Tongue Tied [larry mpreg] ✓

By pxnkedniall

307K 11K 2K

Louis Tomlinson has been a fabulous single parent for over a year and a half now, for two little twins. Wh... More

Tongue Tied [larry mpreg]
Before you read


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By pxnkedniall

When Louis had gotten off his shift, he basically ran home, hoping Harry wasn't back in Doncaster yet. Maybe he could get his aunt to watch the kids for a few days, so when Harry did show up, Louis didn't have to explain that Harry was a father and guilt him. Returning home, nearly out of breath, Louis quickly got inside. His mum was sitting on the couch, with the telly turned down low. Putting his keys, phone and wallet on the counter, and toeing off his shoes, he padded into the living room, and plopped himself down on the couch next to his mum.

"So I heard Harry's coming to look for you?" She asks softly.

"I guess so, unless there is another boy who he still loves," Louis responds, his voice shaking.

"Lou, baby, what's wrong?" his mother asks, stroking his hair.

"I don't want him to know the kids. They wouldn't be able to comprehend him leaving all the time and gone for more then half to year. Mum, I don't think I could handle it again, and what happens when he gets bored for a skimpy model? He'll leave us, and I'll have to explain to the kids that he's not coming back because we aren't fun anymore mum," Louis explains, attempting to hold the tears in.

"Oh Lou....then don't let him back all at once? If he finds out he has kids, don't let him see them right away. Slowly let him see the kids," his mum says, and glances at the clock, "I have to get going. Get some rest Lou, you'll need it."

"Thank you mum for watching the kids," He says again, standing up with her.

They walked to the front door, and Louis turned on the outside light for her. She opened the door, and walked out, just before turning around.

"Honey, listen to your heart. I know what he did to you wasn't right at all, but maybe he's grown up a little bit."

And with that she was gone.


/"Louis, I love you, remember that," Harry whispered against his cheek, leaving goosebumps in his wake."

Louis nodded in response, his words getting lost in his throat. They where cuddled up in Harry's bedroom, the last night before he was moving into the x-factor house, and would quickly become famous. Harry wanted to win x-factor so badly, but he wanted to stay here with Louis, this moment on repeat. One of Harry's mixtapes was playing softly, a huge quilt over them, and limps tangled together. Both lads didn't want to go to sleep, but wanted to stay awake; they didn't have to be talking, they just had to be with each other.

Louis knew that Harry was going to get caught up with x-factor, and this was the last possible moment they would have together. Louis was with holding information from Harry, but only for the best. If Harry knew that he was pregnant with his children, Harry would forgo x-factor, to stay home and raise the kids, and Louis wouldn't allow that to happen. He nuzzled his face into Harry's neck, gripping onto him tighter.

They weren't sure which one fell asleep first, but all they knew, was that they had their other half next to them for one more night./


Louis awoke in tears. He wished he could go back to that moment, and tell Harry that he was pregnant. Maybe Harry would've stayed, and Louis would've had Harry all to himself. Sometimes Louis did think about what would be different if Harry never auditioned for X-factor.

Would they still be together?

Or would Louis have the kids every other week?

The thought made Louis' stomach twist, and sometimes he wished he could wake up, roll over and kiss the love of his life. He wasn't happy about how Harry had ended things with him. It was a messy break-up for Louis, but what seemed easy for Harry.

Sighing, Louis wiped his tears, forced himself to sit up, and get on with his life.


Jay had thought it would be a good idea for the kids to take swimming lessons, just in case something was to happen, and they ended up in a pool; they would be okay. Louis (and his sisters) had taken swimming lessons when they where younger, and Louis hated it. He had to wear a red speedo- it wasn't a good seance.

Pulling up George's Buzz-Lightyear swim trunks over his pull-up, he gently poked the one year old in his rib, watching him giggling loudly. Darcy was in her little yellow bikini, courtesy of Lottie. Louis nearly had a stroke when Darcy came running at him the first time with it on, Lottie couldn't stop laughing at his face. Putting flip flops on the babies, he picked both them up, and the diaper bag. One babe on each hip, and he walked out of his flat, the door swinging behind him.

He (somehow) got the two kids into the backseat, buckled up and the diaper bag on the front seat. Sliding into the front seat, Darcy started to point at the radio. Being the fun daddy he is, he pressed it on, listening to her babble at the music. It was /his/ song playing on the radio, and it was her favorite, it was quite ironic to Louis. Making sure to keep his eyes on the road, he tried to listen to George, to see if he was singing or not. When he glanced in his mirror, he just saw the young boy nodding his head.

He would be phoning the doctor later, asking about his baby boy. Sighing, he pulled into the gym's parking lot, and find a spot closer to the pool. He had come here almost every single day as a kid, and nearly every weekend with the kids. Unbuckling the one year olds, he allowed Darcy to walk beside him, as long as she held onto his pinky, while he held George. The small famiy went in throught the side gate, and Louis put George down on the pato title. The two babes followed their daddy, over to the place where they usualy sit. Louis put sun screen on the both of them, along with their floaties on.

The teacher was already in the water, and Louis walked the kids over to the stairs. He watched carefully as they got into the water, a proud smile slipping onto his face. He was more relaxed with his kids, while other parents where holding onto the end of their chairs, nearly waiting for their child's head to dip under the water, just so they could yell at the teache. Louis just wasn't one of those parents; he wanted a lot of his friends with overbearing parents, turn into druggies, and a lot of the ones with too chill parents end up dead. Jay had done a good job raisin Louis, and that's how he planned to raise his kids.


After their swim class, and the kids had played in the water for a little bit, Louis took them into the bathroom to get changed. Louis always felt weird taking Darcy into the Men's room to change her, but you have to do what you have to do. Slipping into a bigger stall, after getting some weird looks from the other men in the washroom, he started to change the babes. Pull-ups, and jammies where on; the kids always got really cold after swim, even if it was in the middle of the summer. Having both Darcy and George walk on either side of him, both kids tightly holding onto his pinky fingers. When they got to the parking lot, Louis pulled both of them onto his hips, and across the parking lot.

"Louis!" Someone screamed for him, and Louis nearly felt his world stop.

He couldn't freeze up, and he forced himself to get to the car. Hopefully it wasn't who he thought it was, as he got the kids into the backseat. He heard footsteps, and quickly got the kids into the backseat, already thinking of a lie. Closing the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Lou," Harry breathed out, and Louis froze up.

His kids where in the car behind him...the kids he didn't knew he had.

"Harry," Louis replied, his voice falling monotone.

Harry caught the tone, and let his hand slip from Louis' shoulder.

"How have you been?" Harry asks softly, running a hand through his long, sweaty curls.

"Busy," Louis replies, not waiting to stand and talk to him any longer; not only because he his kids where in the backseat, but he really didn't want to talk to Harry.

"I would like to catch up, maybe coffee?" Harry asks, bitting his lip.

"If you remember me correctly, you would remember that I hate coffee," Louis sasses back, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Then tea?" Harry asks again.

Louis sighs, "Maybe."

"Can I have your moblie number?" Harry asks, softly.

Louis cocks an eyebrow at him, "You don't remember it? Because the Harry I know could say it foward and backwards."

Harry seems to get caught up with that, "Well.."

"When you remember it, call me. If you don't remember it...Well....that's unfortunate."

Turning before Harry could say anything else, he gets into the car. Strapping his safety belt on, he jams his key into the ignition and starts the car. Quickly backing out, and not hitting Harry, he started home. He checked on the kids; sound asleep, the way they always where after swim pratice. He soon got home and got them into bed, hoping Harry didn't remember his moblie number.


another chapter! Longer chapter's to come, and [hopefully] quicker updates because summer is here for me!

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