Hold On (Part 1)

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Author's Note: I'm sorry if this chapter is low quality, I got back from a trip and I can't think D: This chapter might be really crappy, my brain just isn't working.. Anyways enjoy =^-^=


I stood there waiting for him to speak up. My arms were crossed, and the look on my face was more than enough to tell I was upset.

"Malfoy, I'm waiting"

 "Granger, we're not going to stand here forever"

"No we aren't."

"Then why are we waiting here?"

"I'm waiting for you to give me an answer."

He rolled his eyes, then started to walk off. I stepped forward, but didn't continue walking

"...Please don't leave." I mumbled.

"I'm tired of waiting, Granger. That Durmstrang fellow seems interested, go with him"

"What's with you? Holding off on me like this, I expect this is an excuse for your loneliness.."

He started walking further, Pansy taking his side.

"It's.. It's okay then.. You, you can leave.. They all do." I cried, looking down at my feet, hands cupped.

"They all leave.." I muttered, before heading back to Ginny..


"That arse just left?" The ginger asked. I nodded my head slowly, as Harry sat beside us. "Backstory?" Harry asked me. I sighed, looking over to the Slytherin table. The first person I noticed was the Durmstrang student Malfoy mentioned, Viktor Krum. My gaze focused on him for a moment, before turning back to Harry and Ginny. "A-alright.. Well.. Yesterday we were speaking.. And well, Parkinson.." Ginny's eyes widened. "Parkinson?" She sneered, with Harry shooting her a look of disappointment.

"Yes, Parkinson. That pug-faced girl interrupted my request."


"Request. About.. The Yule Ball.. I asked, and he never answered.."

The two seemed less joyful than they were before, and I couldn't blame them.

"Then they.. They walked off, and I overheard Parkinson making snide remarks.. So afterwards the Durmstrang student, Krum.. He asked me, and out of pure guilt.. "

The two leaned in, as I lowered my head, trying to make sure nobody saw the stream pouring out of my eyes. "Mione, it's okay, if you don't wanna talk about it. " I turned to Harry, and I could see the pain in his eyes. "I..," I put my head back down. "I better.. better leave." I stammered, rushing off to the Common Room.

Common Room..

The Common Room was silent, as it was completely empty.

Except for me.

I sat on a cozy chair in front of the dying flame, hands cupped and eyes puffy. Class.. I thought. I was suffocating in my own thoughts, so much that I didn't realize I bumped into another Gryffindor student.

"S-sorry-" I muttered, my voice very wobbly. I raised my messy brown haired head to look at who I was speaking to. I grimaced at the sight of the last person I wanted to see.

"Lavender Brown.." I whispered.

"Granger, look at yourself!"

"Excuse me?" My tone changed from quiet to aggressive in a matter of seconds.

"You heard me."

"I, in no way asked for your advice, prat."

"Mione, dear-"

"Don't call me that!"

There was a silence. Her hickory brown eyes scowled at me, a shiver being sent down my spine.

"Fine. Guess you don't want that Slytherin anyways. Just a plain rumor-"

"Wait.. How.. How do you know that?!"

"Some things are better left.. unanswered. We're getting off track, so unless you-"

"I don't want anything from you."

"Alright, Parkinson is way ahead of you anyways.."

"..F-fine.. Talk"

"Demanding, mhm? Tomorrow, dormitories, after classes."

Lavender started strolling towards the Fat Lady's portrait hole, leaving me full to the brim with questions.

"You can't just leave like that! Everyone! They leave! Leaving me here to know nothing! Leaving me here... Assuming I know everything.."

My face was bilious. Lavender was almost outside the portrait hole, only to look back, inscrutable, saying nothing.

And left. 


Hey, I can say I tried. This chapter is slightly shorter than the last one, and probably lower quality.. You can probably tell my mind wasn't working in the first bit. That's mostly because I wrote it at the airport when I came back .-. Feedback is appreciated, any rude/hateful comments are deleted. Most feedback I get is to make chapters longer, and I'm working on it.

If there are any one shots you'd like me to maybe write, (cause I like working on a lotta stuff) or any improvements I could make on this or Everstone, let me know!

I don't plan on changing from the darkness of it, but if it's too much than I can change that :D

Tanq for reading, and knowing I exist =^-^=

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