Guide To Survive

By fernixoxo

986 25 20

"What do we do now?" He asks looking at me with fear in his eyes. "Now we killed." I responded aiming my gun... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Something Great
Chapter 26

Chapter 1

147 5 1
By fernixoxo

Dear Diary,

Today is going to be like any other day. I'm going to go to the hell hole they call school, I'm going to get pitiful looks from everyone but no one will dare to speak out and at the end of the day I will return home with a few bruises. Then before I got back to bed I will attempt suicide yet another time in the five months. ~ Rebecca Adams

I laid the journal down on the bed and got up. I went into the bathroom and cleaned up making sure everything looked in place. I took out my makeup bag and put just a touch of foundation on my left wrist making sure to cover up the freshly re-opened wounds. After I was finished I walked back to my bedroom, sliding the dull colored curtains aside and letting the light shine in to the room. I walked over to my closet and began to look around for something to wear on such a memorable Monday. I decide on just some dark jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. I walked downstairs to see that I was completely alone. Thank god. I didn't have the strength to put up with my abusive father or brother. I walked out of the house and toward my black bike. I put in the key and the bike roared to life, I speed down the road trying to make it in time to school for once in my life and not get a detention or get looked at strangely when I run in late to class looking like shit.

There were no good parts on my school days. It was always the same. People look at me with pity for the loss of my mother and father. My mother had died five months ago in a car accident and even thought my father survived he was lost too; he spent most days drinking or screaming but usually both. My brother didn't give a shit about anything so he was fine at the loss of both our parents, he didn't even shed a fake tear at my mother's funeral. He was cold, when he got home from school in a bad mood he'd usually take it out on me, so I was not only getting beaten at school but also at home by my own flesh and blood.

I got of my bike and hurried into the crowded hallway. I tried avoiding every one's eyes because I knew that if I made eye contact with Louis or Zayn I would get pulled out the most hidden away part of the school and get beaten to a pulp without anyone to hear my screams. I hurry down the hallway with my head low and make my way towards my locker. I had just about made it to my locker when I see a boy leaning against it; I had never seen him here before. I would know if he came here considering the small school. I made my way over to my locker thinking that if he was going to beat me like Louis or Zayn always did then he might as well get it over with. I wasn't in the mood to beg for mercy today.

"Excuse me." I said in a small voice as I got to the locker. The beautiful stranger looked down at me with bright green eyes; he pushed his curly brown hair out of his face and smiled showing full dimples.

"Yes?" He asked still smiling.

"You're kind of leaning against my locker and I really don't want to be late for class." I said just above a whisper, he smiled again and move away from the locker.

"I'm very sorry miss. I'm new here and I honestly have no idea where my locker is." He said with a look of confusion in his jade colored eyes.

"May I see the locker number? Maybe I can tell you where it is." I said opening my locker and looking up at his muscular figure towering over me. He had to be at least 6 feet tall.

"Here" He said giving me a piece of folded up paper. I read it and I'm sure my eyes went the size of golf balls.

"The one right next to me." I said pointing at the locker to my left.

"Thank you. I knew I was close. May I ask one more thing?" He inquires leaning into his locker to put in the combination.

"Sure, go ahead." I say as nicely as possible.

"What's your name?" He looks up from what he's doing.


"I'm Harry."

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