You, Me and a Bed Makes Three

De ButterfliesInTheSky

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okay so don't laugh but my name is Harley Davidson. okay i guess you can laugh. you think i'm joking don't yo... Mais

You, Me and a Bed Makes Three
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (2)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (3)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (4)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (5)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (6)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (7)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (8)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (8 - sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (9)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (10)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (11)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (12 - sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (12 - without sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (13)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (14)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (15)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (16)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (17)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (19)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (20)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (21)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (21 - without sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (22)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (23)
You,Me and a Bed Makes Three (24)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (25)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (26)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (27)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (28)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three - (29)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (30)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three - 31
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (32)

You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (18)

5.2K 50 7
De ButterfliesInTheSky

I woke up the next morning. Finding myself fully under my covers and with my head on my pillows. How I had managed to get under the covers and turn myself around amazed me but I had a sneaking suspicion that Ford may have done it for me. That and the fact that my work had been neatly stacked in a pile on my night stand. Something he would do when I was younger.

I looked at my watch to see what time it was. Well it's definitely not morning, more like early afternoon. Wow. I don't think I have slept in that long for a while. At least I know that I won't have to have the awkwardness of seeing my mum in the morning and have her fire all her questions at me. Phew!

I stretched my body out and headed to the bathroom to shower.

I was dressed and all my stuff was packed up. Seen as we were going to the forest tonight, and most likely camping out, I packed up my warmer clothes and grabbed my sleeping bag. I had eaten some of the left over Chinese and it was nearly the time school would be out. Which also meant that Ford would be home from work soon.

I smiled to myself. I had made it a whole day and then some in my own house with out having to deal with my mother, and making her happy at the same time. Things were looking up!

I pulled a brush through my hair and studied my face, in the huge mirror that hung above our fireplace, in our living room . I looked somewhat healthier then I had in weeks! A good nights rest and food was definitely what I needed more often.

Note to self: sleep and eat more.

I looked out of the window to see if Ford had arrived home yet. I should really be on my way over to Shaun's but I really want to say bye to Ford first.

As I searched the streets I caught a glimpse of a boy walking down past my house. I stopped to look at him. He seemed familiar and not just because I had seen him on my street before, when I was growing up. No he looked like someone more then that.

He was on the phone and looking down at the pavement, so I couldn't really see his face. I could see that he was built and was definitely older then myself.

A car rolled past making him look up. Directly over to where I was spying on him. That brief glimpse was all it took.

Oh my god! He was THE sexiest man I have ever seen. Yes man definitely man, and not boy. His hair all windswept just screamed 'touch me'. His face perfectly chiselled. complete with oh so kissable lips. I would so jump him if I saw him in a club. And I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much either. He looks like the type to get that reaction, from girls, all the time.

Not wanting to look like a stalker, any more then I already did, I walked away from the window. There was something about him that made me think I had already met him. Yet I was 100 percent sure that I had never met this guy, nor had I seen him walk down my street. I would have been all over the whole Girl Next Door thing if I did. And I bet he would have gone for it as well. This guy was definitely swoon worthy. And I have to admit, not many were. Well, not for me.

I replayed the image of him as he looked up. Trying to put a finger on where I had seen him before. Maybe if I had seen his eyes I would have been able to put my finger on it. I'm good with eye's, there usually what I remember people by. But unfortunately for me he was too far away to get a good look at them. That and I had been to distracted by his physique and good looks to even think about looking at his eyes. Great now I'm going to be thinking about him all night.

The door rattled, as the lock were turned by keys, and opened as Ford entered the house.

"hey" I called out to him, from the living room.

"oh hey, didn't think you would still be here." he smiled at me.

"i'm just off actually." I told him.

His smiled dropped, and for a moment he looked genuinely sad about it. "oh okay then."

"going to the forest with the guys. You know before it gets to wet out there." I told him.

He just smiled slightly and nodded his head glumly.

With that my phone buzzed. Let me guess probably Greg, asking where I am.

I pulled it out and flipped it open.

"would you like to swing in star? Carry moon beams all in jar? Or be better off where you aaaare? Or would you rather be a pig?.... cause a pi-" I answered in a sing-song tone, but was cut off half way through.

"when will you answer your damn phone like a normal person!" Greg said trying to sound irritated but I could hear his smile even on the phone.

"never!" I replied dramatically.

Ford had, in the mean time, walked into the kitchen to probably get some food. The boy is always hungry. Always has been and probably always will be. I could hear his muted chuckle, most likely form the way I answered the phone.

"whatever. Where are you? We're just packing up the cars."

"i'm surprisingly still at home." I answered, and truthfully I was surprised.

"want me to pick you up the way then?"

I heard some muffled annoyance in the background about having to make a detour and then a loud whack noise. I guess who ever it was complaining got thumped haha!

"that would be lovely Gregory. How ever will I repay your kindness?" I said in a sickly sweet voice.

"by never uttering the name Gregory again!"

"hmmm I'll think about it."

I heard some more shouting and muffled voices in the background, doors opening and closing. And just general loud noises that the guys make when moving things. Lets just say they aren't the quietest bunch at the best of times.

"well were almost done. So I'll be there in like 15. okay?"

"sure. I'm all set and ready to go go go!"

"good. See ya in a few."

"bye." I replied hanging up the phone.

I walked into the kitchen. Ford was stuffing his face like I expected. I shook my head amused at him.

"who was that?" he asked between mouthfuls.

"Greg. He's on his way to pick me up." I said smiling.

"uh huh." he murmured with his mouth still full. When he finally finished his food he continued. "so when are you coming home?"

"dunno yet. Depends how much fun we have.... and when we run out of food and booze I guess." I shrugged.

"sounds about right." he chuckled.

We stood there in silence for a while. He just continued to eat and I, well I watched him. I know, how sad right. But there was something comforting about watching him doing everyday normal things like eat and clean that I couldn't help but smile at.

There was a loud beep out side and I jumped, a little startled.

"well I'm off. See ya." I called out as I made my way to the front door.

I picked up my stuff and went to turn the handle. Two big strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a bear hug. I smiled and tried to turn to face Ford.

"bye kiddo." Ford said as he ruffled my hair, letting me go.

I kissed him on the cheek and then rushed out to Greg's car. Ford stood there watching me pile into the car and waved us off smiling from ear to ear. See that was why I had stayed last night, and that was why I wanted to spend time with my big brother. Just me and him like the good old days. Just to see that smile of his.

I waved as we sped off, smiling just as big myself and settled in for the long ride to our destination.

The tents were set up and so was the camp fire. Shaun and Alex had decided they would make one each, to see who could make the biggest. I guess it's a guy thing. The whole who has the biggest is beyond me. I have no idea why they do it.

We had just had a BBQ, not that I had eaten much, and were all seated around the fires. The booze was freely flowing between us all and we were all cracking up laughing due to some joke Tom had heard recently.

"lets play truth or dares!" Stuart said excitedly.

'sure' we all said in one way or another. None of us as excited about it as him. I mean truth or dares was a bit overrated in our group. We all pretty much knew everything about one another having practically grown up together and the dare tended to get a bit out of hand and no one wanted to be the one that got the worst of it.

"cool I'll go first. Harley. Truth or dare?" Stuart asked me.

Dammit why do I have to go first? I bet it's because I'm a girl. So sexist. "Truth." I answered. Knowing it would annoy him. Usually I would pick dare because I didn't like to talk openly about myself.

He huffed. Ha! Gotcha. "fine. Who is the best shag out of every one here?" he asked. Smirking at me. Daring me to choose as they each sat up straight, eager to hear who I preferred in bed. God this would be a huge stroke to who evers ego. I know...

"well that would be...." I said looking over all of them. "ME!" I said smugly.

"hey that's not what I said!" he protested.

"you said out of everybody here you didn't say I wasn't included." I told him smiling like I'd just won the lottery.

"she's got you there Stu." Greg chuckled.

I poked my tongue out at him as he huffed and sunk into his chair. Ha that'll teach you.

"Alex. Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"dare" he said in a bored tone.

Hmm what to do?... "every time some one says your name you have to shake your arse in there face ... a bare arse as well." okay so that wasn't the best one I could think of but it was the first round so lets not get too drastic.

"fine." he muttered.

"Alex!" Tom shouted out.

Alex rolled his eyes but did as he was supposed to. Everyone laughed at Tom's expression, I guess he didn't really think that through. Silly boy.

"Shaun, truth or dare?" Alex asked settling back into his seat.

The game went on for a while. We had a beer race and some streaking, some very strange truths came out. Like the fact that Tom had a crush on the librarian at our school. She was an 80 year old woman who didn't like to wear her false teeth all the time. Apparently though that was what attracted him to her. I can take a few guesses why...

Greg had to put on one of my skirts and bra and do a strip tease. Now that was funny. Ste even put a fiver into his boxers. He refused to put on a pair of my underwear, though I can't say I would have been too pleased if he had agreed to that one.

Bradley had to kiss Vince which neither of them were pleased about. I found it hilarious and the others I think were a bit grossed out. It was Tom's idea and even he couldn't watch. Again I guess he didn't think it through. Silly boy.

The night was getting cooler and the fires were slowly dieing down. I yawned and stretched as I looked at my watch. It was 2 am. No wonder I was feeling a little tired.

"well guys. As much as I'd love to stay up and listen to fart jokes all night I'm shattered so I'm off. Night." I said and then made my way over to a tent. I didn't care who slept with who, well none of us did.

They all said their goodnight's and Tom whined that I was a party pooper. I just shrugged and continued on my way waving them off.

I picked up my sleeping bag that I had propped up against my chair and climbed into the first of the tents. I would say I made my self comfortable but well, that was relativity hard considering I was on the ground with nothing but a blanket, sleeping bag and tent between me and the earth.


Thanks for reading. i hope you enjoyed it ^_^

o x Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ x o

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