Mystery on Baker Street ~Sher...

By mystery_peoples

63.6K 1.5K 348

A new mystery has come to Baker Street, one Sherlock just can't seem to solve. She's quick, she's smart, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The End! Or is it....?

Chapter 14

1.8K 49 15
By mystery_peoples

~Joanne's POV~

"Hey Sarah," I said as I heard the door open, I continued to stir my pancake mix. Yes, I'm making pancakes at 1 in the morning. I was about to turn around since I didn't hear her respond, when a cloth covered my mouth and nose. I smelled something sweet as my vision went black.

~Sarah's POV~

"Joanne I need your help!" I yelled walking into my apartment with Sherlock behind me, who refused go home without another kiss. Being my stubborn self, I refused to do as he asked. I found a bowl of pancake mix spilled all over the floor, there were streaks of it on the kitchen floor leading towards the door. Someone was dragged out. I ran to Joanne's room. She wasn't there. I looked at Sherlock, he knew what I was thinking. I ran into my room to change, couldn't go rescue her looking like this. Jeans, black shirt, black boots, and my long black coat. I stopped and grabbed my gun slipping it between my pants and back, tightening my belt to hold it in place. I took out my phone opening the new text.

Joanne wants you to come out and play, alone. Warehouse. Now.


I replaced my phone in my pocket. "Stay here." I told Sherlock

"What? I can't let you do this alone!"

"I'm sorry Sherlock."

"For- what are you-" I stabbed the needle into his neck injecting the drug. I pushed him onto the couch, unconscious. He'll wake up in a few hours. I called a cab giving the driver the address.

I climbed into the warehouse through the window, door was too boring, and locked. I made my way down the dimly light hallway, gun in hand, following the sound of Joanne's screams of pain. I reached the door and listened. "Tell me what has she planned!" Jim yelled, Joanne didn't answer. The sound of a smack and yell of pain filled my ears as I knocked the door down. "Sarah so glad you could join us" Moriarty teased.

"This ends now Jim."

"On the contrary, we're just getting started!" he pulled out a gun, Joanne screamed as the bullet pierced the flesh on her leg. The loud bang of my gun filled the room.




The bullets hit Moriarty, each one missing its target, his heart. I ran to Joanne, untying her as Jim laid on the ground groaning in pain.

"You will pay!" he screamed as I carried Joanne out. I called a cab and it took us to the hospital.

"Sarah!" I stopped pacing as John and Sherlock ran over. "What happened?"

"I don't know!" I exclaimed. "They won't let me see her!" I continued. I was furious, my best friend was just tortured and shot and now I'm not allowed to see her!!!

"Sarah calm down,"

"Calm down? How can I calm down?!? My best friend is in the bloody hospital and I can't see her!"

"Ms. Harvey?"

"Yes?" I asked turning to the doctor.

"You may see Ms. Wild now." I rushed down the hall and up the stairs.

She laid in the bed, asleep. I sighed. Her face was bruised pretty bad and I already knew that she would need crutches for a few weeks. I chuckled thinking about how much she would hate it. John walked in and sat in the chair beside the bed. Sherlock stood beside me. "Sarah..." I couldn't deal with this right now, I walked down the hallway.

"Sarah Harvey!" I stopped and looked into the hospital room I was passing. A girl no more than 10 years old sat there, bandages covering her head, brain tumor.


"You're Sarah Harvey!" she exclaimed. I smiled.

"I'm aware of that, what can I do for you?"

"I've read all your cases, I think you're incredible!" My smile widened.

"What's your name?"


"Well, Lexie, it is a pleasure to meet you." I bowed, making her giggle. "So, what are you in here for?" She pointed to her head.

"I have what they call a brain tumor." I nodded.

"Excuse me?" I turned to see a middle aged woman, must be Lexie's mother.

"Mommy look! It's Sarah Harvey!" Me and her mother laughed.

"I'm Holly."

"Nice to meet you Holly." I looked over at Lexie. "How long does she have?" I asked lowering my voice. Holly's face fell grim.

"Five months." I nodded. "Could you watch her for a moment?" I smiled.

"Of course."

"Mommy, are you leaving?" Lexie asked, the little girl frowned. I hopped on the bed sitting next to her.

"Don't worry, we can hang out till she comes back." That cute smile instantly came back.

"I'll be back later."

"Bye mommy!" Lexie waved her little hand as her mom left the room.

"So Lexie, tell me about yourself."

"Well, I like mystery books, my favorite color is blue, I like pizzas, umm..." she had that cute look, like she was thinking really hard.

"What's your biggest dream?"

"For my tumor to go away." I sighed.

"Lots of kids like you wish that."

"But none of their wishes come true." she said sadly.

"You can't think like that, you're young, full of life, you're supposed to have dreams."

"What's the point in dreaming when you know they won't come true?" she asked confused.

"Dreams give you the hope that maybe tomorrow will be better than today." I replied.

"What did you dream of when you were 10?" I smiled.

"I dreamt of a place far beyond my home, beyond the places I knew. I dreamt of the stars."

~Sherlock's POV~

I smiled as I watched Sarah sit with the young girl, she was good with children. I could see her being a great mother. I then remembered why I had gone looking for her in the first place.

"Sarah," I said stepping away from my hiding place. She looked up at me and frowned.

"You're Sherlock Holmes! Oh my gosh! I love your cases and I ship you two so much!" Sarah broke out laughing at what the girl had said while I, on the other hand, didn't completely understand. Ship us?

"What's so funny?"

"He doesn't know what you mean by 'ship us'." Sarah explained, still laughing. I stuck my tongue out making the girl laugh.

"Ok, what is it that you need Sherlock?" I stopped smiling.

"Joanne's awake."

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