Girl Behind The Mask (Part 2)

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I used to update at least before 4 pm (Mountain Standard Time) before I left. Now... I update whenever .-.



The chatter of many Gryffindors from downstairs flowed through my ears, as I stared at my dress robes that I laid on my four-poster. (Going with the book version) It went down to my ankles, almost touching the ground. It was a nice shade of light blue, and the design was very frilly. A stack of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion was thrown into my box in front of my bed.

I seized my gown, rushing quickly to the washrooms so I could get ready. A few moments later, I stepped out, fixing my dress and pulling a lock of my chestnut brown hair behind my ear. Opening my box, I took as many bottles of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion that I could and raced to the bathroom once again. Several minutes later, my hair was in a nice bun, two locks on the side of my face.

The dance had already started, the champions standing in the middle. I wasn't too late, as my dance partner was right there. I was unsure whether or not to take his hand. I glanced at Malfoy and Parkinson. Malfoy tried heading in the other direction, but Pansy grabbed his arm, preventing him from leaving. Jealousy burning in my eyes, I grasped Krum's hand, never letting go.

The champions had the first dance, and normally, I would be horrified. I wasn't the type of girl to go party the night away, but tonight was different. I had a burning confidence inside of me, and my energy was endless. I heard shocked whispers and hushed conversations the moment I walked in. My cheeks started hurting from all the smiling, but I was careless. Tonight was the night I had a mask on, the night where I could be whoever I wanted to be.

And no one would stop me

After the first dance, I was tired and grinning. I noticed Harry and Ron sitting at a table by themselves, so I decided to join them.

"Fun night, isn't it?" I asked.

Harry nodded, not saying a word, and Ron just glared.

"Don't give me that look, you can't complain either! You've got Lavender!"

The Weasley looked as if someone slapped him. Or as if someone was going to. "Lavender, yeah, right."

"What happened?"

"Why do you, of ALL people, care? You've got-"

"DON'T, say 'that Durmstrang fellow!' I don't want him, I'm not happy with him.."

"You act happy, and besides, it's too late. Go dance, or have a drink.."

Before I could answer, an arm yanked me away from the table, leading me to an isolated corner. 

"What? Bloody hell, why-"

"Shut up, we.. We need to talk."

"About what? Everything's over, you wanted... You wanted me to get out of your life, and now you're trying to fish me back in! Decide, right here, right now. In, or out?"

"Granger it's not about.. Look, I.. I'm sorry.. L.."

"I don't want to hear it."

"Please.. Letting.. letting you go was.. the hardest thing to do."

"Pfft, look at you, being all sympathetic!"


"Please, don't. This is wasting-"

"If he makes you happy.. then I'll accept it. I can't make you happy, I never will.. Go.. dance, drink, find someone.. Just.. Not me."

His head was lowered, hands at his side.

"Mal..foy.." I stepped forward, trying to grasp at his arm. My heart sank low, spirits dropped. What did I do? I wonder, heading towards the staircase.


"What have I done, what have I done, what have I done?" I mumble, hands cupped, head low. I should've believed him, I should've listened.. Now.. 

I'm just empty. 

All the feeling has been drained out of my system, and a strange emotion I've never felt fluttered around in my stomach. I wasn't able to name the feeling, but I didn't think of it too much, as Pansy (instead of Ron, it's Pansy C:) was approaching me.


I looked up, eyes slightly puffy.

"This, is where the 'Yule Princess' has been hiding?"


"That's what they've been calling you, Granger. You feel pretty proud, don't you?"

My eyes widened.


"Your mask. This entire night, you've been wearing a mask to hide behind. You think you're above us all now, huh?"

"No! I.. I don't and I will never think that! Where did you get that from?"

"Pathetic. Pretending to not know? Well TWO can play at that game. I'll just pretend that I don't know that you've been chatting with Malfoy behind MY back! I'll just pretend I don't know you've made him fall flat on his face when he tried to keep you."

I was at a loss for words. I didn't understand what she was talking about, but I had this weird feeling that I do.

"This GAME, you're playing ain't funny, Granger. Don't just ASSUME that you can get away with this. You've got three boys in your hand, and you're going to toss it all away. Slut."

"E-excuse me? Who're you calling a slut?"

"Don't play dumb! We ALL know you've been charming the boys in this school, and we definitely know you've used several bottles of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. Granger, you've made a fool of yourself, and now EVERYONE, is going to throw you in. The. Dirt."

Parkinson turned on her heel, pushing away a group of third year's trying to get a peak of the dance.

Fuck my life..



This chapter is 926 words long, so HA!
I'll probably update tomorrow, (no promises though) so expect a new chapter unless I (somehow) die?

Thank you for reading this chapter, and knowing I exist.

Feedback is appreciated, but any rude/mean comments will be deleted immediately!

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