It's A Cliche

By lolipopnerd

515 130 363

Hey kids. Do you love watpadd? Are you tired of cliche's? Do you just want to read something funny? Well here... More

Author's Note


53 9 6
By lolipopnerd

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         "I've been on dish duty for two freaking days, and on Friday I have to clean the stupid auditorium, don't you dare tell me to calm down!"

        "Okay... Okay," Tristan says in resolve, "I'd have loved to help you but... I really hate doing the dishes"

        "No kidding," I say glaring at him.

        "But I guess I can help you with cleaning the auditorium on Friday," Tristan says thoughtfully. "Why are you glaring at me?" he asks.

        "Because yesterday you came over to my house, used almost all the clean plates for the stupid thing you were doing with my parents and left without helping me WITH THE DISHES!" I say angrily, I'm pretty sure I felt steam coming out of my ears,"

          "I'm sorry we were eating," he says non apologetically.

          "Yeah, next time I'll eat you." I say threatening him.

          "Of course babe." he says while grinning and winking at me.

          'Bloody freaking hell... Tristan is so annoying.'

         •      •      •      •      •       •       • 

         My first Friday of punishment, now this where things start to go wrong. You know that inkling of dread u get when your life is going okay then God decides to think it'd be pretty fun to tell life to throw you one of those sucker punches in the face, which all starts with one little stupid from you. Well, here's mine.

Friday Night, School Auditorium.

          I walk in and scan the place. Our school auditorium is very very large. It is where school plays are performed, the ones that are shown to spectators while the small ones are performed I'm the theatre.

During the end of a school year, Award night, dinners and other events are mostly held here. It has dinners and other events are mostly held here. It has a huge stage, during awards night the principal usually stands there with a huge goofy grin on his face giving us a speech about hard work, Diligence and blah blah blah.

We also have art nights, art shows and other things. It has rows of seats With 2000+ seats and all... Enough about this place.

Earlier this evening Miss. Daniels had  called my parents and given me a long list of what to do and what not. I have to sweep the floors, scrub it, also scrub the walls, dust the chairs and paintings (all of them) also dust the statues and all artworks. After I'm done, then I can lock up, drop the key off with school security and go home. Only to anticipate coming back next week.

          I sighed as I dropped my bag on a small space on the floor. I then took our my phone and turned on some music, Robin schwiz - so fly. I went to the supply closet and picked out a broom as I swept, I sang along and danced "sugar, how you get so fly?...  Yeah, whoo" I just began my dance solo, then I heard clapping 👏 and laughing 😁...  Oh shit! Someone's here! I turn around to see who had interrupted my beautiful dancing and cleaning, only to see a smirking tristan standing with his hands in his pockets.

              "uggh," I groan. "Why are you here?"

             "wow," he says, "I thought you'd be ecstatic to see me. I came to keep you company you know."

            "Fine, I'm happy to see you," I tell him with a deadpan look.

           "Much better."

           "Can you just get a broom and help now?"

           "What's the magic word?"
           "abracadabra, alakazum" I say and he raises an eyebrow at me. I then sigh. 'fine' I mouth to him "Please?" I say giving him my puppy dog eyes.

          "The magic word is actually Apricots, but I accept your please cause you're so darned cute when you pout like that," he says as he pinches my cheeks and sticks his tongue out at me, like a four year old I might add, then walks into the supply closet.

Well, ain't that sweet.

         •      •      •      •      •      •      •

    "We ain't ever getting older,"

    "no, we ain't ever getting older," I sing after Tristan.

    "we ain't ever getting older"

    "we ain't ever getting older... "

I sing as I begin to dance and Tristan laughs histerically. Dance is my life. I've loved it since I was little but I really got into it when I was thirteen. I'm a really great dancer and so is Tristan we have a YouTube channel where we post some of our stuff, like dancing, singing, comedy skits and all. Lately we've been getting major views.

       "You're a really great dancer, you know that?" Tristan says, with some sort of amused voice.

      "um... Yeah, I do know that. Just finished learning this routine. It's dope, I'll show you when we're done."

     "And... Done, you do realize I did most of the work." Tristan says, with his arms crossed.

     "Thank you so much Bubba, I love you and I'll never forget this," I sat with an exaggerated sigh.

     "What... "he asks.

     "You're always there for me so I'm thanking you stupido, I wouldn't have been able to do it so fast without you" I say.

      "Do I get a thank you kiss?" he asks, with a goofy grin on his face.

      "In your dreams, white boy." I retort jokingly.

      "Hey, you know having a white mom doesn't make me any less black than you"he says.

      "keep telling yourself that, Bubba" Bubba a nickname I gave Tristan when we were little and I just kind of stuck with it.

       "Hey. You know that thing happening in Libya is not cool, right?"

He says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

       "Yeah, it's absolutely barbaric. And so annoying. They sat racism is gone yet sometimes we're treated a little differently, you know there's still a restaurant in Washington that doesn't let black people in," I say solemnly.

     "Yeah, I know. I just feel bad for those people being sold cause they're also peoples families, friends, relatives. They're humans like us, you know and no ones even talking about that." He says.

     "Except Chris Brown. It's like acting as if everything is alright when its not. I wish there was something we can do."

      "I know right."

    "Yeah, it's not like we can do an awareness thing or something. We're not celebrities or anything," I say sadly.

    "Yeah, but have you checked our channel lately. We're getting major views maybe we can use that." he suggests.

    " That's not half bad an idea... We can also post from our private accounts and all." I say getting into the spirit. "How did you even think of that"

    "I dont know. It just came to me," he says smirking. We then get to work.

        After a while. My phone beeps. I check and it's a message from Caro.

        'Ari!! I need help. Please come over. PLEASE. I know ure busy but this is really important! 😨😫

"Yo. What's up?"

"it's a text from Caro. Shit seems urgent. What's the time?"


Sigh..  "Uh, Trie, Thanks for all your help today. It really meant lot. I know I don't say it a lot. But I'm really lucky to have you," I tell him, and he smiles.

Awwwn... Swoon. That smile. "But I'm not as lucky as you are... To have me" I add and stick my tongue out 😜 as he rolls his eyes. Double swoon... "Anywho... I gotta go. Lock up for me Bubba."

I turn to leave but he grabs my hand and pulls me back. I immediately gasp as I crash into a wall. Oh wait. That wall is his chest. 

Oww... My nose. How nice... I look up to give him a piece of my mind only to find him intensely staring at me. His hands around my waist and I'm pulled very close to him. Breathing the same air. He leans in... And my breath hitches, caught in my throat as we're now only inches apart. My heart starts beating rapidly, just as he's about to ... My phone rings.

I move away from him as I pick up the call.

"Yeah, Caro I'm on my way." I say to the distressed Caro on the phone. I hang up and turn to Tristan.

He then grabs me again. His expression changes into the intense one he had in our compromising position earlier.

My breathing constricts as my heart skips a beat.. He looks into my eyes as if searching for something. He then leans in again and I gasp as my breath siezes. He smirks and pulls away. He releases me and mutters.

"Good night Aria"

     •       •       •        •        •        •       •


You gotta be freaking shitting me right now," I say shocked, "Caro calm down, maybe there's a mistake."

"It's not, I tried it three times," she sniffs before bursting into tears. She cries frantically. I try to persevere her and when she calms down a bit, I take a huge and ask her.

"Whose is it?" instead of answering she just cries more.

"How did it happen?" okay stupid question I know. We all know how it happened but I'm just short of words.

"I don't want to sound inconsiderate or mean but What the heck y'all want me to do now? Have you told your   parents?"

"No," came the answer.

"OK well just calm down, get yourself together and when you're ready tell them" I advise...

"But what if they hate me. I don't want them to see me as a disappointment." she sniffles.

"They are your parents. They'll be mad at first but feel better after. They're your parents after all they'd never turn their backs on you."

"You really think so?" she asks me, with so much hope in her voice.

"Yeah, I do." I reply, then I pick up my back pack and prepare to leave. "It's getting pretty late, I need to be home. Byee."

"Thank you so much Aria, You're the only one I could come to."

"It's no problem, that's what friends are for."

           •       •       •       •      •      •      •

"Saturday Night!!! Hash tag fun night,". Tristan yells before cuddling up next to me on the bed. "So honey, you seem withdrawn this night," he says, turning on the TV with the hand he has over my shoulder while taking a handful of popcorn and popping it into his mouth. Classical Tristan trying to act like my parent.

    Only Tristan could make something as ordinary as eating look good.

It's so odd how I'm noticing all these all of a sudden. Maybe I'm going crazy.

    We're currently having Tristan and Aria night, since we couldn't do movie night yesterday. He's staying over until he's ready to go back to his own home, which should be around next week.

"It's nothing really. Just thinking whether you have other friends" I say.

"Haha! Very funny," he says with no enthusiasm at all. "Now what's up?"

"It's nothing really Triste" I say and he looks at me. "Caros PREGNANT!"

"she told me last night, I'm so sad for her" I say.

"How did it happen? Who's the father?" I love how I've turned my best friend into as big a gossip as I am. I mean it was inevitable for him I had to do girl talk with someone.  I also only ever gossip to Tristan. Does it make it right?  No.  Will I stop?  Not a chance.  I'm human. But I also won't talk crap about anyone behind their backs.

"I don't know... " I reach into my backpack at the side of the bed and pull out one of Caro's pregnancy test.

"WTF" he says, "What are you doing with it?"

"I brought it to show you, you know as evidence"

"Put it away, Do you know what would happen if your parents saw you with that? Throw it away, put it out"

"Okay... Okay" I say muttering under my breath as I throw it in the trash.

"Now babe, What do you wanna watch?" he asks

"Small foot!!"

"Birdbox it is" he says clearly ignoring me. I sigh and snuggle into his arms while taking as much blanket as I want.

"Heyyyy!!,"he says as I stick my tongue at him in my beautiful immaturity.

"Blanket hug!" he mutters under his breath.

Dont forget to vote. Comment. Like. Share. Tell your friends. ... And ask me tons of questions   😊

I love that song High Hopes by Panic at the disco. I feel like that name Panic at the disco is just such a creative name for a band, and I can't stop grooving to instrumentals, it feels like the words just send a message to me you know? Anyways I'll stop now. Was just wondering if anyone has felt so in tuned with a song like that? Anyways hope u enjoyed the chapter. Stay fire. XO.

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