(Cancelled/Considering remaki...

By Aqua-Mage1000

1.7K 6 549

(WARNING-Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi-Though, one of... More

Prologue: The Boundary
Chapter 1 Part 1/9 - The real show begins
Chapter 1 part 2/9 - The ship
Chapter 1 part 3/9 - The Mushroom Kingdom
Chapter 1 part 5/9 - A Missing Friend
Chapter 1 part 6/9 - A rude interruption
Chapter 1 Part 7/9 - Reunion
Chapter 1 Part 8/9 - The Siblings' Reunion
Chapter 1 Part 9/9 - Observe meeting
Chapter 2 Part 1/11 - Sarasaland
Chapter 2 part 2/11 - Unplanned Visit
Chapter 2 Part 3/11 - An Attack
Chapter 2 Part 4/11 - Strategy
Chapter 2 Part 5/11 - A weak battle
Chapter 2 Part 6/11 - Captivity
Chapter 2 Part 7/11 - An travel plan
Chapter 2 Part 8/11 - Sneaky heroes
Chapter 2 Part 9/11 - The Sleeping Android
Chapter 2 Part 10/11 - An escape
Chapter 2 Part 11/11 - Failure trouble
Chapter 3 part 1/10 - Illyria
Chapter 3 part 2/10 - The Kishe family...and Sol
Chapter 3 part 3/10 - Meeting the king
Chapter 3 part 4/10 - Issues
Chapter 3 part 5/10 - A Gear's sin
Chapter 3 part 6/10 - Phantom thieves 1/2
Chapter 3 part 7/10 - Phantom thieves 2/2
Chapter 3 part 8/10 - Naming
Chapter 3 part 9/10 - The Last Kunoichi of the Oboro clan
Chapter 3 part 10/10 - Alucard family
Chapter 4 part 1/15 - The Airship
Chapter 4 part 2/15 - The Jellyfish Pirates
Chapter 4 part 3/15 - The Ship's Rules
Chapter 4 part 4/15 - Ragna's room
Chapter 4 part 5/15 - Training
Chapter 4 part 6/15 - Master
Chapter 4 part 7/15 - Crashing down
Chapter 4 part 8/15 - Greece
Chapter 4 part 9/15 - The search begins
Chapter 4 part 10/15 - The prince of Dreamland
Chapter 4 part 11/15 - Magic Gene
Chapter 4 part 12/15 - Bang's group
Chapter 4 part 13/15 - Meet Pit
Chapter 4 part 14/15 - Android and the rabbit
Chapter 4 part 15/15 - Awoken
Chapter 5 part 1/13 - Meeting (KO)
Chapter 5 part 2/13 - Caught (A2)
Chapter 5 part 3/13 - Training (KO)
Chapter 5 part 4/13 - Roommate (A2)
Chapter 5 part 5/13 - Cafe (RB)
Chapter 5 part 6/13 - An old friend (RB)
Chapter 5 part 7/13 - Kidnapped (RB)
Chapter 5 part 8/13 - HUH?! (RB)
Chapter 5 part 9/13 - Meeting up the rest (RB)
Chapter 5 part 10/13 - The goddess of light (RB)
Chapter 5 part 11/13 - Happy late birthday (RB)
Chapter 5 part 12/13 - Rest up (KO)
Chapter 5 part 13/13 - A quiet promise (A2)
Chapter 6 part 1/18 - Out of the train (A2)
Chapter 6 part 2/18 - Nightmare (RB)
I need a break
Chapter 6 part 3/18 - Morning (RB)
Chapter 6 part 4/18 - Tea and pianos (RB)
Chapter 6 part 5/18 - Preparations (KO)
Chapter 6 part 6/18 - Legend of Sparda (KO)
Chapter 6 part 7/18 - The Sapphire Knight (A2)
Chapter 6 part 8/18 - Monster (A2)
Chapter 6 part 9/18 - Rescue (A2)
Chapter 6 part 10/18 - Grand cabaret club (KO)
Chapter 6 part 11/18 - Run! (KO)
Chapter 6 part 12/18 - Going out (RB)
Chapter 6 part 13/18 - The Past (RB)
Chapter 6 part 14/18 - Getting out of here (A2)
Chapter 6 part 15/18 - How we become friends (RB)
Chapter 6 part 16/18 - Meeting the Bandicoot family (KO)
Chapter 6 part 17/18 - Travelling (A2)
Chapter 6 part 18 - Outside of a bar (RB)
Chapter 7 part 1 - Hangover (RB)
Cancelation/Considering remaking it from scretch

Chapter 1 part 4/9 - The Toadstool Princess

36 0 0
By Aqua-Mage1000

WARNING! - Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi (Though, one of them is very one-sided and it will appear much later on to the story, not now)

Ps: The characters are mostly will be mostly OOC, but that's because they're basically parallel universe versions of the canon characters that will appear, including two certain OCs who are parallel universes of two canon characters (If you know Blazblue, then you know what I'm referring to), so some of them will be OOC or a bit of it, but there's a reason for it like I explain just recently, so if you complain that one character is OOC or I got their back story wrong, then that's because they're not the same person; same souls and names, but slightly different personality, appearances and back-stories.

Enjoy, Comment, Vote and be nice to me and everyone else in the meantime to let me know to improve and, generally, have a good time. 

They turn around and saw a massive group of Toads wearing blue music uniforms playing either playing the drums, trumpets or swirling sticks. There is a massive amount of very colourful confetti falling from the massive royal cart with a purple cloak on it and two people stand atop of it; a beautiful woman around her late forties, with long bright blonde hair that stops to her shoulders with a tint of grey hair, blue eyes, pale skin with a little bit of wrinkle. She also wears a beautiful dark pink dress with a red sash around her right shoulder, white long gloves that stop to her elbows, blue diamond-shaped earrings, a wedding ring on her right hand and a golden royal crown on the top of her head.
Next to her is a shorter, quite chubby man with brownish-orange hair, blue eyes, big round nose with a black moustache and also has pale skin with wrinkles. He wears the same royal crown as her and wedding ring as well, but a white uniform with some red outlines on it and a long dark red cape around his shoulders, black formal shoes and white short gloves.

"It's King Mario and Queen Peach!" A Toad cried out in happiness.
"Yeah! It's the royal family!"
"Wooo, Yeah!!!"

The royal couple waves at their people, who were wildly cheering for the two. The team saw the celebration and became in awe.
"Whoa! Talk about a crazy party!" Luna said.
"Yeah, you can say that again, Luna," Carl agreed with the peach-blonde haired girl.
"Um...?" Starlow whispered to Ragna's ears, "Aren't they..."
"Yeah, I know."
"Well, are you going to say something?"
"Umm...not really."
"Sometimes Ragna, you just annoy me!"
"Well, you do the same, right?"
"...Good point."

(Meanwhile inside the royal cart)
A young woman in her early twenties, looks very similar to Peach, except without the wrinkles, her hair is a bit messier and styled differently like her bangs. She wears a golden tiara, a pink X-shaped hairclip on the right side of her bangs, a light pink puffy dress, and white gloves similar to the queen's, along with white sneakers with light pink outlines and laces underneath her dress. The young woman is sitting on a throne and looks at the window with a bored expression as she watches the Toads cheering and confetti falling to the ground. Then...
"Is something the matter, milady?"

She turns quickly with a surprise expression on her face, next to her throne she is sitting on is another woman, who has pink hair worn in a ponytail with two tuffs pointing upwards like cat ears, tanned skin, a eye patch made of glass over her left eye, a red, black and white kimono with the sleeves tucked in the sides of a black vest, gold and black greaves, a jacket that she wears on her shoulders like a cape, a sarashi underneath her kimono like shorts and sandals, a clawed grappling hook as her right arm, peach eyes and a sword covered in a red sheath.
"Oh, um...it's nothing, Baiken." The woman told her.
"But, Lady Sabrina, you look rather bored," Baiken said with concern, "This is your birthday after all, so why aren't you happy like you're normally are?"
"...I miss my brother..."
"Oh...well, there is nothing I could do something about that, milady, I'm sorry."
"...That's okay, Bai," Sabrina ensured Baiken, "It just feels...empty without him, you know."
"...I understand what you mean." Baiken agreed with her, "In that case, do you want me to tell your mother? I'm sure she feels the same as you."
"...No, I don't want to ruin my own party."
"Okay then." Baiken sighed as she turns away from Sabrina.

Sabrina continues to look at the window until he heard someone's voice.
"Sabrina, the people are waiting for you."

Peach came through the door's curtains, which made Baiken stand straight like a military soldier and Sabrina turn to her mother.
"Your majesty!" Baiken calls out as she walks towards the blonde-haired queen and bows to her.
"Baiken, you really don't need to bow, you do realise that, right?" Peach told the pink-haired samurai.
"Oops, sorry, it's, umm...it's sort of a habit of mine."
"Oh, that's okay Baiken," Peach forgave her, "So, do you want to go outside?"
"Huh? Do you want to talk to your daughter privately?" Baiken asked her boss.
"Umm...you could say that."
"Very well then, I will leave you two be."

Baiken leaves the room and went outside, leaving the two women alone. "So, are you okay, sweetie?" Peach asks her daughter.
"...I'm good, thanks." Sabrina lied to her mother.
"...Sabrina..." Peach walks up to her daughter, put her hand on Sabrina's shoulder and gives a gentle expression, "You miss your brother, don't you?"
"Thought so," Peach said, "I understand you miss your brother, trust me, I miss him too, but...we should try to be happy for his sake, I'm sure he doesn't want to see you sad, does he?"
"...I guess."
"Good, now how about you greet our people, okay?" Peach asked her daughter, who nodded, "In that case, let's go."

Peach lends her hand to her daughter, who accepts it and the two left the room.

A/N Okay, I might have lying about what happened in this chapter, but at least you met my OC, Sabrina Toadstool, biological daughter of Peach and Mario! And who's brother are they talking about, found out later on! I hope you guys enjoy it, so give a vote, comment and have a nice day, bye my fellow ninjas and kunoichis!

Amy Rose belongs to Sega
Ragna, Bang, Luna, Carl, Baiken andTaokaka belongs to Arc system works.
Starlow, Toad, Mario, Peach and Raichu belongs to Nintendo.

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