16. The Other Hemmings Boys

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It had been about two weeks since the day Luke told me all about Kylee, and things were actually beginning to look up. I’d talked to Wyatt and Kendra multiple times during those two weeks, as they both were enjoying their summer break and planning a trip to London sometime in October. Both were going to be taking a year off of school before going to university. I’d probably do the same (when school finally ended here. We still had quite a bit to go.). Luke interrupted one of my skype sessions with them once, and Wyatt spent about five minutes cussing him out before I got him to calm down enough to inform him that Luke and I had put our past behind us and started over. He’s still iffy about the entire thing. Kendra, however, thinks Luke and I need to get married.

I had also been to my house a few times in the last two weeks. The first time, Ashton came with me, though my dad wasn’t home. I packed the rest of my clothes and grabbed my math book (that I desperately needed. Luke was getting annoyed that I kept on stealing his from his backpack). The second time, Ashton wasn’t available, and Luke offered to take me. The two of us had walked to my house. Assuming my dad would be gone just like last time, we walked through the front door. Except this time he had been home. He wasn’t drunk, thankfully, but he did try to talk to me. Luke didn’t hesitate to tell my father exactly what he thought of him (no good words were said), and my dad backed down. I felt a bit guilty about just shutting him out like I did, but he deserved it. Luke helped me take down the pictures and decorations on my bedroom walls, and we took them back to his house. He even helped me put them up on the walls in ‘my’ room.

I learned a lot about Luke and his friends in the past two weeks. For instance, I learned that Luke, Calum, Taryn, and Megan all shared the same favorite color of blue, while Ashton, Michael and I were alone in our preferences of red, green, and yellow (respectively). I found out that Luke is very protective of the penguin stuffed animal in the back corner of his room and, and that he is willing to tackle you to the floor if you mess with it (still have a bruise on my foot). I now know that Calum only likes cheddar cheese, because he flipped out when I almost put Swiss on his sandwich the other day. The best thing I learned, however, was that I rarely had a frown on my face anymore, and that it was because of my new friends.

I hummed along to the song playing on my phone as I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. The bathroom mirror was fogged over, so I took a washcloth from the top drawer and wiped off a small section so I could see myself. My normally chocolate brown hair looked black in its wetness, and it hung in lazy curls past my shoulders. I sighed as I looked at it, thinking about how I would like to get at least a few inches cut off before the break between Term 2 and Term 3 started (two days, yay!). After another moment of scrutinizing my hair and face in the semi-foggy mirror, I turned towards the bathroom door.

A cloud of steam spilled out of the bathroom when I opened the door, and I swiped my hand around in front of me, making a face. I had only gone about two feet down the hall when the first door opened and I suddenly found myself wrapped in somebody’s arms. I let out a loud shriek, shoving the person away from me.

“Oh my God!”

“You’re not Luke!”

“Who are you?”

“Why were you in his bathroom?”

“Who are you?”

“Why are you not wearing clothes?”

The stranger and I began yelling questions back and forth as soon as I was out of his grip. I gripped the top of my towel tightly as if that made it any better that I was standing in front of someone I didn’t know with only the large piece of beige cloth covering my body (and even then it barely covered my ass). I took a good look at the stranger before me as the two of us slung questions at each other. He was probably a few inches shorter than Luke, and his hair was a dark-ish sandy blonde color. The two of us were cut off by a loud shout from behind me.

Bully // l.h. // Book 1 of Bully SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now