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Ron's POV

My head was hanging, my ginger hair dropping down from my head.  Harry was sitting beside me on my four poster, patting my back, while Dean and Seamus were standing in front of me.

"She'll come around, Ron. She just needs time."

"She'll come around?! For Merlin's sake, she won't just bloody come around! She.."

Everybody started leaning in, as if a huge secret was to be revealed. I drew in a huge breath, before saying

"She loves Malfoy."  Which sent a tear rolling down my cheek. "Keep trying, Mate. Don't worry 'bout it." Seamus blurted out, which made everybody slowly turn their head towards him.

"All you can do is try, Ron. I'm not the best with girls.. Obviously. I mean, the Yule Ball is coming up soon. Maybe you could ask her." Harry said comfortingly. "Really?"  I asked. "Really." Harry nodded, before smiling and walking to his bed.

"Thanks, mate. " I told the three.

"No problem"

"For sure"

"Yeah, I probably didn't help" They all said in unison, before laughing at Dean's comment, and heading to sleep.


Hermione's POV

"Mione, you have to forgive him. My brother's a prick, I know, but he's trying. All he wants is to love you."

"Well I don't love him! You can't convince me, Ginny. It.." I said, looking out the window. "It won't work. I don't care if you brag about how 'great' he is until the day I die! Name one moment he actually comforted me!"

"Well.. I, erm-"

"EXACTLY! He's never been helpful or supportive in ANY way! All he cares about is if he gets me! He doesn't give a damn if I want my own life or not! Now for the last time, I'm. not. dating. your. brother! And that's the end of it!"

And at that same time.....

Slytherin Tower..

Malfoy's POV

"Fucking Weasley.. Ruining everything! I had her right there, and he ruined it! I was just about to change EVERYTHING, until bloody Weasel came in and gave me a huge bruise."

I swept my hand through my hair, sighing.

"What's going to happen next? He's probably going to take her to Hogsmeade again, and this whole bloody cycle is gonna happen again!"

I was so close. Now my chance has slipped away, and I'm miserable about it. 

Merlin's bloody beard..

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