His Prized Possession

By ShootingStars26

52.7K 1.8K 268

Bethanie Rue's fate was sealed at a young age. She's a charismatic innocent girl, wanting to live her life, g... More

His Prized Possession
Chapter 2: The Beginnig
Chapter 3: Feelings
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: Speacial treat
Chapter 7: Clear enough
Chapter 8: Missing the brute

Chapter 4: Hurt

6.1K 238 20
By ShootingStars26

"Yes Kyle I will be attending your ball... I don't know if I'll be taking her" Kade said talking on the phone with his best friend since childhood. Those two use be inseparable, no one was able to keep them apart for long.

After a brief moment chatting with Kyle, Kade bid his farewell and was once again burying himself in his work. He was trying to concentrate, but couldn't. One special person kept invading his mind, his sweet Bethanie. Even though he couldn't admit it her let alone to himself he knew Bethanie was starting to become the center of his universe.

All week he's been avoiding her, he didn't allow himself to be alone with her, he only spoke to her when it was necessary. Until this morning he couldn't stop himself from holding, touching and kissing her. He had a strong urge to kiss her and have her in his arms. And he did, he put aside any rational thought he had as soon as he saw her in the kitchen.

They ate together, nothing fancy just breakfast, but he was content with the mere image of them enjoying a meal together. She fed him like a baby, and boy did he like the way she fed him. He would never have allowed someone to do such thing even if he was on his death bed, but when she did it, it didn't make him feel useless as if he couldn't do it himself. It was the opposite for once he liked someone else caring for him. Of course he just sat there with his beauty in his lap and did nothing.

"Mr. Maximus." Karen, his assistant said when she barged into his office. Kade glared at the women for entering that way. "Sorry sir but Thomas left a message. I didn't want to interrupt your phone call, but kept insisting to deliver the message. He said its urgent-"

"Karen!" Kade said cutting off her rambling. "What's so urgent it can't wait."

"Thomas said they had to get Miss Bethanie to the hospital-"

Kade was distracted by the piles of papers laying on his desk, but as soon as she said her name she had his full attention.

"What!" Kade yelled when everything she said clicked in his mind. "What happened to her!"

"Well sir he d-didn't really explain. Just that she had fallen on broken glass which cut her bad-ly."

His Bethanie is hurt. He left Thomas for a reason to watch over her, but he couldn't even do that. Now she's in the hospital.

He didn't wait for the stuttering women to finish. He shot out of his desk abruptly causing his chair to fly back.

"Cancel anything I have plan for today!" He yelled at her as he slammed his office door shut, rushing to his car in the parking lot.

He drove like a madman to the hospital. He was lucky he didn't get hurt or anyone else. Within ten minutes he arrived. He parked his car in a rush taking two parking spaces.

He asked the lady in the front desk what room Bethanie was being attended in. He stepped into the elevator and pressing the second button. He exits and heads down the hall to room 335.

He saw Thomas outside the room speaking to the Doctor.

"Oh here's Mr. Kade, Doctor." Thomas said as Kade reached him and the doctor who attended Bethanie.

"What happened to her." Kade said, his voice full of worry. He glared at Thomas, he's angry because Bethanie got hurt and he wasn't there to prevent it. Thomas stood there not exactly sure how to answer Kade. As if sensing he wasn't going to get an answer he turned to face the doctor. "Is she okay?"

"Yes, she's fine. After we had the piece of glass removed from the right side of her stomach we had to stitch it up since it was somewhat deep, but not enough to cause major damage....She does have few other scratches on her hand and arm, but besides that she's fine." The doctor said looking at his clipboard.

"Can I go in and see her." Kade asked relieved knowing she's not in any danger. The doctor nodded his head. "When will I be able to take her home?"

"Today Mr. Maximus." He said with a smile walking off leaving Thomas and Kade alone.

"We will talk later Thomas." Kade said sternly as he pushed open the door to Bethanie's room.


Bethanie's back was flat on top of the hospital's bed. Surely by now Kade knows that she broke his priceless vase. Tears began to well up in the back of her eyes. He will be furious with her for being so stupid and useless. She can't even clean something without breaking it. He's going to kick her out, toss her out like yesterday's trash.

The idea of Kade kicking her out of his home made her want to cry more. She doesn't want to leave him, she still wants to see him at least for a few seconds. She's grown use to the idea of seeing him everyday, hearing his voice even if he just utters one word. And where will she go, her own parents couldn't care less about her. She has no one.


That was the only good thing about this incident. She got to see him again, of all places he was working here now. She had completely forgotten his dad is a doctor and he wants to follow his father's footsteps.

As soon as the doctor had walked in she recognized him, he's the exact replica of Cole just older. Cole was with his father assisting him, getting to know the ropes of his future career. Right when Cole saw Bethanie he yelled at her for disappearing out of the blue.

When she didn't show up for work for two days he went to her house along with Tilly to check on her only to find out she no longer lived there. Her parents as usual were high on who knows what and drunk. They were no help in finding Bethanie's whereabouts.

Bethanie had completely forgotten about giving her friends a call. She was just so busy working trying to pay the debt off. Now she had to try to explain to Tilly why she disappered, without getting murdered by her friend first.

Now she remembers Cole offered to help if she ever needs to runaway or for anything, he and Tilly would love to have her living with them.

Just as Behtanie began to dry off her tears, feeling better with the idea she isn't completely alone the door was ripped open.

As soon as she laid her eyes in him tears started rolling down her cheeks. He walked straight towards with an angry expression. Now all she had to do was face his wrath. He stopped right next to her bed staring at her.

"Kade-" she said as he leaned down, putting his hands on each side of her head, trapping her.

In one swift move he captured her soft pale lips, his mouth was ravishing hers roughly. As if he's angry and that's the only way to take his anger out. She laid there shocked until she slowly started to move her lips against his. She felt the bed dip, when she saw him sitting next to her on her bed.

Kade was growing hungrier for more of Bethanie's kisses. With one hand in her hair, and the other going around her waist, he felt her deepen the kiss. As soon as she granted him access to her mouth he took control of the kiss. He felt her small hands intertwine with his hair, tugging, and gripping it tighter by the second. He bit her bottom lip playfully, grabbing onto her blonde curls tighter. He felt her sucking on his tongue just like the kiss from the morning. He made sure his tongue licked every inch of her mouth.

Just as he was pulling her closer to his chest, he heard her whimper. He released his arm that was around her waist as if he were burned.

"Are you okay?" Kade asked her frantically ready to get the nurse if she asked him. "Did I hurt you."

"No,no,no...I'm fine you just touched my injured side is all." She said pointing to her right side. She gave him an innocent smile telling him its okay.

Here eyes went wide as she saw him pulling the hospital gown up stopping right above her breasts. He leaned down once again, kissing her wound as if trying to make any pain she may have go away.

Her breathe hitched when she felt his hot mouth on her skin, trailing kisses to the center of her stomach, going up to the valley of her breast. He continued along her jawline, and biting her earlobe whispering. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

He she didn't need him to say more she knew what he meant. He didn't want her putting herself in harms way. She felt warm and fuzzy with this side Kade was showing her.

"You're n-not mad?" She asked pulling down her gown, covering her body from his lust full gaze.

"Yes I'm mad. I'm furious! Bethanie can you just be a little more careful!"

"U-uh y-yes I promise n-not to brake anything else from your home. I'm s-sorry for braking your vase," she stuttered. looking down at her fingers.

"Vase? I could careless what you brake in my house. All that can be replaced, but you-" Kade said softening his voice as he looked straight into her eyes. "I can never replace you."

She was astounded she never expected him to say such sweet words to her. The way his eyes looked at her she knew he was being sincere. Just as she was about to plant a kiss on him, his phone went off. She couldn't stop the giggle that slipped as she heard him mutter something about people interrupting at the worst moments.

"Hello!" Kade barked through the phone. "Can't he take care of it......I see.....Alright I'm on my way."

Bethanie let a frown appear on her face after she heard Kade had to leave. She likes him there with her, she like his body being so close to her all the time. She likes hearing his deep, husky voice, she likes the way his lips move against her-

"I'll be back for you. I just have to take care of an emergency." He leaned down and kissed her forehead, leaving her wanting more. She couldn't deny anymore she was attracted to Kade. Is she just attracted to him or is it more than just an attraction.

An two hours later she was bored out of her mind. She was ready to walk up to the doctor and demand to be released, but Cole decided to walk in through the door.

"Hey Beth," Cole greeted her.

"Hey." She said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"So I see you more than ready to leave."

"Yes I can't be here any longer. When can I leave Cole" She whined to her friend.

He chuckled at her antics. "Actually that's why I came. You just have to sign these release forms. And you'll be good to go."

"Great," she grabbed the papers and signed them more than happy to leave. "All done. Can I leave now."

"Yes.." he said looking around the room. "Where's that bastard holding you against your will."

Behtanie had explained to Cole the situation with Kade and her parents.

"He's not a bastard Cole. And he had to work to do so he had to leave."

"How are you getting home then? Because the man that came with you left as well," he said referring to Thomas.

"Well then I guess I'll be taking a taxi," she said ready to stand on her two feet.

"Oh no you don't. What? You want to leave in a taxi wearing a hospital gown." Cole pushed her back gently making her sit back down on the bed.

"You're right I'd completely forgotten about the gown. Do you know where my clothes are?"

Cole walked to the door, pushing a wheelchair in with a bag of clothes on top of it. He retrieved the bag for Bethanie placing it in the bathroom for her to go change. Just as she was about to get up and walk, Cole scooped her up in his arms, gently placing her in the bathroom. He told her to call him once she was done.

"I'm done!" Bethanie called out for Cole. She stayed put just as he asked. A scolding from Cole isn't something she wants.

Just when Cole leaned down and picked up Beth the door was slammed shut. Causing them both to stand frozen. Cole's eyes connected with a pair of dark ones.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing!"

"Helping Behtanie get on the wheelchair." Cole replied unaffected by Kade's angry tone. "She's going home. She's been released from the hospital."

Kade walked up to him taking long strides, ripping Bethanie out of the man's arms. Holding her tightly against his chest bridal style. "Then I'll be taking her home. We don't need the chair. I can manage myself," he said screwing the hospital policies.

One step out the door he turned around to face Cole once again with a deadly look. "Don't ever think about touching her again."




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