The 'Dragon Master'

By LoriMandle

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Book 1 of the North Dragons series Indigo Artemis North - more commonly known as the legendary 'Dragon Mast... More

Terror Mail
Truth Behind Myths
Arrival On Berk
Slitherwing Island
Giving Chase
A 'Fun Talk'
Confessions... Technically
Hiccup In The Plan | Part 1
Hiccup In The Plan | Part 2
Hiccup In The Plan | Part 3
Hunting Artemis
How To Train Your Kidnapper
Excitable Night Fury
Howl In The Night
Wonderful First Impressions
Keeping It In
Destructive Dragons
A Visit To Valka
All In A Day's Work
Finding The Cure
Defenders Of Berk
Trading Talk
Talking To Terrors
A Dragon In Need
Giving In
The Last Laugh
Myth Behind Truth
Edgy Attacks
A Clean Slate
A New Threat
Secrets Revealed | Part 1
Secrets Revealed | Part 2
United As One
The Night Of The Furies
The Time Has Come
Alpine's Frost
Ways Of War
Frozen Flier
Hatching New Friendships
The End... Of The Beginning

Admit It

4.6K 171 43
By LoriMandle

"You... y-you can't erase m-memories," a hunter pipes up. I glare to him. "Would you like to continue testing me?" I question, my tone laced with disgust for him and his work buddies. He quickly shakes his head. "N-no, sir! Of c-course not!"

"Good, good," I nod, twirling my sword around my fingers like a baton. The riders all land behind me and Astrid is the first to join me, Heather quickly following her. They brandish their axes at the hunters. "Mind if we join in the intimidation part?" Astrid asks me with a smirk.

"I'd be a fool to deny that opportunity to a Hofferson," I reply. "Okay, we definitely know each other from somewhere," she remarked. I nod and lower my voice so the hunters can't hear. "The name's Indigo North. I'm the girl who was taken by a Skrill in a hunter attack at the School of Dragons almost four years ago?"

She thought for a moment. Heather took that chance to speak up. "Well that explains why I didn't recognise you like the others did. Hey, is there any way I can get my memories back or am I stuck like this forever?"

"I could only put a block over your memories," I reply. "So yes, it's possible that the block can be removed and you can remember everything."

She nods before looking to the hunters, who look like they would run if the wild dragons weren't forming a sort of cage around them, trapping them in. "You ever killed before today?"

"Plenty, though never an innocent," I reply. "This job isn't for the faint of heart, that's for sure. How about you?"

"I've taken out my fair share of people," she smirked. "Even tried to kill me brother once." I just chuckle. "You must have an interesting sibling rivalry, then. Now let's set these hunters free."

With that, we both charge in, weapons raised. Heather screams out a battle cry while I stay perfectly silent besides the quiet thump of my feet on the ground. We earn screams of fear and panic  as we start slitting throats. "This takes me back," I chuckle, not caring that I sound like I enjoy having to kill my own kind.

"Unfortunately, it does the same to me," Heather sighed, knocking a few hunters out and tossing them face first into the ocean to drown. Blood gushes across the ground from our kills and I wince at the sight, but don't let it deter me.

At long last the final hunter is laying in a pool of bodies, dead. I lightly kick one in disgust. "This is gonna take ages to clean up. Great."

The others were all staring at the blood and the bodies in shock. Only Heather didn't seem overly effected by the grotesque sight. "You know, my brother would really like you," she remarked. "He's been flying around this area of the archipelago lately. He's pretty interested in finding you."

"Redhead, loudmouth idiot?" I question. "Wait, you know him?" She asked, surprised. I just scoff. "By know him do you mean he's been breaking in lately? Because if that's the case, yes, I know him. He's the reason I've now got a lock on my bedroom door because every times he gets in he might as well make a freaking beeline for it."

"Okay that's creepy," Hiccup remarks. "So... uh... you're cool with murder?" "Whenever you set fire to a hunter's ship, you do kill them," I reply. "You've killed, too. So why is it such a big deal for me to use a sword instead of a flame?"

They all seem to get what I mean by that.

"So you went to the School of Dragons?" Astrid questions, remembering our little 'chat' from earlier. "Wait, what?!" Fishlegs yells, his eyes widening. "... Indigo? Is that really you?"

I pull my mask down. They're all surprised I did it but obviously I can't blame them. My partners fly closer, ready to attack, thinking they're hunters who just saw behind my mask. I hold up a hand and they all stop immediately.

"Yes, Fishlegs. I'm surprised you remember me, but yes. This is the big secret the dragons all knew. Toothless worked it out when I first came to help with that Death Song."

Toothless roses out in pride, happy that he was the smartest in the group. "So that's why all the dragons likes you so much," Astrid realised. "Toothless was telling them who you were."

"I guess so," I agree. "Now come. I want to show you all something. It's the least I can do to thank you for helping us."

"Us?" Hiccup questions. "Me and the dragons," I reply, gesturing to all my partners. "They're all part of the pack. They're my family and my best friends."

"Heh, I totally knew that," Snotlout spoke up. "I totally knew what you meant, babe. And I knew it was you all along, I just didn't wanna scare you off."

"Who do you think is falling for that?" I ask him. "It was worth a shot, wasn't it?" He replied innocently. "Not really," I answer bluntly. "Now let's go. I want to show your partners something as well."

The dragons all look to me expectantly, even Toothless. I chuckle. "You'll see when we get there." Stylive moves over and I mount her. Fishlegs and Astrid gasp. "Stylive!" Astrid is the first to say it. Stylive rawks happily to her.

"Oh please, she's still weak compared to Hookfang," Snotlout claims. Even Hookfang rolls his eyes at that. "Okay then," I smirk. "Stylive, show him what you've got."

Stylive's eyes narrow, a sort of grin forming on her face that tells me that she's going to look forward to this. Snotlout starts to look nervous and he gulps audibly. With a quick roar and a sudden burst of magnesium fire from her mouth, she fires flaming spines at Snotlout, pinning him to a tree by his clothes.

He starts shrieking like a newborn hatchling. "Put me out! Put me out! Hookfang!" I just chuckle and nod to Stylive, who beats her wings. The gust of wind she causes puts out the flames and allows him to sigh in somewhat relief.

"Still weak?" I question him, still annoyed that he called her that. "Oh wait, she was never weak to begin with. You're weak."

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