The Mafia King And Queen

By bilqueessheik1

753K 15.9K 574

Bayliy is a student at Westwood high. Where only rich people send their kids, all the kids have back stories... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
New Stories

Chapter 41

8.1K 175 9
By bilqueessheik1

"Wakey Wakey sleepy head " Bayliy heard someone coo at her. "Wake up!" They then shouted. Bayliy's whole body felt heavy and it was a mission to open her eyes, she also had what felt like the world's most painful headache.  Ice cold water was thrown on her making her jolt awake, she looked around disoriented then Ashely appeared in her line of vision and the events of the pervious night flooded her mind.

They had placed her in a dark room that had a window and a door and they had tied her to a chair. "It's about time" Ashely said giving her a sticky sweet smile, "good morning" Austin said standing next to Ashely. Bayliy gave them an uninterested look, "Why am I here?" She asked bordly.

"Come on Bay I tough you were smarter than that" Astin said, "don't recognize me? That's okay I'll tell you anyway, I'm Austin Truni nice to meet you" he said sticking his and out for her to shake then he looked down at the rope they tied her with and laughed putting his hand away.

"You're the son" Bayliy voiced her thoughts making Austin laugh more, "I guess your gang doesn't do its research as good as they think" he said. Austin leand forward his hands on the arms of the chair she was tied to and his face inches away from hers, "I'm gonna make sure you and your boyfriend meet your end" he said in a low voice.

"But until he comes let's have some fun" Austin said giving her an evil grin, he swiftly pulled out shinny knife from his pocket. He gave Bayliy a look and then drive the knife into her tigh, Bayliy let out a painful scream shaking her body and trying to pull the knife out of her leg.

Austin ground his teeth and twisted the knife deeper into her leg making Bayliy howl with pain, "that's not even half the pain my father and brother went through when Ryan killed them" he spat. "Why don't you open these ropes then I can show you what pain really is" Bayliy said wincing at times. 

Astin let out a dry laugh, and ripped  the knife out making Bayliy double over in pain. "Fuck!" She swore, her head snapped to the right side. Austin had smacked her across her face, her cheek was red and stung with pain she looked up at him and gave him the most disgusted look she could muster.

"Who's going to save you now?" He asked and gave gave her a wicked smirk, he looked to Ashely the back at Bayliy before walking out of the room and closing the door. Bayliy was now left all alone in the dark room, she tried getting out of the chair like she had the last time in the school but this chair was made of steel and was bolted down to the floor.

She wiggled herself for a few minutes then gave up when she got tired, she let out a huff and fell back in the chair closing her eyes and imagining the recent events between herself and Ryan.

We've come a long way. She thought, maybe our road has come to an end. That was the last thought she had before falling asleep in the chair.

"Seriously how many times will we have to wake her lazy butt up?" Bayliy heard Austin whine, from the sound of his voice she could tell he was standing right in front of her. "Get up beauty sleep's over" Ashely kicked her, Bayliy slowly opened her eyes to glare at them but her heart flatered at what she saw.

He placed his index finger to his lips, Bayliy understood and acted as normal as she could. She focused her eyes to Austin and sent him a glare "what do you want now dick head?" She spat. Austin scrawled at her "watch your mouth you're at my mercy now" he growled, Bayliy sat lazily in the chair and gave him a bored look.

"Just get what you want and get out you're messing up my inner peace" she said, Ashely rolled her eyes "I want to know why he hasn't come looking for you yet. There where no signs of any of the gang members out in town" Austin said, Bayliy shrugged "I don't know maybe because you kidnapped me" her voice rose at the end.

"Maybe we should send a video or a picture of her" Ashely beamed at het idea, "no that sounds too easy" Austin shook his head. "Why don't you do it old school and send him a letter or something demand a randsome" Bayliy suggested knowing the fools would take the bait, Austin looked at her with bright eyes "that's actually a good idea" he said.

He snapped his fingers and he left the room with Ashely trailing being him. Bayliy let out a sigh of relief but Austin burst through the door again carrying a laptop, "untie her hands" he ordered the men. They did as they where told and Bayliy was about to get up and kick his ass but the guards pulled out their guns and pointed it at her head, "not so fast sweetheart" Austin said typing something into his laptop.

"One move and they'll shoot you before you can say Boo" he said, Bayliy grunted and sat back in the chair. "Now since we're waiting on your knight in shinning armour I have a job for you" he placed the laptop on her lap showing her the military page.

"I want you to hack into that" he simply said, Bayliy shook her head "this is government shit I don't fuck with that" she said pushing the laptop towards him. Austin placed it back on her lap then pulled out a knife and caressed her with it, he dragged the knife slowly from the top of her forehead passed her cheek and below her chin. He gave her a fake pout "aw but you have to, like I said who's gonna save you now?" He smirked.

"I am"

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