, but in a sexy way, he had blue-grey eyes and pale skin. I had to admit he really was hot.

He looked at me as if I was not human or something, that made me feel a little out of place. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was slightly open.

"Yeah, I did thank you." I replied shyly looking away from what I assumed to be Jason.

As I sat down and put some serial in a bowel Jen said with a wink, "Number one, Tia."

I looked down and blushed brightly remembering what Jen had said to me yesterday.

"Hi I'm Jason, Jens older and super-hot brother." Jason said with a smug grin.

I rolled my eyes at him thinking, why all the hot guys had to wear that annoying grin, remembering Jai's grin. I

smiled and replied, "Hi, I'm Tiana,"

"Well Tia, I may call you Tia? He asked

I nodded.

"Well Tia, welcome." He continued with that grin still planted on his face.

Breakfast went pretty fast, and it was time to leave for school, Jason was to drive us, Jen told me as I put my jacket on and grabbed my bag.

Jason opened the car door for me gesturing me to sit and then went to the driver's seat. I had to admit that was very gentleman like, since Jason had jerk written all over his face this morning.

"So you ready for your first day at school, Miss Australia?" Jason asked.

I raised an eyebrow and asked annoyed, "Miss Australia? Seriously?"

I hated nick names; I already had enough from Jai.

Jason chuckled, "I think Miss Australia suits you better, so get used to it." He said with a wink.

I just rolled my eyes at him.

Jason was right this was like my first day of school; it was like I was the new girl. Thinking about that made me really nervous. I wondered about how my first day would turn out to be.

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