
By SodaMahone

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There was something exceptionally different about the feeling that rushed through her body just by the mentio... More



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By SodaMahone

(Anna's Pov)

The cold air brushed right past me, making me close my eyes and relish it. I had just left Mrs Ricci's bakery, two fresh loafs of bread wrapped and sitting in my bike's basket. The scent of the loafs was refreshing and made my stomach rumble in hunger. But it didn't put my mind at ease.

Normally, riding my bicycle helped cheer me up or relax me if I was irritated. However, today it didn't work in the slightest. There were two parts of me. One that was fuming with anger, shock and betrayal. And the other which was overtaken by nerves, need and anxiousness.

Reason why betrayal was souring inside of me, and didn't disappear as easily as I wished it would, was because of the the sight I had saw last night.

I couldn't believe Amy. I couldn't believe that she was hiding something so huge from me, and for how long, I had no clue. She was sneaking around with someone, that I could easily tell. That someone gave her love-bites across her neck, possibly the phone she secretly had and most likely skipped Bible study to see.

She had a boyfriend.

It all made sense now. The way she would smile so brightly when she saw her phone's screen, the way she'd let small giggles slip from her lips and the way she would overly dress up, stealing my mother's make up to gussy up on days she'd go to hang out with her 'friends'. It was as if an imaginary puzzle was solved in my mind, realizing my sister wasn't exactly who I thought she was.

I wanted to confront Amy. Last night I had gotten so close to doing so, but decided not to when I realized I wasn't one to exactly talk. Because if I did end up confronting Amy for sneaking around with a male before marriage, I instantly thought of Justin and I.

Although it had only been barely over twelve hours since I had last saw him, my mind continued to rewind what went down in stables and what happened between us. We started something new that moment, something I believe was inevitable and wouldn't end as easily as it started.

I was nervous about it all, truthfully. I still secretly feared someone would eventually find out about Roman and I, and what would follow after that - God, I didn't want even think about it. But still, the fear didn't chase away the anxiousness, the need I was facing to see Roman again. And lucky for me, I would be going to the stables later on. 

My feet began peddling slower as I rode into the driveway of my home. I sighed softly, parking my bike against its stand and chained it to it. Hopping off from the bicycle seat, I picked up the bread loafs from the basket and my feet carried me over the closed front-door. I gently knocked on the door, waiting for a few seconds before my mother's face came into view.

She stepped back, letting me in and took the breads from my extended hand.

"Where's the change?" She questioned, shifting the loafs of bread in her hands.

"Oh," I muttered, pulling the few spare dollars that weren't used. "I nearly forgot... It's five dollars or so."

"Grazie," She muttered and turned on her heels, leading herself into the kitchen. My stomach decided to rumble again in hunger and I didn't hesitate to follow behind my mother.

"Mama, I'm hungry." I told her when we entered the kitchen. She had instantly began cutting one of the loafs into slices, placing the other on the side.

"Then make yourself something," She flatly told me. I frowned, leaning forward on the counter, standing right across from her.

She glanced up at me, sighing. "There's left overs from last night's dinner."

I perked up at the thought of last night's meal, which was golden, vegetable rice. I sure wouldn't mind eating that again. 

"Yes please." I perked up. My mother smiled, rolling her eyes as she gestured over to the fridge.

"It's inside the red lid container."

I made my way over the fridge, pulling out microwavable container and sticking it inside to heat up for a few minutes. My mother had finished slicing up one of the loafs of bread, deciding to leave the other for later. It was when I pulled out a seat on the container and smelt the fresh bread, I decided I didn't want the rice anymore and would rather have a sandwich. 

A sigh left me when I realized I couldn't just let this rice go to waste, just because I suddenly didn't want it anymore. But then that's when a brilliant idea passed my mind and I hurriedly hopped up from my seat, wondering over to where the plastic bags were kept. I grabbed a plastic fork and placed it along with the rice full of container inside the bag.

I'd give to Roman .

With a satisfied smile playing on my lips, I didn't hesitate to start on the sandwich I was craving and that happily, knowing no food would go to waste and Roman would have something to eat.

It was a win, win situation.


Grabbing a hold of the plastic bag, the nerves instantly rose up inside of me. My feet led me over the back of the stables, not spotting Roman at the front anywhere. My free hand reached out, pushing the door open and revealing the dark lit room, only spotting Bell, who looked a little lonely.

I frowned, slowly stepping back and facing the front, realizing that Michael from the usual six line of horses, was missing. 

As if he sensed my thoughts, the front door to the stables burst open and in came Roman, Michael closely trailing behind him. My heart drummed fast as I watched him lead Michael in, who began neighing the very second his eyes landed on Jane.

Someone was excited to see their pregnant partner.

Amused by my mental comment, I stifled a giggle and smiled to myself. Roman still hadn't noticed me, busy guiding Michael over to his space. I watched silently, biting down on my bottom lip as I appreciated the way the dark grey sweater hugged Roman's muscular body, showing just how toned and muscular his arms and chest were. A shiver went down me when I remembered how they felt beneath my fingertips.

I shook off my thoughts that had become tainted in just seconds and focused them back on Roman . He was petting Michael, laughing at how he was still neighing after Jane.

"Here, boy." He pulled out a carrot from the bucket near him and placed it to Michael's eager mouth. I couldn't help but smile, hearing the raspy chuckle which fell from his lips, warming my heart.

As if he noticed my gaze, which was strongly set on him, he slowly glanced over in my direction, eyes landing on me and pausing. Naturally, my heart jumped and I felt that same wave of heat attack my cheeks.

"Quanto tempo sei qui?" He finally asked, his tone soft and low.

How long have you been here?

I shrugged, smiling lightly at him. "A minute or so... Not long."

Licking his lips, he motioned me to come over to where he was standing. My legs were trembling with nerves and excitement as I slowly led myself over to him. Although his eyes were stuck firmly on Michael, whom he fed, I could see him glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. 

"There, boy." He grinned, moving his hand away so Michael could get the last of the carrot himself. I watched as Michael eagerly bit into the last of the carrot, enjoyment clear to see from the way he chomped down on it.

"Where did you take him?" I questioned, dragging my gaze away from the all-black horse and back onto Roman. I was surprised to see his eyes already on me, watchful, strong and as always, gleaming brightly. It was hard not to blush. 

"Tourist," He shared, intently watching me. 

My brows furrowed. "In this weather?"

"Si," He nodded, turning on his heels to head to the wall tap. "I wasn't expecting the couple either, and I thought myself that the horse-riding only went on in the summer... But your father called earlier on today and said a couple booked a two hour session... They just left a little while ago." 

I pursed my lips, glancing at Michael for a second. "And they used only one horse?"

A chuckle left his lips. "The guy, Chris, chickened out, and only his fiancée, Susan, rode it."

I smiled, amused at the image of a grown man stepping back and letting his fiancée take control. If he was a member of this town, he would have been shamed and made fun of. Even if Roman wasn't someone new to this town and thought like the other town members thought, he too would have probably laughed in the man's face and called him weak, or be little him. At least mentally.

But he wasn't from here and he didn't believe in the town's rules. He was different, refreshing, and extremely dangerous. However, the danger of being with him, sneaking around with him, doing whatever we were - it didn't wash away the need of wanting to be with him.

I hadn't realized, but an absent smile had crawled onto my lips. Roman's footsteps approaching me snapped me out my little daze, and I glanced up at his handsome face. A soft smile played on his lips, but the gleam in his eyes were so similar to yesterdays. My heart jumped, anxious. For a long second, we just stood in silence and stared at one another.

"I-I brought you some food." I managed to get out, extending the hand which held the plastic bag, inside the container, towards him. "It's vegetable rice."

As always, his eyes lingered on me, a flash of emotion crossing his eyes, too fast before I could catch and read it. A grin curled onto his pink lips and without a warning, his hand reached out a cupped my cheek. My eyes closed for a small second, savouring the warmth of his hand. When I opened them, I was taken aback by the closeness, and how his mouth was just inches away from mine.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something but thought better of it. I furrowed my brows, ready to ask him what was bothering him, but I had no chance because his lips were soon covering mine. My eyes instantly fluttered closed and I focused on the soft lips which were pressed against mine.

My free hand escaped my side and reached forward, placing itself against his toned chest, feeling his muscles beneath. A flutter went off in my heart when his own hand came out to grasp my waist, tugging me closer to him by a few inches. I felt myself blush when he lowly groaned, tongue swiping out, running over my bottom lip.

I tried my very best to mimic his tongues movement, letting it softly trace his own, but stopped when I thought I was making a fool of myself. He instantly squeezed my hip, making me gasp and my mouth to open. He didn't hesitate to slide his tongue inside, letting it entwine with mine.

A moan absently left me as he pulled me in closer, pressing out chest together. I grabbed onto his sweater, feeling myself grow breathless from the tight lip lock he had me under. His hand snaked down and grasped my behind, before he pulled back, chastely pecking my lips as he done so.

Breathless, I stared up at him, trying to get a control of my breathing. He grinned at me softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart pounded behind my chest.

"I'm starving," He uttered with a grin, stepping back and letting his hands drop from my behind. 

"It's a good thing I brought you this then." I weakly whispered, blushing as I handed him the plastic bag. 

"It is," He chuckled, smirking at me. "Grazie, sweetheart."

Blushing, our fingers brushed when he took the container and winked when he saw my expression. Wordlessly, I watched as he a took a seat on the hay, leaning against barrel and got comfortable. I bit my bottom lip, slowly leading myself over to take a seat beside him when patted the empty spot.

"Did you make this?" He questioned, taking in the scent.

I shook my head, playing with the skirt of my dress. "My mama did. It's what we had for dinner last night and there was leftover."

"It's smells nice," He smiled, before he welcomed a forkful up to his mouth. I leaned back hesitantly, letting my back meet with the barrel of hay.

"Did you go anywhere today?" He asked, briefly glancing at me. 

I nodded, eyes trained on his jaw which clenched when he chewed. "Mrs Ricci's bakery store... It's not far from home."

He nodded, swallowing the forkful in his mouth.

"You have Bible study tomorrow, no?" He continued.

I nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. It would be much easier if I just tied it all up.

"That's too bad. I have no work tomorrow." Roman muttered.

I frowned lightly. "Why? What did you plan on doing?"

"Well, I was going to ask you if you'd come grocery shopping with me." His raspy voice shared. "But I guess that would be hard for you anyways, since you'd have to make an excuse to sneak out or something... Am I right?"

I slowly nodded, clearing my throat when I realized I was staring at him for a second too long. I was just glad he wasn't watching me. That would be embarrassing on a complete other level.

"I-I could always skip Bible study," I blurted, the thought crossing my mind and leaving my mouth in seconds. He paused, eyes narrowing when he registered my suggestion.

"I mean, it's not like I enjoy it or anything..." I nervously trailed off, thinking I had come off desperate. "It's just... Never mind."

His dark brows furrowed and he slowly put down the plastic fork into the now empty container. "Are you sure you wouldn't get into trouble if you done that?"

I hesitated before nodding my head. "They don't do a register or anything like in school... Besides, my sister always does it."

"The blonde one?" He queried. 

"Yeah," I uttered, a frown pulling onto my lips the second I thought of Amy, inevitably thinking about her love-bite. 

"What's wrong?"

"What?" I blushed.

"You're face," He arched a brow, placing the container to aside and leaning further back against the hay, almost as if he was completely laying down. "You frowned when I brought her up."

Sighing, I toyed with my dress' skirt, wanting to share what I had found out about Amy to him, but at the same moment not wanting to expose her secret.

"You can tell me, baby." He softly said, as if he read my mind, reaching out to bring me into his side. I glanced at him, seeing the sincerity shining in his eyes. I could tell Roman. It wasn't like he'd go sharing it around.

"I saw a love-bite on Amy's neck yesterday," I whispered. "I think she's sneaking around with someone... And she hasn't told me yet."

He was quiet for a second. "Are you sure it was a love-bite?"

I nodded. "A hundred percent."

He licked his lips, sighing as he shrugged at me. "Well, if she is sneaking around with someone and hasn't told you or anyone, maybe she's scared to. Last time I checked, this town isn't exactly filled with non-judgemental people, sweetheart."

I bit my lip, taking in his words. "You're right, but it's just so unlike her... We tell each other everything and..."

"Ssh, baby." His finger placed itself over my lips. "You're over-thinking this too much. Though I don't know your sister, I'm sure she's just scared to tell you and eventually she will if you're close. Besides, I'm sure you haven't even thought about telling her about us."

I flushed, slowly nodding my head.

He smiled at me softly. "Then don't worry. I'm sure she'll tell you sooner or later... Or if you can't take it, just confront her and ask her about it."

"You're right," I whispered, frowning lightly. His thumb brushed itself against my bottom lip and I glanced up at him, seeing his brows furrowed as he intently watched my lips.

"Let's wipe that frown away," He murmured before he tugged my chin down and sealed our lips together. I gasped in surprise, feeling him smile against my lips. He gently tugged me down, my hands reaching out to grasp onto his chest.

"You're lips are like sugar, baby," He breathed, pulling back for a second. "I can't get enough."

I pushed my thoughts about my sister and lost myself into the moment of kissing Roman .

My lips weren't the only ones which tasted like sugar.


(AN) Hey guys! So, I really hope you all enjoyed the chapter! What do you think about Roman and Anna? What do you think about Amy and who she's sneaking around with? I was originally going to add something else in, but thought better of it. And for those eager readers, smut is to come soon! 

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