Me? Love? -Adopted by Hamilton

By 9pinkypie9

76.8K 1.5K 1.1K

'I don't need your pity!' She signed as she jumped up and ran from him. 'None of you want me well that's fine... More

What the...
Another one.
What's up?
Time Will Tell
Untitled Part 10
The guys
Night turning into Day
Hospital visit #2
Schuyler Sisters
Come On
Story time Part 2
Oh gosh
Untitled Part 29
Sorry guys A/N
Freak Out
Oh no
Stay Alive
More Time
Waking up
Getting there
No...why me?


1K 31 34
By 9pinkypie9

Liv's POV

I wake up in a white place. I look around and see I'm on...clouds? I look around and see a winged figure approach me. I look up and see.. "Daddy?" I say and he smiles. I start to cry of joy. "Olivia! Oh my gosh I've missed you so much." He says and hugs me. I hug back and then start to wonder. "Where am I?" I ask and he looks at me. "This is the place between life and heaven." He says to me and I just nod. I look at him and he looks better than ever.

"I'm sorry I left you with your mother and brother." He says to me as he hugs me again. I just nod. I already forgave him but I can't say it for some reason. I just cry and he holds me. Being in my old safe place feels so great. He still has his smell too. As weird as that may sound but it's been so long since I've seen him. He's gone after all. He picks me up looks at me. "You're growing up. You're so beautiful." He says and I smile. "Can you see me?" I ask and he looks at me.

"Of course I can." He says and kisses my forehead. "I watch you every single day. I was so happy when they found you." I look at him confused after he says that. "Who?" I ask and he looks at me for a moment. "I sent Lin and the cast your way. I knew they would give you a better life. You care so much you spoke to save Lin's life." He says to me and I sudden realize that I'm talking. My eyes widen and my dad laughs. "Oh my glob I'M TALKING!" I scream and start running around. I haven't hear my own voice in forever. "I haven't heard my own voice in forever." I say and my dad laughs even more.

"I've missed your voice princess." My dad says and I blush. I haven't been called his princess since he passed away. "I've missed hearing you sing most kiddo." He says and ruffles my hair. It reminds me of Leslie. Then I think about it. Leslie! "WAIT! What happened to Leslie? Is he okay?" I start to freak out and my dad grabs me. "He's fine. He's awake and he's by your bedside right now." He says to me and I calm down I bit. "They wouldn't miss me." I say and my dad frowns and gets down to my level.

"Hey don't say that. They love you and they aren't complete without you." He says to me in a firm but gentle voice. A tear slides down my face. "I know you love them too." He says as he whips the tear from my face. "I promise they could never replace you. I love you way more than them and I would never call Lin dad I prom-" I say but am cut off by him putting his finger over my mouth.

"I know sweetheart. I promise I know. Lin can be your fatherly figure and you can call him dad is you want but I will always be your daddy. Remember what I use to say. Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad. They have to be even more special to be a daddy." He says and I hug him. "I wouldn't call you anything else Daddy." I say and he chuckles. "You're still my little princess. The little girl I left those years ago." He says and kisses my forehead.

We just stay in each others embrace for a while until I speak. "Do I have to go back?" I ask my dad and he looks at me. "I'm not going to force you but it's not your time to be here. You have so much more time to do amazing things." He says and smiles at me. "Do you miss them?" He asks me and I nod. "But I want to be with you." I say and hug him tighter than I thought possible but not enough to hurt him. "I want you with me too but you have so much time left. Take your time." He says and I kiss his cheek. We continue hugging for a while before one of us talks again.

"Can I at least stay for a while?" I ask even though I know it's all up to me. "Of course sweetheart. I would be sad if you left so soon." He says and I laugh. "I've missed you so much." I say to him and he looks at me with tears in his eyes. "I've missed you too." He says and he holds me. After a few minutes I hear music and I look at my dad and see him dancing. "C'mon Olivia. You've always been so talented I want to see my daughter dance and sing." He says to me and I laugh and get up. Some 50's song was playing and he grabs my hands and starts dancing with me.

I laugh and he picks me up and I laugh. I may be 14 but I'm tiny and people like picking me up and I'm okay with it. He spun me around and I laughed. Dancing with him was my favorite thing to do. He always danced with me when I asked. After the song ends the song Butterfly Kisses starts playing and I break down in tears. "I need to give my daughter the father daughter dance she never got." He says and snaps his fingers. He is in a tux and I look down and see I'm in a dress beautiful pink ball gown. "You're so beautiful." He says to me and I thank him as I cry.

He pulls my head up and whips my tears away. "Let's enjoy the time that we got." He say and kissed my head and I nod. We danced for what felt like hours and it was the greatest thing ever. "I know this is all you've ever wanted." My dad says to me and I smile. "Lin can give you this too. I give him permission to be your dad." He says and I giggle. "Thanks daddy." I say  and kiss his cheek. I don't want to leave just yet. I hear something. Or someone? "Liv..."

UNEDITED I hope you guys enjoy this it was really hard to write so it's probably really crappy. Please vote and comment and check out my new book I just published and vote on that. Love y'all! ;) 

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