The Island With No Parallel

By Celesteharte

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Highest rating: #364 in Historical Fiction!!! Completed! The kingdom of Ecencia is in danger of its own princ... More

Uncle Stretton's Visit
Necklace (edited)
Spanish Baron (part 1)
Spanish Baron (part 2)
The Ancient Ones
The Letter
Family History
The General of Fear (part 1)
The General of Fear (part 2)
A Letter to My Son
Step Into Caorfi (part 1)
Step Into Caorfi (part 2)
Revett (Part 1)
Revett (Part 2)
The Spy (part 1)
The Spy (part 2)
Two Foreign Maids (Part 1)
Two Foreign Maids (Part 2)
A Killer at the Party
Raided (part 1)
Raided (part 2)
Shattered (part 1)
Shattered (part 2)
Murky Waters (part 1)
Murky Waters (part 2)
Reflections of the Past
Torches and Pitchforks in France (part 1)
Torches and Pitchforks in France (part 2)
A Portal in the Plaza
Lord Luca Valentwood
The Golden Ram
A Game of Saahd'man
The Scholar
Deals and Contracts
The Dead Queen's Request (part 1)
The Dead Queen's Request (part 2)
The Wisdom of the Imanu
A Tale Finally Told
Lurking in the Depths
A Battle Awaited for Centuries

The Chosen

87 7 24
By Celesteharte

"Lord Stretton is after much more than just the Ecencian throne," Fernando went on to say. "The Ancient Ones sense that his goals are much graver. He is looking to conquest. On both worlds. The Aracs found this relic themselves. Before, in ancient times, there were hidden sanctuaries where those that heard the Unseeables kept very powerful items they were given. Those sanctuaries were destroyed by the Aracs, many years back. 

"A long time ago, humans and Caorfians used to be able to speak with the Unseeables, though few knew how to do it. The Unseeables had to teach us how to hear them. The Dark Ones then had a problem. The Coarfians and humans had the power to protect themselves with the items and knowledge given to them by the Unseeables, and the Dark Ones started dying off. So, as a last resort, they decided to sell themselves as slaves to humans that were just as wicked as they were, in a practice that later became exclusive to the Aracs. They agreed that if Caorfians promised them services or offerings, that they would perform a service for them in exchange. That is how the Aracs came to be. 

"So in the beginning, as payment for killing their enemies or anything else Caorfians asked for, the Dark Ones requested the destruction of the sanctuaries, books, and everything else that recorded information about the Unseeables. Soon, they were forgotten completely, and the Dark Ones were yet again able to thrive, though under the bondage of the Aracs."

Lord Fernando leaned back in his chair and said, "And now here we are. Count Francis Stretton is the leader of the Aracs at the moment. And he has plans that are so dangerous, the Ancient Ones have instructed the Unseeables to once again find a way to make us hear them to save us all from his ideas. That necklace is part of his plan, though only a small portion. They captured Cadri because they thought she was chosen by the Ancient Ones. A long time ago, the Ancient Ones chose a different five people, that when brought together, unlocked enough power to lock away the most powerful Dark Ones in history, and their generals. Greed, Rage, and Fear are their names, the Dark Lords. Count Francis is a dangerous man and is seeking to collect enough relics to take the power from them and unlock them again. The Ancient Ones decided that they needed to make sure the Dark Lords never became free again. So once again they have chosen five people to give enough power that when together, can put the Dark Ones away again.

"But it seems the Aracs have changed plans. With the power within one Chosen of the Ancients, the Aracs would have no need for any relics. All they would need is one of the Chosen, and they would have more than enough power to free the Dark Lords. The Aracs have summoned two monsters called Pitrious and Nexa."

"I saw them," Yunara said, hating thinking about them. "What were they? I have never seen Dark Ones like those."

Fernando nodded gravely. "They are Dark Ones of the most twisted kind and have not been summoned in a very long time. Pitrious is blind but incredibly strong. He cannot see for himself, but he is mentally connected to Nexa, who has an all-seeing eye but has no arms to defend herself. She can see for Pitrious, and also into the future of their enemies. When you think of a plan to harm them, Nexa will already know what it is and will warn Pitrious.

"What's more, Nexa also has the ability to detect power from Unseeables, much like my monocle. The Ancient Ones knew that if Nexa felt one of their Chosen near the castle, she would tell the Aracs to capture him or her. So they asked for someone to masquerade as the Chosen. They would make someone look as if they had all the power of the Chosen, and not really have any at all. And Cadri was the first to offer herself. To protect you."

Yunara couldn't speak. Princess Cadri was captured... to protect her maid?

Fernando continued, "And the plan works perfectly if we work quick enough. The Aracs are in possession of a... how would you say? An imposter? And we can get to work. We must gather the other Chosen, and help them find the weapons the Ancient Ones prepared for them."

"The Ancient Ones won't give it to them like they did me?"

Fernando stroked his beard and looked off, as if he were thinking, looking into the past. "No, I'm not talking about the bladed shield. I'm speaking of different weapons, five swords with great power that you will need. But the location of those swords is a long story. I believe Manuel will tell it to you eventually."

Now Yunara was truly confused. "Manuel? He knows of all this?"

"Not yet. I will have to tell it to him now. But that is nothing for you to worry about. Now, you will have to learn how to talk to the Unseeables." He gave Yunara a small silver bell. "You can take this. I have many. When you ring this, it makes it easier to hear and feel the Unseeables that pass by unnoticed. Now, take out your shield."

"It disappeared, I already told you."

He shook his head. "The Unseeables are guarding it for you. Reach out your hand, imagine it, and pull it to you. It is your shield and senses you calling for it."

Yunara closed her eyes and tried to imagine the shield, so beautiful and unique. She reached out her hand and immediately felt something in her grip. She looked at her hand and saw nothing. Then she pulled her hand towards her, and the silver shield appeared in her hand, round, with its sharp edges. Fernando saw the shock on her face and smirked. "Amazing, no? Well, we are almost finished here. Why don't you ask the Unseeables if we have forgotten anything?"

Yunara rung the bell. She jumped as she saw a wolf come to her side.

There is one thing, he said. I have been listening. Good evening, Fernando.

"Hola, Grisol," said Fernando. "I speak to Unseeables in Spanish," he explained to Yunara. "They can understand all languages because they do not speak like you and I. They feel our minds, and speak to our minds. Language does not matter to them. I hear Grisol in Spanish, and I assume you hear him in whatever language you speak."

"Enough boring the poor girl", said Grisol. "You would go on speaking forever if you could. Fernando laughed and replied in Spanish." Grisol said to Yunara, "As I was saying, there is one more thing. The Ancient Ones will announce to you the names of all of the ones they have chosen. You will want to write it down. When you do, give it to the companion the Ancient Ones assign you so that no one can steal it. No one but you and the other Chosen may see it. Not even Princess Cadri when you see her again."

Yunara wanted to jump out of her seat. "I will see Cadri again?"

The wolf nodded. "Should everything go well, you will see your friend again and, should the fates allow, soon. She is in possession of a powered item that allows her to talk to you if she must tell you something very urgent. I believe she already has."

So that was how Cadri had spoken to her. "And who is this companion you speak of?"

"An Unseeable companion. She is on his way now. In the meantime, get ready, for I will give the names now."

A companion. That was what the fox called itself before, Roraina. She must have been Cadri's companion, Yunara realized.

Fernando reached for a piece of paper and pen and gave it to her.

The wolf started in a loud voice. "The Ancient Ones have chosen these humans and Caorfians for their valiant hearts, their bravery, their courage. They have selected these five people: Yunara Akio of Crila, daughter of Koku, a servant in the castle of Ecencia. Kailu Jiro of Crila, daughter of a blacksmith named Misak, living in the town of Revett, Ecencia. Luca Valentini of Sicily, Italy, son of Antonio. Captain pirate most refer to as "Diavolo". Shi'ran of the elf country, Gaiza. Son of Adulah, scholar in the Elf Emperor's court. Manuel Suarez de la Costa V of Spain. Son of Manuel Suarez de la Costa IV. A baron in Valencia, Spain. These are the Chosen of the Ancients, honorable, worthy, and mighty."

"The items you have been given, Yunara, you are free to use as you please, including the necklace. But the necklace you must protect with your life. The Aracs are forming an army. They are planning a total conquest of Earth and Caorfi, starting with Ecencia, and ending with the freeing of the Dark Lords. With the Dark Lords, they will try to kill us Unseeables, to gain power over the parallel points, to send their armies at all points of both worlds. With that necklace, they could accelerate their plans quicker than we have time for. You must gather the other chosen and help them find their weapons that the Aracs have hidden. Manuel will help you. Work quickly, because the Aracs plan to uncover the keys that lock away the Dark Generals. Once they have the Generals, they will kill Cadri to have enough power to unleash the Lords. Your companion will be informed if they have found any. Ah, here she comes."

An owl flew out from behind Fernando, looking at Yunara intensely with it's wide eyes, cocking its head. "I am Lorenn," she said. "Give me the paper, I'll keep it safe." Yunara offered the sheet, Lorenn taking it in her beak and startling Yunara as she spread her wide wings and took off towards the window, disappearing before she made contact with the glass.

Fernando and Yunara were alone again.

"But, couldn't we use this necklace to lock away the Dark Lords?" Yunara asked.

"It's not strong enough, that lone necklace. Only with everything that Grisol explained to you will you have enough power to defeat them. The Ancient Ones have tried locking the Dark Lords away before. But it has been proven that it isn't enough. This time, they must be destroyed. And only with the five Chosen can they be defeated." Fernando sighed. "Now I must explain to that hard headed boy Manuel everything. Manuel is a good man but at times," Fernando knocked on his head. "His head, it is very thick. We will talk again after I am done with Manuel."

Yunara couldn't believe how things were unfolding. Manuel was Chosen. Princess Cadri had risked her life just to save Yunara. Francis Stretton was planning world conquest with the most wicked Dark Ones alive. When she walked away, Fernando could tell she was processing a lot of information. He took a deep breath. And now for Manuel.

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