Bully // l.h. // Book 1 of Bu...

Da HanRenJoy

4.8M 129K 76.7K

(I'm editing this. Slowly, but it's being edited) Altro

1. Departure and Arrival
2. First Day in Hell
3. I Prefer The Drums
4. She's Gone
6. Meet The Band
7. The Irwins
8. Comebacks
9. Rescued
10. You're Not Sorry
11. Momma Hemmings
12. Living With the Devil
13. I'm Primrose Everdeen, Everybody
14. Kylee's Song
15. Kylee's Story
16. The Other Hemmings Boys
17. July 4th, 2011
18. Happy Birthday, Luke Hemmings
19. Temptations
20. When Opportunity Knocks
21. Three Weeks In And I Miss You
22. Halfway There But You're Not Here
So Here's The Thing, Guys
23. Kylee's Story Reprise
24. It's Official Now
25. Homecoming
26. Molly
27. I'm Sure
28. Well, Damn

5. Old News, Buddy

166K 4.9K 2.7K
Da HanRenJoy

To put it into very simple terms, my week sucked. I talked to Wyatt and Kendra every night, but those were only tiny moments of somewhat happiness while everything else was downright awful. Firstly, there was Luke, who had decided to taunt me despite the fact that he never got any reaction. His jibes were always the same, and his friends seemed like they hated when he was doing it. But clearly he got a kick out of attempting to make my life horrible. Secondly, my father had stopped trying. I wasn’t even entirely positive he even had his job anymore. Maybe they were allowing him to work at home? Probably not, though. And lastly, I had to pretend my life wasn’t a living hell. That was, by far, the worst. Ashton had been texting me, and once had even called just to chat. I had to act like a happy-go-lucky girl whose life had been nothing but fantastic.

It sucked.

A lot.

The only good thing about this coming week? I would get to see Ashton again on Saturday, and even meet his band. God only knew that I needed more friends in this area. Maybe the gig would be the turning point for me; maybe everything would start getting better.


*The Following Friday*

 I stared up at Luke, knowing full well that he was about to begin his onslaught of insults and such. Megan and Calum were in the background, as they always were. As usual, the two looked uncomfortable. When he didn't immediately start trying to get a rise out of me, my eyebrows shot up. I set my pencil down and leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. 

  "Well?" I prompted after a long pause. As if that was all he needed, Luke started taunting me. My accent, how American people were stupid, stuff like that. The usual stuff. However, today, he said something that caught my interest- and not in a good way.

  I leaned forward slightly, my eyes narrowing as I interrupted, "What did you just say?"

  A flicker of delight flashed through Luke's features as he realized he'd found something with the potential to gain a reaction from me. He plopped down into the chair next to mine and leaned forward.

  "I said your mum doesn't love you." He repeated before grinning. "I mean, how could any woman want to stick around with you in the house?" 

  At first, I was shocked. How had he found out my mother was gone? I mean, I had only found out a week ago when I came home to a drunk father and a house void of my mother's belongings. However, looking at Luke for a moment longer revealed the fact that he didn't know, but was only going there because he'd seen potential for the reaction he had been trying to get out of me for a long time. As Luke continued slinging out insults relating to how no mother would love me, I saw Megan step forward. Her face showed extreme discomfort, and I knew she hated when he did this.

  "Luke, I think you're going a bit too far." She warned. Luke spun to face her, a false grin on his lips. 

  "But it's true, isn't it?" He continued. I sent a quick glance around the room. Everyone was looking. I contemplated the possibility of sticking it out until Mr. Gregory came back into the room. But, I knew the old, balding man wasn't the quickest person in the world. He could be gone for another ten minutes for all I knew.

  "I bet her mum wants to leave so badly." Luke said. Megan shook her head and glanced at me before turning back to Luke.

  "Haven't you-"  

"Don't stop him, Megan." I interrupted, causing all eyes to turn to me in shock. I turned my gaze to Luke. "Not when you're so damn close to the truth." Even Luke looked shocked at that, as if he hadn't actually expected me to agree with him.

 "Yeah," I continued, letting my lips tilt up in a humorless smile, "You almost got it spot on. But your timing was a bit off." I paused for a moment, folding my book closed as I thought about whether or not I actually wanted to continue with what I was saying. 

  "She actually left last week. Got on a plane and flew off without any note or goodbye. So you're right. She didn't love me enough to stay." I frowned at the blond haired boy in front of me, defiance written all over my body.

  "So don't think you're all that clever by telling me my mom hates me." I said, standing up and gathering my book and backpack from my desk area. My gaze locked with Luke's once more. "Because that's old fucking news."

  I whirled around and stalked towards the door. Everyone was too shocked to do anything. Nobody spoke back to Luke like I just had. 

  I bumped into Mr. Gregory on my way out the door. He grunted in surprise as the pile of papers in his hands took to the air, fluttering to the ground in a cloud of white. 

  "Sorry." I grumbled, squeezing past him.

  "Ms. Larksen!" I heard the teacher call after me as I sped down the long hallway. There was no way in hell I was going to turn around and walk back into that classroom. My Math quiz would have to wait another weekend to be taken. Thank God it was a Friday.

  I walked the whole seventeen blocks to my house, fuming. I wasn't angry that Luke had talked had about my mom; she deserved it for leaving like she did. What I <I>was</I> angry about, however, was the fact that, after over a month of refusing to give Luke the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me, I'd caved. No, I hadn't cried or tried to deny the insults he flung at me. I had agreed with him. How stupid of me! What the hell had I been thinking? Now Luke had something on me; a subject even a blind person could tell was a sore one for me. I'd just ensured a few months' worth of mom-related taunts.

  In my anger, I missed the smell of alcohol emanating from the living room in the house. I only smelled it when I paused at the sound of the television. My dad worked on Fridays, and for a fleeting moment, I entertained the thought that my mom had returned. But only for a moment. A loud grunt came from the living room.

  "Clara? Is that you?" My dad's voice sounded thick, and his words were slurred. I stepped forward into the living room and found my dad on the couch, a bottle of beer in his hand. There were at least three empty bottles on the floor near the corner of the couch, and I figured there were more scattered about on the other side.

  My mother had been the one who used to regulate dad's drinking. He had once broken a window when drunk, and was happy to let her tell him when enough was enough. He'd never been an alcoholic, but since she left last week, I'd seen more alcohol in the house than I ever had before. When my dad's eyes landed on me, they narrowed.

  "What are you doing here?" He questioned gruffly. I shrugged.

  "School got out early today." I lied. Not like he would ever find out. If anything, my father had been less interested in my schooling than he was in fixing the relationship with my mom. Except that hadn't worked out for him, obviously.

  "Liar." My dad grumbled. Well, that was new. I opened my mouth to explain why I had left school, but my dad started talking again.

  "The school called, saying you left campus against the rules." He said, standing up. 

  "I'm sorry, dad. I won't do it again, I was just-"

  "Shut up!" My dad's loud, booming voice caused me to jump. He'd never yelled like that before. 

  "You're just like her, think the rules don't apply to you." My dad slurred out, taking a few stumbling steps towards me. His eyes were a dark, almost black shade of brown. I took a step back, my heart rate going up as I felt fear edge into my thoughts. I glanced at the door to my left. I could make it through in a matter of seconds and get down the stairs. My dad was far enough away to do it without him catching me. 

 "Thinking of running, are you?" My dad sneered, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked back at him and jumped when I realized he had gotten a lot closer. I took another step back. Wrong move. My dad's arm whipped out and caught hold of my wrist roughly. He was surprisingly quick, considering the fact that he was drunk. That thought didn't linger long, quickly being replaced with terror as my dad yanked me into the living room.

  "You appreciate nothing! I gave you two everything, and you take it and run!" He boomed, throwing me away from him. I stumbled to the floor, knocking an empty beer bottle over on its side. My wrist stung where he had been holding it, and I could see red marks on it. 

  I let out a yelp when my dad's hand gripped my hair and pulled upwards. My hands flew to his, trying to lessen the pain as he pulled me back to my feet. I could feel tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

  "Dad, stop! Please!" I cried. "I'm sorry! Just stop!" I was fully sobbing, tears dripping from my chin onto my shirt.

  "Fucking liar!" He hollered, grabbing my shoulder and turning me to face him. His fingers dug into my flesh painfully, and I tried to wiggle from his grasp. My efforts were rewarded with a painful slap to the face. I gasped at the contact, the force of the slap sending me stumbling back. As soon as I realized I was out of my dad's grip, I bolted. I heard his angry bellows behind me as I catapulted down the stairs and into my room, slamming and locking the door behind me. I sunk to the floor on the other side of the thick oak door and cried. 

  My heart was still racing, and I took loud, gulping breaths to calm myself down. After about ten minutes, I had stopped crying. Standing up on slightly shaky legs, I made my way to the long full body mirror in the corner of my room and took in my appearance. 

  I looked horrible. My eyes and cheeks were red from crying, and there was a patch on my left cheek that was turning a shade of purple. I ran my fingers gently over the mark on my face. I let out a quiet whimper when my eyes landed on the dark bruises on my wrist. I pulled my arm in front of me and examined the dark marks on my skin. There were four right next to each other and one on the opposite side.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. I hated the feeling, but I was terrified of my dad. I knew I could explain away his violence as a side effect of the alcohol, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't excuse it.


Things just keep getting worse and worse for poor Daeyna, don't they? Anyways, tell me what you think of the story so far! I'm open for any suggestions you may have as well. Let me know what you want to see, and maybe I'll incorporate something just for you! Hope you liked the chapter! Love you guys lots! =)

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