You Are My Girl (Olicity) - F...

By peetaology

881K 20.2K 6.2K

The story of Felicity and Oliver. A spirited IT girl and a playboy billionaire with a secret. More

You Are My Girl; 1
A Warning; 2
An Old Friend; 3
Safe and Sound; 4
Saving Felicity; 5
House Guest;
A New Place
A Talk With Oliver
Don't Shoot The Messanger
Mr. Queen
Hooding Up
Waking Up To Confusion
The Feelings
Remember Me?
Broken Hearts Can Heal
More Problems
An Image
A kiss, Amanda, and a cure
The Man In The Skull Mask Tells All
A Pawn in his Game
Taking Down a Friend
Arrow Business
The Broke Rich Boy
The Bank Robbers- and trained by the best
How To Shoot An Arrow
Losing Someone You Love
You Are Not Alone
Barry Allen.
Oliver Freaking Queen
Taking The Heat
What Oliver Might Have Done
Wake Up Oliver, I'll Take Care Of Everything Else
Determined Smoak & Her Partners
The Arrow is Back
A Ring Of Broken Promises
Fifty Shades Of Queen
Warning Season 3 Spoiler
The Arrow's Sister
Vengeance Of The Queen
Fifty Shades of... Green
Life is Full Of Surprises
How to (Not) Hide the Truth
So We Meet Again
Mini Felicity
Who Is Palmer?
The Family Man
Team Arrow?
Heart to Heart
Very Platonic Circumstances
Love and War
Dark Secrets
And The Walls Came Crashing Down
An Arrow to the Knee
Keeping Her Safe
Fighting For a Future

A Plan- and "The Man"

12K 285 44
By peetaology


Felicity pinched the bridge of her nose. "For the last time, that is not an option."
She was in the middle of explaining to Oliver that Slade Wilson being free would ruin the city- and she was right.

"Then what will I do? The man in the skull mask knows who I am Felicity." Oliver said, frustration seeping through his voice.

"Kill him," Diggle said, handing Oliver his bow. Fear instantly made him freeze up. There would be no killing.

"No." Oliver said firmly, pushing his bow away. He ran a hand through his hair.

"Outsmart him." Felicity suggested.

"How...?" Oliver asked dejectedly.

"Find out who he is! Blackmail him like he is blackmailing you!" Felicity said, talking fast like she did when she was excited.

"Not a bad idea," Oliver mused, "I need to get a tracking device on him."

Diggle nodded in approval. "I'd say we have a plan."

"I'll set up the tracker and sync it to the computer!" Felicity said, perking up. Diggle nodded once again, and motioned for everyone to get back into the car. Going way past the speed limits, Diggle sped the car towards the back-up lair. Hopefully they would soon get access back to Verdant. The back-up lair was much more crowded- and dank.

Once they arrived, Oliver watched Felicity quickly sync her tracker as he readied his arrows. Felicity looked amazing in her outfit- but Oliver couldn't help wondering where she had gotten it from.

"Oliver? Are you ready?" Diggle cut in, looking amused. He had seen Oliver staring.

"Yes." Oliver replied, fixing his mask and walking over to Felicity, not meeting Diggle's eyes.

"Ok, I'm done," Felicity said, whirling around to face him, "good luck." She said with a smile.

Before pulling his hood up, Oliver pressed his lips against Felicity's. Her mouth was soft, and tasted sort of like mint ice cream. Oliver wasn't about to ask.

"I'll come back for you." He said, pulling her into an embrace. The expression on her face was unreadable- but she hugged him back tightly.

"If you don't come back alive I'll be pretty pissed." (Haha her line in the episode)

Oliver felt himself smile before he pulled his hood over his head. He started to head out of the lair but was stopped by Diggle. "Good luck out there man." He said.


Oliver arrived at the place where he had last met with The Man In The Skull Mask. Not long after he arrived, the man stepped out of the shadows.

"You did not keep your side of the bargain." He said in the low voice of his.

"I need more time." Oliver said in his Arrow voice. How could he get close enough to put the tracker on his enemy?

"You are out of time Mr. Queen!" The man roared, and took a step forewords. Oliver ran towards him, knocking into him- in the meantime placing the tracker on his suit- and both men fell to the ground.

"It's been less than an hour, who do you think I am?" Hissed Oliver, stepping off the man in the skull mask.

"You will get 24 more." The man said hesitantly, "if you fail, I will have your family."

Oliver felt himself go ridged. "They have nothing to do with this."

"I know. Farewell Mr. Queen." The man replied. Oliver glared at his retreating figure.


"He's activated the tracking device!" Felicity called to Diggle. He walked over to Felicity's computer, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"That looks like he is headed towards the Court House..." Diggle said, his voice trailing off uncertainty.

"Oliver," Felicity called into her earpiece, "he is headed towards the courthouse."

"Alright." Was his terse reply. Something must have happened.

"Be careful." She added.

"Alright Felicity."

Diggle sat down next to Felicity. "Should we turn on the TV?" He asked, "Sebastian and Oliver's mom are making appearances at the Court House tonight."

They could be in danger! That is why Oliver had sounded so terse, and nervous.

"Of course!"

And Sebastian Blood
has yet to make his
appearance tonight.

Moira Queen has just
delivered her speech,
and we all anxiously await
Sebastian Blood.

"He is late! What if the man got to him first?" Felicity wondered.

"We should warn Oliver! The man is almost their!" Diggle said, gesturing for Felicity to radio him.

"Wait, he is in the Court House!" Felicity exclaimed, pointed at her monitor.

He has arrived!
Now it is time for
Blood's speech! He
sure knows how to
build up suspense!

"He is safe!" Felicity said, letting our a breath of relief.

"Or- what if he is The Man In The Skull Mask?" Diggle asked, his eyes widening.

Felicity gasped. The timing had been perfect- the tracker showed that The Man In the Skull Mask was currently in the center of the court room- as was Sebastian Blood.

"Oliver, it's Blood- Sebastian Blood is your target!"

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