Dragon Ball Hifz (LN)

By Baveed

872 12 1

The light novel series filled with action, adventure, and fiction... Join the group with Mato, Lettu and frie... More

The Dojo
The Ancient Book
Results! The Un-teachable Students?
Unwanted Guests
A Desperate Assault!
My Turn!
Lettu Vs Hasifufus!
Hasifufus Finished?!
Narmaks Reward
Unexpected Evil
Hated Strength!
Rage Of Hatred
Corrupted Students
Fused Battle!
Brave Sacrifice
From The Other World!
Great Potential
The Journey Begins
Whats For Free Time?!
Planet Keman
Hasifufus Not Defeated! The Last Crystal Ball!
Welcome Back Lettu!
Back To Earth
Its Fun Time!
Party Interrupted?!
3rd In Command Of The Zero Force!
Stronger Than Hasifufus!
Holding Back?
Super Bount!!!
The End Of Saifullah
Lettu's Story, Khiftum's Wish!
New Plans Set
Growing Stronger!
A Battle Between Two Powerful Warriors! Mato Vs Lettu!
Khiftum's Demise
The Ultimate Showdown!
Lettu Vs The Emperor
The Emperor Vs Mato
Super Bount 2/ Super Jameel 2
The Final Fight!

Back To Earth! Welcome Back Everyone!

23 0 0
By Baveed

6 months have passed. There are only 5 more minutes until Khiftum, Mato and Lettu make it back to Earth.
Mato: "We're almost there! Only a few minutes!"
Khiftum and Lettu: "Yes!!!
Lettu: "I have an idea! Let's raise our energy level so the students can sense it down on Earth!"
Mato and Khiftum: "Amazing idea Lettu!"
Khiftum, Mato and Lettu: "HAAAAAAAAAA!"
They raise there energy.

Meanwhile, down on Earth...
Asad: "Wha-what! No way! You guys sense that! It can't be them! Guys! It's Mato, Lettu and Khiftum!"
Students: "Hehe! We sense it! Yep! Your right!"
Duad, Asum and Khalid: "I can't believe master Lettu is actually back!"
Asad, Ghul and Dawd: "No way! Master Mato! He brought master Lettu back! His promise!"
Speaker: "3, 2 ,1... landing!"
Mato, Lettu and Khiftum: "WHOAAA!"
Mato, Lettu and Khiftum land on Earth.
Speaker: "Welcome back, to planet Earth."
Mato: "We must have landed in Asad's Labratory in his backyard."
The spaceship door opens.
Lettu takes a deep breath.
Lettu: "Huff.... Aaaah... Home sweet home. It's been a more than a year!"
Mato and Khiftum: "Yep!"
Mato: "I have a lock on the students presence! Hold my shoulder you two!"
Khiftum and Lettu: "Yes!" They hold on to Mato's shoulder. They teleport to the dojo. The students see them. Tears came bursting out of the students eyes.
Student: "Master Mato and Lettu!!!"
They go and give everyone a hug.
Lettu, Mato and Khiftum: "We missed you guys so much!"
Students: "Really!"
Lettu, Mato and Khiftum: "Yep!"
Asad: "Ahhh! It's good to have y'all back. But besides that, what happened? Were the people friendly?"
Mato: "Yes, they were. They were willing to give us the item that grants any wish. Which is 5 crystal balls. We had to gather them. But besides that... Of all the people. We saw Hasifufus. Unfortunately, he escaped when I was about to kill him. He wanted the balls to himself. I don't know why, but I'm sure it's for his evil actions. I tried."
Students: "What!"
Mato: "Yeah."
Asad: "Oh forget about that. Look! We have to throw a party! You can bring all your family guys! And don't worry, it's all on me!"
Everyone: "Oh, a party sounds good. So when is it?"
Asad: "Probably now! After class! I'll tell my people to prepare everything. Meet me at my mansion guys!"
Mato and Lettu: "About that. Class dismissed guys! We are here! CMON, I think y'all need a break. And Asad, did anyone join?"
Asad: "None unfortunately..."
Mato and Lettu: "Ugh... Man. That sucks. But we will continue like always."

Khiftum, Mato and Lettu are all back to Earth! They are about to have a party!, But Saifullah is almost making his way to Earth! And Hasifufus is still alive! Next chapter on Dragon Ball Hifz! Party Interrupted?!

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