Scottish Stars Cross

By RedCherry25

1.5K 10 0

Sorcha has been waiting her whole life to find a man who will sweep her off her feet. So far, she's struck o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 10

41 0 0
By RedCherry25

Court today was going to be the hardest. Today was the day when Abigail took the stand to testify. Sorcha was most nervous about this day. She wasn't' sure why, but she figured it was because she'd been such close friends with Abigail.

"I still can't believe she betrayed me."

Calleach looked over. He brought Sorcha's hand to his mouth. "I know, but today is the last day of trial. Tomorrow we should know the verdict."

Sorcha sighed as she snuggled closer to Calleach as they headed to the court house with her cousins again. They were piled into Zefora's car this time with Amaranth bringing up the rear in his truck. The past ten days had been emotionally draining on Sorcha. She'd be glad when this was all over.

"We're here," Zefora announced in a sing song voice as they pulled up in front of the court house.

"You ready," Calleach whispered.

Sorcha gave him a pained smile. "No, but we might as well get this over with."

People were all over Sorcha as soon as she got out of Zefora's car. Her parents' trial had made the news and it irked her. She just wished that they'd leave her alone, but that was impossible. It didn't help that Ella and some of her parents' friends were doing interviews with the local and state media.

Calleach snaked an arm around Sorcha's waist and led her through the throng of media. Sorcha kept her mouth shut as they fired questions at her. She could hear them asking her cousins for comments, but her cousins refused to answer. Sorcha was proud of them for standing by her.

The courthouse was cool and welcome when Sorcha set foot inside. The days were getting humid out which meant that there was a storm brewing somewhere. Sorcha was beginning to hate the courthouse. It wasn't because of the trial. She didn't mind the trial. What she didn't like was all of the people waiting for a glimpse of her. She was beginning to hate the media. She'd never liked them to begin with, but now her dislike was deepening.


Sorcha couldn't help but smile up at Calleach. "I know. It's just that the media makes my skin crawl."

Calleach chuckled as he leaned over and kissed her on the temple. "Get used to it sweetie. Your family has money and if you decide to accept my offer, then you will be swamped by media in Scotland."

"What offer?" Zefora asked as she slid her hand into Sorcha's.

Sorcha squeezed her cousin's hand and sighed. "Just something that Calleach offered the other day. I'll tell it to you later."

Zefora smiled, but there was a knowing look in her eyes. "I can guess what the offer is, but you never know. I could be wrong."

A snort came from behind them. "You are never wrong."

Zefora laughed at Amaranth's words as she dropped back to talk to him. Sorcha shook her head as they reached the stairs. Calleach held her hand as they climbed the stairs. Ms. Stumps was waiting for them. She gave them a big smile as she shook all their hands.

"Today should go easily. All we have is Abigail's testimony."

"I'm most worried about this one. Who knows what all I've told Abigail over the years."

Ms. Stumps patted Sorcha's arm. "Don't you worry about it. All we can do is listening to her testimony and cross-examine her. I have some very probing questions to ask her."

Sorcha nodded as they filed into the courtroom. Today she was able to sit next Calleach. Calleach held her hand throughout the whole trial.

It was hard looking at Abigail, but Sorcha made herself stare at her former best friend. Abigail refused to look at her. A tale of greed was woven for the jury to hear. The depth of Abigail's involvement went deeper than Sorcha ever thought it could. There were things that had happened that now made perfect sense. Like the one time when Sorcha and Abigail took an impromptu trip to Vegas and somehow her parents' knew about the one guy she flirted with at the casino. Sorcha just thought that maybe one of her parents' friends were there and spotted her doing it. Now she realized that it was Abigail.

"How much money were you paid by Mr. and Mrs. McAllister to be friends with their daughter?"

Sorcha held her breath at the question that Ms. Stumps asked Abigail. Abigail finally glanced nervously at Sorcha before she stared at Ms. Stumps. Abigail shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not really sure of the total amount of money given to me. "It started off with $100 a week. It gradually was increased as the months went by. I received a bonus each year depending on how much information I was able to gather."

"How many years were you friends with Ms. McAllister?"

Abigail frowned as if trying to remember. "I believe that we became friends in Junior High. I've been out of school for ten years so I'd say 12-13 years."

Ms. Stumps was quiet as if she was mentally doing some math in her head. "Let's say that you earned $100 a week for 52 weeks. That's $5,200 a year without bonuses or getting a pay raise. That would mean that you earned at least $62,000. Does that sound about right?"

"Yes. I received enough money to live a very privileged lifestyle."

Ms. Stumps nodded. "Thank you. I have no more questions now."

Judge Cummings ordered a recess while the jury went in to deliberate the sentencing of Sorcha's parents. Abigail's trial would be later in the year unless she pleads guilty. Several hours went by before the call came in that the jury had reached a verdict. Sorcha headed back to the courthouse. It was 5pm. The jury had been deliberating for 6 hours.

The bailiff handed the judge the paper that the lead jury member handed him. Judge Cummings read the paper and handed it back to the bailiff.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

The head jury member stood up. "We have your honor."

"And what are your findings?"

The jury member took a deep breath. "Guilty."

Sorcha was shocked as she listened to the judge asked the jury what verdict they came up with for each count leveled against her parents. The answer came back guilty each time. Sorcha wasn't even aware of what the judge was saying till he pounded his gravel making her jump.

The Judge handed Sorcha's parents their sentences. They were going away for a long time. Sorcha hoped that they served their entire term. If they came up for parole Sorcha was going to be there testifying as to why they shouldn't get out. The bailiff escorted her parents out. Sorcha watched them go never flinching when they shot her looks of hate.

Calleach leaned over and whispered in Sorcha's ear. "Let's go celebrate."

"Thank you Ms. Stumps for all you've done."

Ms. Stumps shook Sorcha's hand and smiled. "It was my pleasure."

She shook hands with Calleach. "Tell your mother hello for me next time you see her."

Calleach laughed. "I will Karen. Next time your back in Scotland, drop by for a visit."

"I think I'll do that."

Sorcha left the courthouse with Calleach and her cousins. She still refused to speak to the media. Zaranth and Amaranth paused long enough to give a brief statement before they too walked on. Sorcha didn't care. She was walking on air. Her parent's reign of terror was finally over. She didn't have to worry about them for a long time now.

"How could you Sorcha?" Ella's voice intruded on Sorcha's bubble of happiness. Sorcha motioned to Calleach that she would be a moment. Calleach squeezed her hand and let her go. Sorcha turned to face her sister. Ella stood before her dressed in a pale blue Ralph Lauren dress with expensive matching shoes by some designer Sorcha didn't now. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek bun and her makeup was immaculate. Tears swam in Ella's eyes as she glared at Sorcha.

"You're a liar!"

"I am not liar, Ella. Mom and Dad made sure that you never saw what they did to me. You were their perfect child and they didn't want you coming to my defense."

Ella crossed her arms defiantly. "I hate you."

A soul weary sigh escaped Sorcha. "And I have done nothing but love you. Do some soul searching Ella? You have my number."

Sorcha left Ella standing there by herself as she went and rejoined Calleach. They all decided to go to Hays and eat at one of the more popular restaurants. Everyone was in a good mood and several toasts were done. Sorcha decided to let nothing worry her tonight. Tonight she was celebrating with the knowledge that she was finally free of her parents.

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