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Author's Note: Hello! Yes, internet is working today, so I'll be writing a new chapter :D I might be a bit rusty, and the style might've changed. I've been learning how to grow as a writer, so.. Yeah. Enjoy =^-^= (P.s, I changed a few things from the actual story to fit my story :D)

The Common Room was silent. No other noises could be heard other than the crackling fire and the rustles of pages being flipped. No matter how hard Hermione tried, tears wouldn't stop flowing. She'd try to distract herself with a book, but it was pointless. Her heart sank lower and lower with every word. The Gryffindor shut her book silently, turning her head to the fire. Harry was speaking with Sirius, in hushed voices. It was past midnight, and the Golden Trio were the only ones still awake. 

She turned her head again, her gaze passing over the ginger haired ball in the corner. Had she felt remorse? Joy? Anger? Hermione couldn't tell, but it was something. It was a few moments of silence, as Sirius' face had vanished from the flames, tension growing stronger. As she got up to leave, a large hand seized her wrist. "What is it, Ron? " The girl stated. "Hermione, please, don't. I-" She could feel her heart sink to the lowest it could go. "You what? Going to ask me to the Yule Ball? Don't bother. Someone's already asked." Hermione yanked her hand out of Ron's grasp. "Who? Tell me! Who is that bloody bastard?" Ron paused. "Definitely not you, of course. Take a wild, wild  guess." The bushy haired girl told him, before heading to the Girls dormitories.

"That was a bad time, Ron. And at her lowest."

"Well, if you know more about asking girls out, then would you mind sharing?"

"First of all, if I'd known, Cho Chang would've said yes already. You're having a bad time already, Ron, don't make it worse for yourself" Harry got up, leaving Ron all alone in the Common Room.

The next day, Hermione chose to sit all the way at the other end of the table, instead of with Harry and Ron. (Okay, don't go saying in the comments, Oh, this character appeared in this year, bla bla, yes I know. I'm just changing the story a bit :)) Lavender Brown, a pale skinned Gryffindor with light brown hair, was wedged in between the two boys, holding Ron's arm nice and tight. "Oh, don't mind that Granger girl," She teased. "You can come with me to the Yule Ball Won-Won!" Ron turned to face Harry, mouthing the words 'Help'. Harry stifled a snicker, which made Ron roll his eyes.

Hermione, on the other hand, had a much better time than the Ginger. Her arms were planted onto the hard wooden table. Having already eaten, her plate was set aside so she could read the writing on a small piece of parchment. "Mione, let me see!" Ginny squealed. "Is it from your date? Or is there another mystery boy we don't know about?" The youngest Weasley teased. "I, erm. Well, it's.. It's probably not really... really a mystery at all.." Hermione was clearly uncomfortable with the topic. "Is it Malfoy? Or is it that Quidditch Star, what's his name? Viktor.. Krum? Viktor Krum? Are you going with Krum? If you are, then you're" Hermione quickly shoved her hand onto Ginny's mouth. "Be quiet, or people will hear you!" Hermione whispered.

From behind Ginny's shoulders, she could see from all the way across the Great Hall, a certain Slytherin eyeing her. This, of course, made her cheeks feel hot, and her hands sweat. The Weasley could feel the older girl sweat, making her push back and almost fall on the floor. Without apologizing, Hermione stood up with a huge grin on her face. "Mione, that's your I-have-a-lot-of-shiz-planned-face, and I don't like it when you make it!" Ginny called out, but Hermione never came back.

Author's note: Hi! This chapter, I tried making longer. It's currently over 700 words, so at least I can say I tried. It was hard, to be honest, as I wanted to cut it D: Feedback is appreciated! :D

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