The 'Dragon Master'

By LoriMandle

354K 11.9K 1.4K

Book 1 of the North Dragons series Indigo Artemis North - more commonly known as the legendary 'Dragon Mast... More

Terror Mail
Truth Behind Myths
Arrival On Berk
Slitherwing Island
Giving Chase
A 'Fun Talk'
Confessions... Technically
Hiccup In The Plan | Part 1
Hiccup In The Plan | Part 2
Hiccup In The Plan | Part 3
Hunting Artemis
How To Train Your Kidnapper
Excitable Night Fury
Howl In The Night
Wonderful First Impressions
Keeping It In
Destructive Dragons
A Visit To Valka
All In A Day's Work
Finding The Cure
Defenders Of Berk
Trading Talk
Talking To Terrors
A Dragon In Need
Giving In
The Last Laugh
Myth Behind Truth
Edgy Attacks
A Clean Slate
A New Threat
Secrets Revealed | Part 1
Secrets Revealed | Part 2
United As One
The Time Has Come
Alpine's Frost
Ways Of War
Frozen Flier
Admit It
Hatching New Friendships
The End... Of The Beginning

The Night Of The Furies

5.3K 207 8
By LoriMandle

"My full name is Indigo Artemis North," I say. "When I left with that Skrill, I started up the Dragon Sanctuary. I'm the so-called 'Dragon Master'."

"We all thought you were dead!" He exclaimed. "We thought you'd been killed by the Skrill or the dragon hunters! We sent out search parties for you!"

I pause and look to him. "You actually sent out search parties?" "Of course we did!" He confirmed. "What else would we have done? Forget you ever existed?"

"Kind of hoping on that one, actually," I shrug. "Fair enough," he replies. Then we both share a laugh. It feels good to laugh with another human that isn't Valka.

"Now let's go save some dragons," I smirk, pulling my mask back up in anticipation for the battle ahead. He nods and we fly off, me and Flashwing taking the lead. "By the way, you might notice our defences," I warn him. "They're probably either bush fighting or they're in hiding with the others, but they'll know you're with me."

He looks slightly nervous. "What kind of defences?" "Sentinels, Speed Stingers, that kind of thing," I reply. "On top of that the final defence is the Alpha."

"The Alpha?"

"A Class Ten Leviathan," I explain. "Beautiful creature, the Bewilderbeast. Absolutely beautiful."

We soon reach the island and keep our distance for now. The fight for dragons is in full swing and thankfully the Sentinels are still in their places, except for Ore, who the boys must've sent inside for her protection. "It's awful," Hiccup remarks.

"Hold your breath and follow me," I instruct. "There's an entrance through the lagoon." Without waiting for a response, Flashwing dives. We hold our breaths as we make it through the secret underwater entrance. The splash that follows us tells me Hiccup and Toothless are following us.

We surface as soon as we can and the boys do the same. The lagoon is populated with my Thunderdrum Screech, my Sea Shocker Voltage and my Scauldron Vanquish. They all prepare to fire at Hiccup and Toothless but I raise a hand.

"They're guests," I tell my partners. "Fire at them without my consent and I will consider it firing at one of our own." The dragons all seem shocked, but nod and return to swimming happily.

"A Scauldron and a Sea Shocker in the same place?" Hiccup doesn't seem to think it's very smart. "They hatched together and I raised them to not hurt each other, only their natural instincts will cause their usual falling outs," I tell him. "Now let's go grab some of my partners. They can help us."

We fly out of the lagoon and I dismount Flashwing. "Go let everyone know about who the guests are and who isn't welcome in here," I tell her. She nods and hurried off.

"So where are we going?" Hiccup asks, dismounting Toothless, who takes in the scents of all the dragons in here. One causes him to freeze and I know exactly the one. "Well I figured we should grab some help first, so a trip to the stables is on the agenda," I reply, leading the way again.

When I show him to the pens he's astounded. Fair enough, there are twenty per wall and they're all spread out on three floors. Dragons fly all over the place, talking, playing and resting up. "Wow..." he breathes, taking it all in. "You wait until you see one of them properly," I smirk.

Gordon flies over, chirping happily. I offer my and and he lands on it, nuzzling my cheek affectionately. "An Omega Night Terror?" Our guest is impressed.

"I call them Cave Dwellers," I reply, petting Gordon's scaly snout. "This is Gordon. He's basically a puppy dog."
Gordon sniffs at Hiccup experimentally.

"Hey there, little guy," he greets Gordon, offering his hand. Gordon chirrups and licks it. "He likes you," I chuckle.

Something judges me and I look to the other black dragon that's with us. Toothless is looking around wildly, sniffing the air. I know exactly why. "I'll call him over," I smile, much to Toothless's delight.

"Call who over?" His rider asks in confusion. "You'll see," I smirk, knowing he'll love this. I turn to the dragons. "Nightshade! Come here for a second!"

A roar echoed through the stables and I watch the reactions of our guests. While the human is still confused, the dragon is wagging his tail excitedly, bouncing up and down in anticipation.


Hiccup gasps in shock when a Night Fury emerges from the crowds of other dragons. He paused the moment he sees Toothless, eyeing him up and down in pure amazement.

"This is Nightshade," I say, petting the black dragon. "Nightshade is the only one of his kind I have here."

Well that's not technically a lie. I also have a few eggs that are waiting to hatch, but not technically a dragon yet. I'm hoping that there will be a female or two. That way Night Furies could have a new generation to look forward to.

"Where did you find him?" Hiccup finally finds his voice. "I hatched him about a year ago," I reply. "There were a few Night Fury eggs on the island when I first came here. He's the only one to hatch so far."

I pet Nightshade happily while he purrs. "He's a mischief maker and very playful," I remark. "Always annoying us all with his pranks." Nightshade gave a toothy grin at that.

"No, it's not funny," I scold him lightly. He gives me a look as if to say when have they not been funny? "Remember the time you clapped your split scales in my ear for six hours straight?" I remind him with a glare. He just warbles.

"He did what?" Hiccup chuckles. "I'll show you with Toothless," I reply, stepping over to his partner. Toothless backs away a little, looking nervous.

"It won't hurt," I tell him. He slowly nods and let's me reach him. I scratch a certain spot and his back scales split into two. He grins and starts running around, clapping them together.

"I warn you," I say to an amazed Hiccup. "It gets annoying and it gets annoying very fast."

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