The Naive Princess


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''People say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter -18

Chapter 5

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 ''Is this Bhai's house.''  I couldn't contain my excitement as my eyes landed on the approaching mansion, no castle would be correct . The Majestic building stood tall in the middle of lush green lands. The walls that hid the palace had elongated pines in line with them . I couldn't help but admire the place as we drove in along the huge drive way.

''No , this is mine. Yours will be ready by evening, till then enjoy my hospitality your highness. '' My face fell, ''But I don't want to be here''

''Its just the matter of few hours Raksha. I am not going to bite you.'' He said without giving me a glance.

''You are doing this intentionally right. The more we spend time The more are the chances of me falling for you . Am I right.'' I confronted him. A small scoff escaped his lips and he replied me in a cool voice

''No, the motive is to make my heart realise that you don't worth my attention. The more you stay around me , the more you will spit the venom and the more I will be convinced that you don't deserve me.'' I was on flames now, if given a chance I want to punch that handsome face of his.

We were welcomed by a butler into a huge hall with mighty ceiling. I hate to accept but I was impressed, he is a Prince and he is living his life royally miles away from his territory.

''Adi'' a small excited squeal made our heads turn as Adi squatted down to collect the little bundle in his arms. The girl must 3 or 4, she wrapped her chubby arms around his neck, awarding sloppy kisses on his cheek. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him talking to her in animated voice and the little girl went complaining about her mother.

''Don't fall for those crocodile tears Adi.'' Came a smooth confident voice. A female in mid or late twenties walked to Adi with a biggest grin on her face. He enveloped her in an arm hug and I felt a sudden twitch inside my chest. Right now the trio looked like a perfect family. The woman turned her eyes to me, she greeted me with a handshake introducing herself formally, ''Welcome your Highness, I am Anjali. Adi's manager PA and friend. Please, make yourself comfortable'' I smiled and requested her to leave the endearments aside. For now, I just wanted to be a normal girl. Anjali led me through the enormous stairs. As I walked past Adi, I could hear Anika throwing queries about me. She looked miffed with my presence.

A gasp escape my mouth when as I stepped into the assigned room. It was huge, with windows on two sides and a majestic balcony on one. The draperies around the windows and bed were of fine satin in soft colours. I smiled, just the way I like. Adi never forgets to make me feel special.

I won't deny that I miss his friend ship. Being elder to me he was a big help when my brothers would mock my silly curiosity. I have grown up hearing one line every day, ''How can you be so naïve Raksha.'' But Adi was different, he would say'' its okay to be naïve, its better than being cunning you know.'' And I would smile. Huffing I threw my back on the extra fluffy bed. The soft smell of fabric relaxed my muscles. Sometimes I feel like a spoilt Princess. Rolling over on to my back I kept staring above at the rich way the draperies were arranged. It reminded me of my suite back home. It is the most beautiful one. Granny got it done when I demanded a suite instead of a room. I was 12 then and my grandmother gifted me with the most beautiful and vibrant suite of the Palace. Closing my eyes I recalled her wrinkled face. Now, when I think I was the one she loved the most. When bhai and Veer had to under go strict training all I got was her love. Only I could mess with her room, her work and escape with a cuddle. Rest even feared stepping into her suite. I realised I am going to miss her a lot. May be those words were true all the way, 'You fight most with the one you love the most.'

That moment I decided to call her once in a day. Picking my phone I dialled her and she answered in just one ring, ''Raksha all good'' The concern her voice had made me sob. ''Why are you crying? Do you need something?''

''Yes, you. All of you. I miss you and I am sorry'' I sobbed . She stayed quite for a minute. When my sobs decreased she spoke, ''I am sorry too. I went too hard on you to protect you. Now, wipe those tears. I hate them on your face. Raksha, you have got this chance to live your life your way. Then do it. Make us all proud. Will you?'' I nodded like an idiot expecting her to understand and she did. ''good girl and listen. Come what may. You will always be the princess of Jaigarh.'' I kept staring at the phone for few minutes even after disconnecting.

Sound of Anika's squeals took me to the balcony that overlooked the majestic lawn. The girl was busy playing football with zest. There was another tall man. I recalled he was James, Adi's chief security. I smiled as the 4 yr old competed with James with all her might. I couldn't help but chuckle when she threw her arms exasperated losing a goal to James. He teased and she started changing him around. There was a soft knock and I replied. Adi walked in and joined me in the balcony, ''Hope you like the room.''

''I did.'' And it was true, he nodded turning his smiling eyes to James and Anika. I noticed that and asked, ''You and Anjali seemed to be close.'' He nodded, ''Yes , we have been friends for years. We graduated from same Business school.''

''Dose she live here.?'' Curiosity took better of me

''Yes, she does. She takes care of my Mansion and my business. She has a small girl to take care of. I suggested her to move in the mansion so that my staff could take care of Anika when she was busy. Plus, I didn't wanted her loser husband trouble her.'' He sounded protective.

''Aren't you too considerate about your employees.'' I don't know what made me ask that. But cat was already out of the bag. ''Is there something wrong about it.'' he retorted.

''I am no one to comment on that.'' I replied to calm things down.

''Good. You shouldn't. Take rest and I will plan for your transfers.'' His rude response shocked me and I retaliated, ''Looks like you are in a hurry to chuck me out. Am I invading your privacy Adi.''

''No Princess, it's not mine but your privacy which is getting invaded. You wanted out immediately, I will make sure it happens in an hour.'' He walked out and that moment I regretted being rude. I am no one to comment on his relationship with his friends. But I don't know what made me act stupidly. I decided to aplogise before leaving. I moved to the balcony again to watch Anika play. To my surprise Adi too had joined them, and now Adi is running all over the place with Anika chasing him angrily. He suddenly stopped and turned away from him with arms crossed over her chest. He scooped her up like a doll. I couldn't hear what he was talking but the kid couldn't help control her laughter. He threw her up in air and then caught her. He threw her up again and this time James caught her, swinging her in his arms. This little girl seems to be the heart of this house. He suddenly lifted his eyes up and I found mine locked with his intense ones. He stared at me for sometime before turning away to play with Anika. I decided to take shower before leaving for my place.

I dressed myself in a pair of fitting jeans and a full sleeves top with a cashmere sweater. London winds are chilling me to bones. Pulling the zip of my boots I made my way down the big hall. Adi sat on the lush couch with Anika in lap. He was talking to her in whispers. Moving closer I realised the girl for crying. I sat across him, ''Why is brave girl like you crying.''

She wiped her tears blinking at me like a doll. She looked t Adi once and then turned to me, ''Mommy punished me.''

''My mommy also used to punish me. Say sorry and all will be fine.'' Anika quickly got of Adi's lap and came to me with curious expression on her face, ''Did you cry then.'' I nodded. She looked thoughtful and I couldn't control my eagerness to pull her in my arms. She was such an adorable kid. ''Do you play football.'' She asked

''No, will you teach me?'' I asked and she nodded. Running to Adi she declared her decision to him of having me and James in one team and she and Adi in other. Don't know why , but I am waiting for the match anxiously.

''Raksha, these are the details regarding your course and professors. There is a list of contacts who can help you in your curriculum. '' Anjali informed me with a smile. I nodded. My eyes turned to Adi but he didn't utter a word. It was time for me to leave and he walked me to my car. He pulled the door open, but my legs didn't move. Stepping closer I stood across him with eyes lowered, ''Adi, I am extremely sorry for my insensitive words. I have no right to judge or comment on your bond with your friends.''

He kept staring at me with his hand pushed into his pockes, ''Are you trying to impress me princess because this isn't going to work.''

I blinked and the stomped, he was gain back to pulling my leg, ''look here mister..'' he cut me off, ''I am looking...Miss.''

I took a step back, ''Adi , I told you nothing can happen between us. Why do you flirt then.''

He rolled his eyes, ''Princess, guys don't flirt always to get a girl Sometimes its just for fun.''

''I am not a fun material'' I warned.

''Yeah, I know you can't even understand small jokes.'' He drawled. That moment I wanted to kill him for calling me dumb. Turning around I got into the car hitting my knee to the door. I winced and he chuckled. Great , now he has my clumsiness as an added reason to tease me.''

''I hate you.'' He laughed and then leaned , keeping his arms across the window of the vehicle, ''Hate and love are two sides of the same coin. Watch out Princess, things might flip too soon.'' Heat started creeping into my face watching his steady gaze on my face. He always found me beautiful and somehow I enjoy that feeling. Leaving me he did a small talk with my two female guards. He walked back to me, ''Raksha, remember I am just a call away. You need me call me.'' I nodded. The residents of the castle waved at me as my vehicle drove off the big iron doors.

After good half an hour drive, we entered the premises of another castle like structure. I was confused, Veer had spoken of an apartment and just then Bhai called, ''Raksha, you will always be the Princess. We decided against keeping you in the apartment. If you want, you can visit it sometime.''

I was emotional, ''Bhai, I love you.'' I could feel him smiling at the other end. Disconnecting I chuckled. There is no way I will ever grow up, my family loves treating me like a baby. The guards followed me in the house and the staff made the introductions. My face lit up seeing a familiar face, he had been my father's guard and my second father. I know dad must have send him here so that I don't feel home sick. Lunging at him , I hugged him, ''so glad to have you here baba.''

''me to child. Now , take the feel of your place.'' A girl by name grace took my around the huge mansion detailing about every room. I couldn't help but smile finding all the pictures from India all over the walls. I already miss them.

''Plopping on my bed I closed my eyes recalling all the events of the day. Adi's smiling face flashed behind the close lids and I stood up with a jerk. Slapping my head lightly I pulled the covers over me to catch some sleep. His words echoed my ears, ''Raksha, remember I am just a call away. You need me call me.'' A smiled stretched on to my lips as I pulled the pillow closer giving into the dizziness.


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