
By SodaMahone

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There was something exceptionally different about the feeling that rushed through her body just by the mentio... More



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By SodaMahone

(Third Person's Pov)

The tension in the small, barely lit room was noticeable. Nothing but silence filled the air as they both registered what was happening. Her body still sat in between his parted legs, his front pressed against her back, hands resting against her waist as his mouth was just inches away from her bare neck.

Anna tensed. 

She couldn't believe that she had all so foolishly let out a moan. Her womanhood throbbed with desire as she tried her hardest to wrap her head around that she was aroused, and that from the man sitting right behind her and his soft lips meeting with her neck just seconds ago. As well as the close proximity she was so unfamiliar with.

Roman tensed. 

He couldn't quite comprehend that fact he had lost control. He was the one to suggest that she sat down in-front of him, and milk the cow who he was having trouble with - but what he didn't expect, was for her to smell so sweet and tempting. Her shampoo's fragrance rested in his nostrils, the sweet scent driving him crazy and when he saw her smooth skin, he couldn't hold back from touching, tasting it.

The two didn't dare move. It was as if both of them had hit a hiatus and were stuck in that state. 

Anna was fearful to move, though inwardly she desperately wanted to get away from the seductive man and forget what had happened. She knew she had done wrong by breaking so many of the towns rules. She knew what had happened couldn't be erased but she couldn't help but wish that what had happened, hadn't. That she was still pure.

Roman, on the other hand, was in a state of self conflict. One part of him wanted nothing more than to push Anna against the wall and have his way with her, as he had fantasied about for days now. The other part of him wanted Anna to jump away from him, to never once look back and ran as far away from him as she could. Because Roman believed he would never be good enough for her.

Breathless, Anna decided she could no longer take sitting in this stance for so long. Without another thought, she pushed herself away from him. Roman, in surprise from her sudden movement, let his hands slip away from where they were wrapped around her waist, confused at her movement.

Her heart thumped fast behind her chest and with shaky legs, she forced herself to move away from him, not knowing where she was going exactly, but just somewhere away from here. From him. Because Anna knew deep down, she couldn't let what happened occur again or for it to progress into something much more forbidden.

Roman's brows furrowed as his jaw absently clenched tightly. His eyes followed Anna, explicitly feeling the loss of her body pressed against his front, missing the warmth and sweet scent which filled his nostrils. He was in a daze of surprise, it only hitting him Anna was running away when her feet began carrying herself towards the door.

His actions were hurried and fast. He jumped onto his feet, frustration and desire fuelling his system. His member throbbed. The closeness of Anna's body, the sweetness of her scent and the softness of her skin all led to arousal to build inside of him. He was lustful and hungry after Anna's untouched body. He had tortured himself enough with the erotic thoughts revolving around Anna, and now that he had felt just a little of her - he wanted more.

Wordlessly, his hands reached forward, grasping onto Anna's wrist and twirling her around. No thought was put to his next action, pushing her against the wall and caging her in, using his body as a barrier. He stared down at her, her blue orbs wide as they peered up at him.

"Dove credi di andare?" He roughly questioned her, eyes narrowed and jaw tightly clenched.

Where do you think you're going?

Anna could do nothing but stare up at him, both her heart and stomach clenching. They're chest were practically touching, a new ache targeting her breast, further beckoning her to push herself closer to him; to feel some relief she was in much need of.

His hazel orbs peered down at her, making her feel so small. She wanted him to move away from her, but she also wanted him to oddly seal his lips with hers. Her body was bottling up with a new feeling and it was awakening a new side of her that was foreign, and so strong.

"J-Roman," She managed to get out weakly, trying her very best to ignore the fact his body was so close and she could clearly feel the warmth of his breath bouncing across her lips.

"Rispondimi," He growled out, gently squeezing her wrist his hand was wrapped around.

Answer me.

A small whimper escaped her lips as her eyes fluttered closed for a second. She glanced up at him, noting that his eyes were firmly glued to her face, constantly darting down to her lips. A brighter than usual gleam overpowered his eyes and Anna wasn't blind to it. Her brows furrowed and she wondered what had earned its arrival, though she had her own thoughts as to where it had came from. 


"Anna," Roman lowly called, leaning his head down and closer to her. She closed her eyes tightly, not willing to let him see the fear, the excitement which was shining in her eyes. She had joined Roman's state of self conflict, not knowing whether she wanted to feel more of him or less.

"I... What are you doing?" She choked out, her breaths uneven and fast. His piercing gaze was strong and never once faltered. His hand, which was pressed against the wall shielding Anna in, slowly trailed over to her face and grasped her chin, angling her face upwards.

"Where were you running off to, huh?" He repeated his question from seconds ago, clenching his jaw at the sight of how innocent Anna looked staring up at him. But he wasn't blind to the clear desire which gazed back at him. Her blue orbs was filled with lust and he knew she felt exactly what he did.

"Y-You... We shouldn't..." Her words came out as a scrambled mess.

"Why?" He roughly muttered. "Why shouldn't we? Fuck, what shouldn't we, Anna?"

She was silent, having trouble breathing from the intense way he was watching her.

"Answer me, God damn." He growled. "Tell me what we shouldn't be doing!"

"This!" She cried out, her voice cracking. "You shouldn't be this close to me... Touching me... Speaking to me... Heck, even looking at me!"

Roman's brows furrowed as he took in her rushed words, seeing the frustration passing through her eyes. He felt exactly how she did. He was frustrated that he couldn't do as he wished with Anna, knowing how this God damn town would look at them as if they had committed a sin.

"This is wrong, Roman." She broke out, dragging her gaze away from him and focusing it on the ground. "We'll get into so much trouble if someone is to ever find out."

Roman's chest tightened and he wanted to wipe away the misery which had suddenly painted onto her face. His jaw clenched tighter as the anger inside of him grew. God how he hated this town and their bullshit traditions. It was the only thing keeping them apart from one another.

"Is that the only thing you're afraid of, Anna? If someone finds out?" He asked, needing to know the answers, because it would let him know if this, whatever it was, was still worth fighting for.

Taken aback by his sudden questions, Anna tensed, slowly furrowing her brows. "W-Why are you asking me this?"

"Answer the question, Anna." He sighed, absently rubbing his thumb in circular motions against her chin. "Is that all you're afraid of, baby? Or is it something else? Tell me."

Anna's face flushed with heat and she let out a shaky breath. She had to take a second to think to herself, whether the fear of getting caught was the only thing which held her back. It definitely was, but it was also newness of what she was feeling towards Roman and the attraction she had never felt before. Though that wasn't something she'd admit to him.

Hesitantly, she nodded, bringing her gaze back up his face. Roman's hazel eyes lingered on her as his mind registered her words. Relief spread through him and he let out deep breath, tightly closing his eyes for a second.

"Anna," He softly called. "I'm new to the town's traditions and their exceptions. Where I come from, none of this crap applies."

Anna silently listened, entranced by the silkiness of his voice as he spoke.

"It's all new to me... but I know for whatever fucked up reason, it's important here. I'm sure it's probably been hammered into your mind that breaking traditions is a sin and you'll be punished for it. Hence why you've probably never done so, am I correct?"

Blushing brightly, she nodded in response. It was true, never had she dared to break a single tradition or rule this town withheld. From a young age she was brainwashed to think going against them would be sinning, but as she grew older, and she began to understand things on larger scale - she learnt the town had purposefully enforced these rules made, from God knows were, into their lives for a reason she would never know of.

Sighing, Roman's finger gently brushed itself against Anna's bottom lip. The urge to kiss her was beginning to grow and he knew it wouldn't be long until he'd give into that tempting urge. The innocent look playing on her face only added to that.

"Well, if that's the only thing you're afraid of, we'll just need to be discreet." He announced, leaning forward and closer to her, his mouth inches away from hers. "We'll just have to make sure nobody finds out about us... We'll need to stay hidden... We'll have to make sure we stay a secret... Can you do that, Anna?"

Her breaths grew faster and uneven. She could feel the thumping of her heart grow louder, loud enough that she heard it echo in her own ears. This was dangerous, incredibly, thrillingly dangerous. The question he had just shot her way, was heavily loaded. Her response could be the beginning to something greatly scandalous and illicit. Or it could be the end to something she wasn't exactly sure of.

Anna stared back at Roman, eyes trailing across his majestically handsome face, her mind not giving it a second thought before she slowly nodded. The largest bubble of relief burst inside of Roman and a small smile curled up onto his lips.

"Good." He uttered, and then leaned down completely, covering her mouth with his. He angled her chin further towards him, absently pressing his body right against hers, the hand which was wrapped around her wrist, falling to grasp onto her waist.

Anna's eyes fluttered closed as she lost herself into the spontaneous moment. Her heart raced and her entire body tingled with a foreign feeling. She tried her very best to keep up with his mouth's movement, melting from the softness of his lips. A small whimper escaped her when his tongue swiped across the of her top lip, luring the arousal to keep growing inside of her. Never had she been kissed, or even touched in such a manner.

Roman groaned at the the sound, unable to help himself as he pressed down harder, adding more force to the kiss he had dreamt of for days now. His tongue slipped into her mouth, the sweet moan which left her only triggering his member to throb and harden.

Her hands left her sides and wrapped themselves around his neck, a hand tangling into his neck. Breathless, Roman broke apart from her lips, not hesitating to bury his face into the crook of her neck.

"Roman," She breathed, eyes fluttering close as she felt his hardness poke the low of her stomach. 

"Fuck, you make me loose control, baby." He rasped, gently sucking on a soft patch of skin. Anna shivered in pleasure, absently arching her back and pressing her aching breast closer to his chest. He groaned at the impact.

Needing to feel her lips once more, he tugged his lips away from her neck and returned them to where they had previously been, on her lips. His hand trailed across the side of the leg, stopping when they reached her hip and rested there, holding back from trailing to where they really wanted to go.

The two were lost in the moment, feeling a spike through their veins.

Now that they had started, they would have trouble stopping.


(Anna's Pov)

My lips were swollen. They were tingly. In-fact, it was almost as if Roman's had never left them.

It was hard to keep a straight face at dinner, when I was sat across Amy and my mother, who were busy lost in a conversation between them, that I wasn't even aware of. My mind was still stuck back on the stables, thinking back to what had gone down between Roman and I and just what we had started. My heart was still racing and I still couldn't really believe what had happened.

Roman and I had kissed for a countless amount of time. We were both so lost into the heated kiss, we had forgotten what we were supposed to be doing and that I would need to return home sooner or later. We had to force ourselves to move away from one another.

I blushed just thinking about how my hands had finally felt his, toned, hard, muscular chest and his sharp jaw, other than his lips. His hands had gripped my waist and gently groped my behind, the touch being something I found extremely enticing.

It was incredible... I had never felt this way before. It was like my insides were finally alive. There was this new found excitement pulsing about in my veins. It was hard to believe and even more to understand.

"Non vuoi mangiare? Sei stato seduto ancora per minuti ora." My mother questioned, catching my attention.

Aren't you going to eat? You've been sitting still for minutes now.

Clearing my throat, I picked up the fork beside my plate and lifted a forkful of rice to my mouth. Across from me, Amy smirked and arched a questioning brow at me. I arched one back at her, gesturing to my mother when she wasn't looking, asking when did they suddenly jump back to speaking terms again. 

She sent me a look, telling me she'd tell me later on.

"So, what did Mrs Snow discuss today in Bible study?" My mother questioned, sipping a glass of water, glancing between us. 

"Uh, the usual." I spoke up, my mouth filled with food.

"What would that be?" She pressed.

"You already know what, mama." Amy sighed, tucking a strand of her hair behind her neck. "She just read the Palpable of the sick man and told us not to take what God had given us for granted... That's all really."

Impressed at my sister's believable words, I narrowed my eyes on her. She was nonchalantly talking away to my mother, indulging her on a made up Bible study session. She absently toyed with her golden strands, something she done commonly when she was nervous.

I was suddenly hit with shock when I noticed something covering her neck. My eyes went wide as I took in the sight, making sure I wasn't mistaking it for something else - but it was really there. Three large, red, purple love-bites stared back at me. I felt my mouth part as I let reality sink in.

"Cosa c'è che non va, Anna? Stai bene?" I heard my mother ask me, attention focused on me.

What's wrong? Are you okay? 

Nodding, I cleared my throat, coming up with a believable lie; "I just thought I bit into ginger..."

My mother laughed, shaking her head. "You and your dislike for ginger, bambina. I never put any inside. Just powdering."

I falsely smiled along, but inwardly, I was in deep shock, having trouble letting reality sink in.

I wasn't the only one thriving off a thrill.


(AN) Hey guys! I really hope you're all happy with this chapter, because we've finally gotten to where we would eventually - the start to them sneaking around! What do you think of the chapter? Thoughts on Amy's love bite? Next update is on Tuesday!

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