Star Crossed Lovers

By PenguinOnPaper

2.8K 108 103

Hermione and Draco grew up knowing that they would never be friends, and that Pure-Bloods would always be con... More

Train Ride
Sorting Ceremony
Fine Lines
Notice My Pain
Hope the Stars Are On My Side
End of the Start
Little Things Impact Those Who Need It
Tell Me
Sad Souls [SWITCH IT UP]
It Won't Wait
Break the Heartbreaker
Dreary Thoughts [SWITCH IT UP]
Clashing Ties
Dreary Thoughts
Sharp Minds
Tied Down
Hold On (Part 1)
Hold On (Part 2)
Girl Behind The Mask (Part 1)
Girl Behind The Mask (Part 2)
Girl Behind The Mask (Part 3) [SWITCH IT UP]
Truth Remains Untold

Jolly Fun

77 4 2
By PenguinOnPaper

I took the boys hand, knees shaking, and only stutters coming out of my mouth.

"Watch it, Granger."


"You what? Come here to ruin everything again?"

"Malfoy, I-"

"I don't need to hear it, Mudblood. Enough filthy words are coming out of your mouth already."

Malfoy started walking the other way, wiping his hand on his robes.

"Listen to me!" I shrieked, as the Slytherin turned around and walked a bit too  close.

"Hear me out here Granger," Malfoy told me tightly. "If we're going to talk about something, say it now, cause this is already a waste of time." 

He acted irritated. What was I supposed to do about it?

"Tell me about last night." a spasm of frustration jabbed my heart.

"What is there to tell you?"

"Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?

I was starting to become furious the more he'd question me. "Don't play stupid  with me, Malfoy. Answer me. Why'd you do it? I'm asking a simple question, and I want a simple answer." I asked. He scoffed. "You already know."

Oh please. Really?

"Too scared to admit it?"


"Too scared to say TO EVERYONE HERE, that-"

"Shut up."

"That you, Draco Lucius Malfoy,"

"Shut up!"

"Like me, Hermione Jean Granger, the Muggle born?"



I sat in the common room on a large chair; Thinking. I had a box of chocolates that a friend gave me, but I didn't want them. On the box, the word JOLLY was spelled out, but I had an idea. It was probably very dumb, but I didn't care (obviously). I took out my wand, and changed what it said on the box.

I got up and headed straight to the Owlrey, with the heart shaped box of chocolates. I chose a barn owl, and gave it the box of chocolates, alongside a letter. I watched it take off, but it didn't go very far until it dropped.

Must've been an old owl... I thought. I headed down into the courtyard, and picked up the dropped items as well as the owl. Shit, what do I do? I first thought to bring it to Madam Pomfrey, but instead I took it back to the Owlrey, and laid it on some hay.

I decided to choose another owl, gave it the box and letter, and it took off. It didn't get very far either, but it took a sharp turn towards the Slytherin dungeons.....

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