CC Imagines

By millieblovex

4.5K 53 0


Music Video
I Love You
Valentine's Day
Goodnight kiss
First time with a girl
Wake up
Types of cuddles
Home alone
First time
Miss you
date home
go slow


112 2 0
By millieblovex

The last thing you saw before your eyes snapped open was the look on Millie's face as she regretfully left you behind - for good. You felt tears wetting the bones of your cheeks, unable to remember the last time a dream had elicited this kind of response from you. Your chest hurt as you struggled to catch your breath, your fingers cramping from the lack of oxygen. You jolted forward, sniffing away your sadness as you repeatedly tried to bring yourself back to reality. You reached out to gently touch Millie's spine, reminding yourself that she was still there. You were still together. No matter how many attempts you made to pull yourself out of your haze, the memory of your nightmare was still too fresh for you to shake it off. You were stifling sobs, your head thumping from the tension and the sudden wake up. You heard Millie stir as she rolled over to face you. Ducking your head out of view, you swiped even more furiously at your pooling tears.
"You okay?" She questioned huskily. Her sleepy voice was your favourite, a fact that only made the tears come faster.
"Yeah." You whispered, hoping the tension in your throat had gone unnoticed.
"What's wrong?" Millie persisted, sitting up as her long arm reached for yours. She tugged at your turned body, urging you to turn around and face her.
"Nah, nothing. I'm just gonna go get some water." You attempted to stand, Millie's grip tightening around your waist.
"Y/N.." The way she said your name stopped you in your tracks.
"Talk to me." You knew she wasn't going to let this go, but you also knew that once you started to talk, you wouldn't stop. You rolled back, sliding back down onto the mattress as her hand found yours. Her eyes weren't as wide as usual, the skin around them swollen slightly from her slumber. You rested your head on her chest, her hand automatically reaching to tuck loose strands of your hair behind your ear.
"I dreamt that we broke up. The distance.. we couldn't do it. You left for good. We spend so much time apart, it's fucking impossible to think that this is long term, Millie." You bit your tongue, wishing you hadn't let your words escape so violently. Millie looked taken back, remaining frozen as her eyes grew heavier.
"What isn't long term, us?" She asked. Her voice was small, making you regret letting her hear yours in the first place. You choked up a little, rolling your eyes to yourself.
"It's impossible." You repeated softly. Millie ran a hand through her hair, the hand that had previously been rested on your cheek.
"Don't say that. It's completely possible, baby. Just because I'm not physically here, beside you every night doesn't mean you're not with me. There's not a second that goes by that I'm not thinking of you,that I'm not imagining our life together. I dream of the night I get to come back to you, the night I get to touch you and be with you for the first time in months." Her voice was raspy, breaking and weak as she continued to assure you. Your eyes stung more than before, but this time you didn't mind.
"I want to be with you when I'm an old woman with hip problems and literally zero hearing. You're the person I want with me when I've lived my life, when we've lived our lives together. I want you there for everything. I know it's hard, but I have no fucking doubt that it's worth it. You're my person, Y/FN. And this life, I was made to spend it with you." Millie finished her words with a soft, barely there kiss to your lips. You melted into her, wrapping yourself up in her warmth.
"I love you." You croaked, you words echoing against her neck.
"I love you too, always will." Millie assured.

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