One Night

By Kjcarbpd

177K 6.1K 59

Bronte has a big night out with her friends that have unexpected consequences! And with a shocking twist!! More

The party
Time to tell Tom
Telling my parents
Planning ahead
Baby Girl
Clothes, Clothes and more clothes!
Something's wrong
Something you don't expect on a picnic
Get away
Baby Shower

My Birthday

3.8K 145 1
By Kjcarbpd

*5 weeks later*

I was almost 24 weeks and that means I was turning 17. Tom said he had a ‘surprise’ planned but I wasn’t too excited. I had organised to go out to dinner with Mum, Dad, Michelle, Ben, Ruby, Alice, Noah, Aunty Lindsay and Uncle Andrew, Indigo, Willow, Harry and Archie, Georgia, Lincoln, Tom and I on my birthday and we were getting really excited. It was the first time in ages that we have had a big family get together.

Tom moved in after his birthday a few weeks ago, which was really exciting. So, now I can stop feeling bad that he hasn’t been home for a while because he is home. Although I make him go and see his parents a lot because they do really miss him.

But him moving in meant I had to share half of my room. When we went to buy Mati’s drawers and toy box, I made Tom buy one for himself because I swear he has more clothes then me. But it was going really well. I eventually went back to school about two weeks ago but I am only going three to four days a week. I get exhausted easily because I still had a lot of swelling. On my last appointment, two weeks ago, the doctor said the swelling is probably going to stay around until I give birth, which is really annoying because I am twice the size I should be at 24 weeks.

Matilda’s room was finally all set and everything in its place. The high chair sits in the corner of the kitchen waiting for use and we have even bought all the powder and baby ointments that sit in the draw underneath the change table.

The year 11 bully, Ashlee no longer had any rumours about us to spread around the school because it was quite obvious I was pregnant now but most of the students were worried about me. They had heard from Ashlee about me getting rushed to hospital and once again it back fired in her face when everyone actually seemed to care.

On Friday, the day before my birthday, I didn’t go to school so I stayed at home in bed all day. Now that Tom knew I was going to be fine, I made him go to school.

When he came home that afternoon he found me all curled up in bed, just waiting for him to jump in and cuddle me.

"Hey babe!" He said, kissing my lips.

"Hello how was school?" I answered by repaying his kiss.

"Ha, you know same old, same old. All I wanted to do all day was come home to be with you." Tom smiled.

"Aw, well bub and I have missed you and just lucky we have all weekend."

"Yes and tomorrow is your birthday so I hope you are excited," He cheered.

"Not really." I replied.

"Well, we are pretty much busy all day with you surprise so you better hurry up and get excited!"

"But you know I hate surprises!" I complained.

"I know but trust me. You are going to love it. Well, I really hope you do." He said biting his lip.

"I will." I reassured. "I feel bad though because I didn’t get you anything really amazing for your birthday."

"That’s okay. You were still recovering and I wanted you to stay in bed. I didn’t want any fuss over me."

"But still, please don’t go to extremes?" I asked.

"Don’t worry. It’s nothing to outrageous!" He laughed but I knew he was lying.

I just rolled my eyes.

We lied down for about half an hour until Tom got up to do homework. While he did his work, I copied out his English and maths notes from the lessons today. Although I only go to school on certain days, I still have to catch up on the work. I am in Year 12 now so I can’t afford to miss out on anything. As soon as I have this baby, I will almost immediately go back to school so I can finish my HSC. But the school holidays were coming up so at least we can get a break.

The night seemed to drag on forever.

I woke up the next morning to the beautiful sight of Tom’s face. He was already awake and had a big smile on his face.

"Happy birthday beautiful!" He kissed my lips softly.

"Thank you," I whispered with a smile.

"I’m sorry but you have to wait for your present. It’s part of your surprise." He winked.

"Haha, okay." I laughed.

"Now, I am going to make you breakfast in bed!" Tom said jumping up. "Don’t go anywhere."

He walked out of the room and in no time, I could smell the delicious scent of eggs coming from the kitchen. While Tom cooked up a storm, Mum and Dad visited my room. Dad gave me a huge slobbery kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Dad!" I scrunched my face up as I wiped it away.

Mum lent in and gave me a little kiss on the forehead before she gave me a hug. Then she handed me a box.

"It’s nothing compared to what Tom has got you, but it’s something," She added.

"Thanks guys! Do you know what Tom has planned?" I asked surprised.

"Sure do," Dad added with a frustrated expression but Mum was gleaming.

That didn’t make me feel any better so I avoided the conversation all together. I unwrapped my present, then opened the little box and inside was an absolutely gorgeous locket.

"Aw! Thank you. It is gorgeous." I said hugging them both.

"Open it," Mum replied excited.

I opened up the locket to find a picture of Tom and I on one side but no photo on the other side. She must have seen the look that crossed my face when I looked at the empty slot.

"The other side is for a picture of Matilda!" She added.

"Aw, that’s a great idea. Thank you." I was so overwhelmed.

Mum helped me put it on while Dad went out to watch the television. Not long after, Tom came in with the tray containing an omlette on a plate and a cup of tea in his hand. On the other side of the plate was a card addressed to me.

"Happy Birthday!" He said again kissing my forehead.

He placed the tray on my lap and the tea next to me on my bed side table and then he went back to the kitchen to get his own.

When he came back, I opened the card. It was red and had a big love heart on the front with forever written underneath. On the inside he wrote;

‘To my beautiful girlfriend,

I hope you have an amazing birthday and enjoy your surprise.

I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

I love you.

Love Tom <3’

"Thank you," I thanked by kissing him softly on the lips. "Does everyone know what you have planned, except me?"

"Yeah, pretty much!" He nodded. "I had to ask a few people some question, so I had to."

That got me curious. For the rest of the time I ate my breakfast, I let my mind wonder about what this surprise could be but nothing came to mind.

After Tom had taken the dishes to the kitchen, he came back and put his arms around me.

"We have another couple of hours until the surprise, so what would you like to do?" He wondered.

"Can we ring Georgia and Lincoln and see if they would like to go shopping? I haven’t been shopping for myself in ages." I asked.

"Yeah, of course. It will only be for about two and a half hours though. Is that okay?"

"Yep," I smiled.

While I got changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt (because it was now summer), Tom rang Georgia and asked if her and Lincoln would like to go shopping at Charlestown. She definitely agreed and as soon as Tom was finished on the phone and got dressed, we were off to go shopping.

When Tom and I arrived, we met Georgia and Lincoln outside the movie theatre because that is the easiest place to find. When George saw us walking towards them, she started running in our direction. She slowed to a stop in front of me and gave me a massive hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy birthday!" She screamed.

"Thanks G."

Lincoln finally made it over to us and gave me a hug.

"Happy birthday Bon!"

"Thanks Linc," I said returning his hug.

"We weren’t going to give you your present until tonight but it seems appropriate now," Georgia explained giving me a pink envelop with the words ‘My amazing best friend, Bronte!" written in bold black pen on the front.

"So, does that mean I have to open it now?" I clarified.

"Haha, yes!" Georgia laughed.

I opened up the envelop and pulled the card out. On the front, it had a picture of two little girls giving each other a big hug and it said ‘A circle is round and has no end, that’s how long I’ll be your friend!’

"Aw, that’s just the cutest!" I smiled.

Lincoln and Tom just laughed at us. I opened it and $100 fell out into my hands.

"George!" I complained. It was too much money.

"Just read it."

I followed her instruction and read;

‘Dear Bronte,

I hope you have an awesome 17th birthday and get lots of great presents.

I love you forever and ever.

Love G and Linc<3’

Once I finished reading the card, I gave her another hug.

"Thanks guys but it’s way too much money."

"It’s not really, 50 from each of us." She explained. "Just accept it and buy something good for yourself, I don’t want you to lose yourself to baby brain."

"Haha, fine. Thank you!" I said sweetly.

"No problem. Now let’s get shopping," Georgia said already walking off.

We walked around for a long time and I had not a clue what to buy with the $100. Sometimes Tom and Lincoln went and look in shops that Georgia and I didn’t want to so G dragged me into clothes shops. I didn’t particularly wanted to buy clothes because that meant trying them on and if I bought clothes while I am pregnant, I probably will be buying a size 2XL.

Although, I did find the most gorgeous dress and I really wanted to buy it. The dress was white and lacey with a fitted bodice and a drop waist, but I couldn’t wear it while I was pregnant and it was a size 12 (my usual size).

"Bon, just buy it! You can wear it after Matilda is born." George said.

She finally convinced me to buy it and the dress was even on sale. It was originally $56 but got reduced to $32. The chick that served me, kept giving me a look like ‘you’re not going to fit into that’. But soon I would.

We eventually caught back up with the boys and Tom said it was time to head off. Georgia gave me the biggest grin, obviously excited for my surprise.

"We’ll see you tonight," Georgia said hugged me goodbye.

We walked off hand in hand towards whatever Tom had planned.

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