My Ice Cold Boss|| Jungkook f...

By kim_kth

458K 13.1K 4.8K

Part 1 More

Chapter: 1 [Edited]
Chapter: 2 [Edited]
Chapter: 3 [Edited]
Chapter: 4 [Edited]
Chapter: 5 [Edited]
Chapter: 6 [Edited]
Chapter: 7 [Edited]
Chapter: 8 [Edited]
Chapter: 9 [Edited]
Chapter: 10 [Edited]
Chapter: 11 [Edited]
Chapter: 12 [Edited]
Chapter: 13 [Edited]
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 32
Chapter: 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter: 35
Chapter: 36
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 38
Chapter: 39
Book 2 is out!

Chapter: 17

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By kim_kth

Jungkook's POV'

My parents finally came home, there gonna be staying here for three more days and then they are going out again, but this time not on a business trip but a vocation.

And these three days they will be resting.

Currently we were having breakfast, and for the first time I was sitting beside Neveah.

She was surprised and my parents too, I was surprised myself also.

I don't know what happened my feet just started moving on their own.

Neveah finished her breakfast first and went to the kitchen.

I quickly stuffed my mouth and finished my toast, and went to the kitchen myself.

She was washing her dishes.

I quickly walked towards and she looked my way, and looked away with giving me her million dollar smile like she always does.

She's mad, and she has all the rights to be.

I took a deep breath and stood beside her and helped her dry the wet dishes.

She started to wash mine too, I didn't say anything because I want her to be by my side.


"Hey, I am really sorry about yesterd-"  "its fine really, maybe you were having a bad day and you just wanted it all out, and you chose me, and I am okay with that, I am there for you when you need me kookie always remember that" she completed with her million dollars smile, there it is.

She pinched my cheeks while scrunching up her nose she looked super cute, ugh she is again making it harder for me to forget my feelings for her.

She left and left my heart beating really fast.

I am just liking her even more, if that is possible.

I dried my hands and went out of the kitchen and sat on the sofa and started to watch TV.

                         •  •  •

Neveah's POV'

I was currently out on the porch swing on my phone seeing instagram videos.

I heard someone breathing heavily, I looked up and saw Taehyung again.

"Oh Tae, what are you doing here?" I asked concerned, he would usually come in his sports car but it looks like he came here running.

"Come inside, I will give you some water then explain, hm?" I offered and he nodded.

We went inside and towards the kitchen, I could feel eyes on us.


I just ignored his glares and continued walking with Taehyung.

Why was he glaring?, was he jealous?

I gave him cold eater, and he gulped it down in one gulp.

I smiled at how cute he looked, sometimes I feel like he is my small brother.

But obviously he is older than me, I am the same age as Jungkook.

"Ok, now explain what are you doing here is it urgent?"

He nods and said "do you want to help me ask Mia out?"

I face palmed so hard I think my for head is red now.

"Seriously, Taehyung I really thought it was urgent"

"It is. To me, Neveah I really like Mia and I need help, and you are the best help I can get, if I asked my hyungs, they will first of all make fun of me and then help but there ideas are gonna be dumb as fuck" he exclaimed.

I found it really cute, that he likes someone that much.

I wish someone would have this much passion for me too.

(There is bitch you just have to pay attention more) 😂

"Okay, fine yes" I said smiling.

He gasped and clapped happily and hugged me really really tight.

I giggled and hugged him as tight.

"Yes, I will help you get you your girl TaeTae"

He smiled wide I think seeing him like that makes my cheeks hurt.


I was happy to see him this happy, he is my best friend after all.

Jungkook's POV'

"Ok, fine yes" she said, and Taehyung-hyung was so happy he clapped his hands and hugged her, hugged her.

I think all of me just died. 😢💔

And the worst part is she hugged him back.

I just left from There, I couldn't take it anymore.

I tear escaped my eye I quickly wiped it away.

Me getting hurt is my fault, I should've have confessed my feelings and shounldnt have forget them.

I was too late.

I went in my room, I wanted to cry, cry my heart out, but I shouldn't what I should do is be happy for them.

Maybe they are made for each other, if it was me and Neveah it would be wrong, we are from two different world.

She always wants to be happy, and see smiles on people's faces even though they are just strangers to her, and me I am just a cold hearted jerk, now this past would hunt me forever.

Great the universe is playing games with me, I just got over my devastating past and it just gifted me another devastating past.


I walked downstairs and saw them smiling and laughing at each other.

I felt a sting in my heart, but i have to accept it even though its hard as hell.

"Congratulations to the both of you, I am happy for you both" I said with a fakest smile ever.

They gave me weird looks like 'what the heck are you talking about'

I gave them a look that describes 'what?'

They just shook there head and continued doing what they were, cracking jokes that weren't even funny.

But listening to Neveah laugh makes me smile.

But what was with the looks they gave me, are they trying to keep their relationship a secret?

Probably, if not they would thank me and look at each other and say cheesy things.

What?, I saw things like that in movies, don't judge me.

I just shrugged and believed the theory of them keeping their relationship a secret.

I sat on one of the sofa and watched TV with them.

I literraly felt like a third wheeler, she isn't even paying attention to me.

All of her attention is at him, and that hurts me I am jealouse as hell.

Whenever I say something or try to join their conversation, as expected they would just ignore me and continue.

I had enough of this, I grabbed my car keys and a jacket, I was hoping that even one of them would ask where I was going, but they were so hypnotised by each other they forgot me.

I became even angrier at that, I stormed out and slam the door hard.

And drove to a near by bar.

There was no parking when I reached there, so I kinda parked it far from the bar.

Got out and walked towards the bar, lets say it was about a 10 minute walk.

I looked at my watch it was 6:30 PM, its not to early to have a drink or two, and by drink or two I mean a whole freaking bottle.

I walked in and immediately ordered vodka.

A few hours later:

I was now very very drunk, and now I know I cannot drive.

So I decided to walk.

But as ususll luck was not on my side, and it started raining real hard.

I looked at my watch and it was 10:59, just about to be 11:00 PM.

I think I drank a whole lot.

I am drenched in water, and I was shivering, I think I am gonna be sick.

A few minutes later:

I finally reached home, and searched for the keys I started shivering even more, I couldn't keep my hands still.

It took some time but finally I opened the door.

There I saw a very worried Neveah.

My parents were out for a dinner date.

Neveah's POV'

It was 11:00, where is Jungkook, I am really really worried.

I heard some shuffling sounds coming from the other side of the front door.

It finally opened revealing a drenched and, and a drunk Jungkook?

I ran towards him, and held him he was about to fall.

"Jungkook, what the hell, are you drunk?" I asked, he didn't reply but just stared at me.

I went a little near him, he smelled like alcohol.

He was also drenched, I quickly put his hand over my shoulder and brang him up the stairs, more like dragged.

I opened his bedroom door, and sat him on his bed and quickly went to his walk in closet, I grabbed a sweat pants and a white shirt.

I walked towards him and gave him the clothes.

I walked towards the door so he could change into the dry clothes but Jungkook held my wrist.

"I am weak you change my clothes for me" he said

My eyes widened and I turned around, he actually did look weak.

I sighed and removed his jacket first, I gulped.

I took of his shirt, and gulped even harder, is it getting hot in here.

Wow, he is built.

He smirked, "like what you see?"

I quickly snapped out of my fantasy world and grabbed the white shirt.

I put it over his head and he managed to put in his hands.

Now I wasn't that generous that I would change his pants too.

"Jungkook I think you should change your pants yourself okay I will wait in the closet when your done just call out my name and give me your wet clothes" I said and speed walked towards the closet.

After a few seconds, I heard him call my name.

I slowly walked towards him and took the clothes and went in the rest room and kept it at a side.

Walked back in and saw him on the bed probably asleep.

I went near him to check if he has a fever.

I put my hand on his for head, and yep he had a strong fever.

If I hadn't zoned out in my fantasy world and looked at is abs to much, he probably wouldn't have a strong fever.

I quickly went downstairs and filled a bowl with cold water and grabbed a clean small towel.

I walked upstairs again, and sat the bowl on the beside table.

I drenched the towel in the cold water then squeezed it.

I slowly put it on his for head, not wanting to wake him up yet.

I kept the towel there and went downstairs again and grabbed a tablet and a glass of water.

Walking upstairs once again, I sat the water and the tablet on the beside table and stared at the handsome man in front of me.

After admiring for 5 minutes and decided to wake him up.

I shook his shoulders a bit.

He opened his eyes only a little and sat up dropping the towel from his head, I quickly picked it up, not wanting to wet his clothes again.

I gave him the tablet and the glass of water, he took it with out asking whatsoever.

He lied back down, making sure he was comfortable I pulled the blankets over him.

I put the towel back on his for head after drenching it and squeezing it.

After doing that a couple of times of course waiting for a minute or so before repeating the process.

I was satisfied.

So I decided to let him rest and let myself rest too.

I was about to stand up when he grabbed my wrist once again.

What he said next shocked me.


                          •  •  •  

Hello everyone,

CLIFFHANGER, AND A DOUBLE UPDATE, we are on fire today, and what did Jungkook say?

Find out in the next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed.

Keep reading.

Comment and vote, please.

Thanks. 💜

Adios lovelies. 😘

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