Scottish Stars Cross

By RedCherry25

1.6K 12 0

Sorcha has been waiting her whole life to find a man who will sweep her off her feet. So far, she's struck o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 14

48 0 0
By RedCherry25

Scotland was beautiful. It was a sunny day that was beginning to cloud in. The wind was blowing and Sorcha swore she could smell the ocean even though she couldn't see it, but it wasn't far away since they were on an island. Sorcha inhaled deeply and let her head fall back so she could look up at the sky. A sigh escaped Sorcha. Scotland felt like home.

Laughter caused Sorcha to open her eyes and brought her head up. Zefora had a hold of Ella and was spinning around with her a safe distance away from the jet. The Sinclair boys were busy talking to Zefora's brothers.

Calleach stood talking to a man that bore a faint resemblance to Calleach. Calleach turned as if sensing he was being watched. A smile graced his face as he held his hand out towards Sorcha. Sorcha walked towards and worked on not fidgeting with her hair and clothes. Sorcha took Calleach's outstretched hand. Calleach pulled Sorcha to him before he draped his left arm over her shoulders.

"This is Sorcha McAllister. Sorcha, I'd like to introduce you to my Uncle Cal O'Brien."

"It's nice to meet you Mr. O'Brien."

Calleach's uncle surprised her by kissing her on the cheek before he laughed. "Call me Cal. It's been awhile since my wayward nephew has visited." Cal passed a sly eyed glance at his nephew. "He's never brought home a woman or her entire family."

Sorcha blushed while Calleach laughed. "I never had any reason to until I met Sorcha."

Cal nodded as he studied Sorcha. "Ye said yer surname was McAllister?"

Sorcha nodded before she cleared her throat and answered. "I did."

"Would ye be related the McAllister's on the mainland?"

"They are my family and I come and visit every other year during the summer."

A crafty look entered Cal's eyes again. "I have been meaning to do some business with the McAllisters."

"I can give you their information."

"Perfect." Cal clapped his hands gaining everyone's attention. "Let's go up to the castle for a nip of tea shall we?"

Cal turned and led the way from the tarmac and up towards his home. Sorcha looked up at Calleach. He was watching her with an apprehensive look. Sorcha couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You weren't kidding when you said that your uncle was a little eccentric."

Calleach looked after his uncle who had engaged the Sinclair boys in conversation. He seemed unaware of the wind that was blowing his kilt up to reveal his white buttocks. Zefora and Ella were walking behind him giggling like a couple of school girls.

"He is a tad odd; wait until you meet some of my other relations. Uncle Cal is mild compared to some of them."

"Will we be able to roam the island?"

One of Zefora's brothers asked from behind Calleach and Sorcha. Sometimes it was hard for Sorcha to distinguish between her cousins. They were similar enough voice wise that they easily sounded like each other.

"Of course." Calleach turned to look back at the brother's. "Cal has horses if you want to ride across the island. I can point out some areas of interest if you want me too."

The brother's looked at each other. Zarr grinned excitedly at Calleach. "Just point us in the direction of some hot single women and we'll be fine."

Sorcha sighed and shook her head while Calleach laughed. "I can do that."

"The three of you are awful."

Zaranth grinned at Sorcha. "You're just saying that because you know me too well."

Sorcha rolled her eyes as they walked into the shadow that the giant keep cast. It was a formidable building and yet it was beautiful. The architecture was amazing. Sorcha could stand and stare at the keep for hours. Her feet itched to go exploring. She wanted to wander all the halls and run her fingers on the stone.

"How old is the building?"

Calleach studied the keep as they approached and shrugged. "It was built sometime in the 12th century."

"It's beautiful."

"It is," Calleach said as if seeing it with new eyes. "The O'Brien family owns a lot of old properties. We can go and visit any of them."

"Can we really?"

Calleach kissed Sorcha on the cheek and chuckled slightly at how excited she was. "We can. I can show you a list of the properties we own and some pictures too."

"I'd like that," Sorcha stated as they walked inside the keep.

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