Sorting Ceremony

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(Note: 90% of this book is going to be in Hermione's perspective, so just keep that it mind!)

Hermione's POV

After me and Malfoy's argument on the Hogwarts Express, I headed down to the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. For those of you who don't know the Sorting Ceremony, read about it! Unless you're a muggle, than let me tell you.

The Sorting Ceremony is where a student gets called up to have the sorting hat placed on their head. The hat either places you in Gryffindor (the brave people) Ravenclaw (the smarter people), Hufflepuff (the friendliest), and Slytherin, (the ambitious/cunning people).

I don't know if I would be in Slytherin, as I would want to be a Ministry Worker when I grow up, or Ravenclaw. Cause.. Let's be honest, pretty smart if you ask me. Once everybody was settled, Professor McGonagall started calling up names.

"Hermione Granger?" She called, as I made my way through the crowd and sat on the stool.

"Hmm, very smart, ambitious too..Yet, I see a brave future ahead of you... Alright, GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat yelled at last, as I rushed over to the Gryffindor table. After a few more names were called, I heard a familiar one..

"Draco Malfoy?"

Jeez. I guess the ickle Slytherin princess had to wait. The hat barely even touched Malfoy's head until it shouted SLYTHERIN!

I heard that's where most evil people go and come from. No surprise, really. I rested my head on my hands until I felt somebody watching me, so I turned to look at all the tables until I felt a cold stare coming from Draco. What's my presence got to bother him with, anyways? After the ceremony was finished, a large feast containing many different foods started. I barely ate though, as the entire time I was watching Malfoy from the other table.

Not like I care what he's doing. I chatted with a few fellow Gryffindor girls, until finally I said "I'm heading to bed. Goodnight" and walked to my dorm


I tossed and turned in my bed. I didn't know what was going on with me. All I could think about was that I earned myself an enemy. I never believed I would hate someone so much.. But I didn't believe the hatred either. I knew that I didn't like Malfoy. I hated him. But why do I smile when I think about him?

I told myself it wasn't true and we were enemies. I felt nothing for him, nothing.

Just emptiness and sorrow filled me.

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