Death's Daughter (Black Butle...

By iamcalifornia

305K 11.2K 4.6K

After witnessing the death of her father, Brielle is orphaned. That is, until she meets two peculiar men who... More

Chapter One: Cinematic Records
Chapter Two: Reaper Realm
Chapter Three: Welcome Home
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes
Chapter Six: Capture
Chapter Seven: Mister Spears
Chapter Eight: Thorns of Death
Chapter Nine: New Recruits
Chapter Ten: A Deadly Deal
Chapter Eleven: Confrontation
Chapter Twelve: Life Isn't Fair
Chapter Thirteen: Interference
Author's Note: Important!
Chapter Fourteen: Head Over Heels
Chapter Fifteen: Little White Lies
Chapter Sixteen: Reunion
Chapter Seventeen: Funtom Toys
Chapter Eighteen: Party Boys
Chapter Nineteen: Reaping
Chapter Twenty: Aftermath
Chapter Twenty One: Something's Happened
Chapter Twenty Two: Eric and Alan (TRIGGER)
Epilogue: Rebirth
Author's Note
New Material

Chapter Four: Pancake Panic

19.2K 660 546
By iamcalifornia

The sky was clouded over with grey, making it a perfect setting for a funeral. I was surrounded by people I had never met before. A man to my right stood tall, behind his glasses I could tell that he was trying to stay emotionless. Clinging to his arm on his other side was a weeping redhead, who stood out amongst all of the dark colors. On my left, there was a male, who i suspected to be around my age. His long blonde bangs fell in his face, covering the fact that he was crying. He rubbed his hands up and down my back, trying to comfort me. "It's gonna be okay," he repeated over and over, his voice cracking. I wasn't sure if he even believed the words he spoke.

I brought away from the nameless blonde's embrace and knelt down in front of the graves below me. I sighed and fiddled with the flowers in my hands. Erica flowers, Alan had taught me. They were tied into two bunches with blue ribbon, one set of flowers for each grave. I looked up to read the headstones. Although blurred due to my tears, I could still read the names on the two stones: Eric Slingby and Alan Humphries. 

Sighing, I sat one bundle of flowers by Eric's grave and Alan's grave. I sniffed as I stood back up, retreating into the nameless blonde's arms. He stroked my hair and whispered consoling words to me. Tears flowed out of my eyes and onto the blonde's blazer. While I stood there and cried into the male, I felt something hit my shoulder. I peeked over, noticing that a small patch of my own blazer was wet. I felt more and more droplets falling on me, on my arms, hair, back, everywhere, until it was a downpour of rain. I tilted my head up, staring at the ominous thundering clouds. The rain stung as it fell into my eyes, but I didn't care. The thunder grew louder and there was a flash of lighting.

Then, just like that, it was all over.

My eyes shot up and I gasped. My breath was short and uneven, and I found myself in a pool of my own sweat. "Thank god, i-it was just a nightmare," I sighed. Slowly, I eased myself upward, sitting up straight. I looked around and examined the room. Strangely, I was surprised that I was in the same room I had fallen asleep in. I ran a hand through my hair and shook me head, letting out another sigh. "One freaky realistic dream, for sure."

I tossed the blanket from last night off of my lap and stood up, stretching my arms high above my head. I yawned, shifting my balance from one leg to the other. I looked down at the uniform I had slept in last night, still slightly irritated that Alan had forgotten to bring me some pajamas. Since I was lacking a spare pair of clothing at the time, I dealt with smoothing out the skirt and top. I had taken of the vest and tie off the previous nihgt for obvious reasons, and I decided to put them back on.

After adding the tie and vest back on, I walked over to the window. I opened it up as I had the night before and peeked my head out. I crossed my arms and sat them on the windowsill, looking down at the land below me. On the side walks bordering the flower garden, people who I suspected quickly walked along, most likely on their way to work. I smiled as I closed my eyes and relaxed, basking in the sunlight.

I heard a chuckle from behind me. "Alright, Bri, it's either you've taken a liking to that window or to the sights below it," I didn't even need to turn around to figure out who had spoken - I knew that it was Alan.

I opened my eyes again and nodded, watching the flower below me swayed subtlety in the breeze. "The sights. That flower garden is just absolutely stunning."

Alan laughed again and walked up behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder and puling me close to him. "Well, maybe we'll have to take a visit down there later this afternoon. What do you think about that?"

"I think that sounds nice," I nodded.

"What sounds nice?" a slurry voice said from behind us, a voice that could be none other than Eric's. We turned around to face the blonde, standing behind us in his pajamas. He ran a hand through the blonde portion oh his hair, blinking his eyes slowly and emitting a long yawn.

"We're going down to the flower gardens this afternoon," Alan explained. He let go of me and walked into the kitchen, opening cabinets and grabbing various ingredients out of them. "Do pancakes sound good for breakfast?"

"Pancakes sound wonderful. You're the best, Alan," Eric sighed as he flopped down on the couch. Not knowing what else to do, I sat down next to Eric. He put an arm around my shoulder, just like Alan had. He rubbed his hand up and down on my arm, smiling at me. "How did little Bri Marie sleep last night?" he asked, chuckling at the little pet nickname he had chosen for me, "Sorry you had to take the couch, I know those aren't the best to sleep on."

"It's alright," I nodded and smiled as I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, "I slept pretty well actually, but I had a really strange dream." I shuddered, just thinking of the dream where Eric and Alan had died sent chills up my spine. 'That can't happen,' I told myself, 'it won't happen.'

"Oh? Strange how?" Eric asked, cocking his head to the side slightly.

"Well, in the dream, actually, it was more of a nightmare-"

"Wait," Alan called from the kitchen, interrupting my retelling of the dream. I said a silent prayer, I wasn't sure how I was going to tell Eric that I envisioned his funeral. "Bri Marie? Why the heck are you calling her that? Her name's Brielle."

Eric shrugged and shifted in his seat on the couch. "I dunno," he started, "I thought it fit better than Brielle. I mean, Bri Marie. It's adorable," he paused and winked at me, earning a smile in return from me, "just like her."

Alan sighed and shook his head, returning to his pancake making. "Whatever, as long as she's alright with it."

"I'm alright with it," I answered with a nod, saving Eric from needing to ask the question.

"Good, because it suits you," Eric said as he stood up from the couch, stretching. Slowly and lazily, he dragged his feet over to the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. At that moment, I noticed a landline phone plugged into the wall and resting on the counter. Eric picked up the phone and pressed several buttons, causing the phone to beep. He kept mumbling something about 'Remi' and 'voicemail' as he did. He held the phone up to his ear, and I watched his face as he listened. 

It was record fast how quickly Eric's expression changed. In no time flat, his face changed from pleasure to utter mortification. He pressed the end button, slamming the phone back down on it's dock, the loud noise causing Alan to jump and drop his mixing spoon. Sighing, Alan picked up the spoon and walked over to the sink, washing the silverware off under the running water. "What is it, Eric?" he asked, concerned.

"Alan!" Eric shrieked, running into the kitchen with his arms flailing above his head. He gripped his hands on Alan's shoulders and forcefully whipped the brunette, forcing him to face him. I could see the fear rising in Eric's face and the nervous sweat pooling on his forehead. "I-It's Remi! S-She's coming over!"

"She is?" Alan asked, confused, "Isn't that a good thing?"

"Not when Bri Marie's around!" His arms thrashed about in my direction, drastically gesturing to me. Alan looked at me and his eyes went wide, realizing that whoever this 'Remi' was, they couldn't find out about me. "Quick, what time is it?!"

"Um, it's ten 'till nine," Alan answered, glancing up at the time displayed on the microwave. 

"Oh my god!" Eric's hands flew to his head, clawing at his hair. He ran into the living room and picked me up from underneath my arms, carrying me from one couch to the other in one swift move. Sloppily, he started to fold up the blankets I had used to cover myself up with when I slept. "Alan, you stop the pancakes right now and help me clean this up, we can't have any trace that Bri was ever here! She can't know that we have a human child here!"

"Alright, I'm on it!" Alan responded, bounding in the living room and leaving the bowl of pancake batter on the kitchen counter. Somehow, in what seemed like no time flat, Eric and Alan had folded up all of the blankets and sheets and had the couch looking as if it had never been slept on. In one hand, Alan held all the folded up covers and the pillows I had slept on. In the other, he dragged be by the hand into his room. Desperately looking around for a place to place the blankets and pillows, Alan finally gave up and sat them down on the foot of his bed. He took me by the shoulders and sat me down on the edge of his bed, staring deep into my eyes. "You need to stay in here until Miss Remi leaves, okay? Not a peep, not a sound. We don't need her knowing that we have you staying here."

"Okay," I answered with an obedient nod, "can do."

"That's my girl," Alan grinned and patted my shoulder, exiting the room and closing the door behind him. Shortly after, there was a knock at the main door, before Alan shouted, "I've got it!" The door clicked and opened up, and a third voice entered the scene.

"Hi, Alan," a young woman's voice sang. I couldn't help but admire in awe how beautiful and graceful her voice was. I could only suspect that with a voice so pretty that she herself had to be equally beautifully. It must have been the Remi that Alan and Eric were talking about.

"Hello, Miss Remi," Alan greeted in a professional tone, "oh, where have my manners gone? Please, come inside, have a seat. We were just finishing up breakfast."

"We?" Remi asked, curious, "That means that Eric's home, correct?"

"Well, where else do I have to be at nine in the morning on a Saturday?" Eric greeted. He must have entered from another room. "It's lovely to see you again, Remi."

"Nce to see you too, Eric," Remi replied, "how are you and Alan doing?"

"We're doing well. Hey, breakfast is just about finished. Would you like to stay and eat with us?"

"That'd be great, thank you," Remi sighed, "I did skip out on breakfast this morning," she sighed again, "Spears wanted me to do a little extra work this morning. It was tragic, really. A premature born infant, he died in his mother's arms. His older sister was by their side the entire time. Reminded me of what is was like when my little brother was born, except he got the chance to live and I died."

"I'm sorry you had to witness that," Eric consoled, "that must have been hard, reliving your human life like that."

"It's alright, it wasn't your fault. It's just another part of life. Death, I mean. Isn't it?"

"It is. And those who it concerns and affects have to move on with their own lives."

"Okay, guys," Alan interjected. Although I couldn't see what was happening beyond the door, I knew Alan was stressed. I could feel his tension. He knew that I was still very much human and that I'd have to endure death, and he didn't want me to have to listen to a conversation like the one Eric and Remi were sharing. I found myself smiling at how he protected me. "I hate to interrupt your conversation, but breakfast is served," he paused, "Bri, you want to come and get some?"

The entire apartment fell silent. So quiet that a dropped pin could be heard.

"Alan!" Eric lashed out. I could imagine him towering above Alan, preparing to scold him. "Do you have any idea what you just did?!"

"I'm not an idiot, Eric!" Alan shouted back, "I know exactly what I did and I hate myself for doing it! You don't think I feel guilty enough already?! I'm regretting it even more and more by the very second!" Although he was yelling rather loud and trying to stand up for himself, I could hear his voice cracking. When I heard his muffled sobs, I knew he had broken down.

"Alan," Eric soothed, his voice quieter and serene, "I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. It was a mistake that either one of us could have made. I didn't mean to lash out, it was instinct. I'm sorry."

"Um, Eric?" Remi asked, "I'm sorry if I'm getting into the middle of something I shouldn't be, but would you two mind explaining to me what the heck is going on? Who's this Bri?"

Alan sighed and sniffled, "Brielle," he said my name, his voice commanding, "come on out."


A/N: Eep! Almost forgot to post! I was so caught up in stuff today *cough cough* cosplay stuff *cough* and yeah. But here it is! Some of you may recognize Miss Remi from SHHS, and she might be new to some of you. But I decided to throw her into the mix and make everything fun! What kind of situations do you think she'll bring, hm? Until next week, keep reading! Love you guys so much!


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