Goodnight kiss

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You and Camila are summer camp counselors together.
"I think she put it under there... Thanks for helping me find it, YN."
Camila leans over the lake, grabbing a pool noodle from under the dock.
"SHIT!" Camila falls into the lake, pulling you with her.
"Oh my God... I'm so sorry, YN! I'm like... super clumsy... and I like... I knew I was gonna fall so I... just like... tried to balance myself and fucking... sorry." She stutters out nervously, looking down and running her fingers through her hair.
"It's fine, calm down." You chuckle, touching Camila's arm lightly.
She looks up at you, shivering a little.
"I um... are you sure? Cuz I like... I didn't mean to pull you with me... I fall over... like a lot an-"
"Cami, I'm sure. Don't sweat it."
Camila leans a little closer, brushing your wet hair out of your face and resting her hand on your cheek.
"I... um... your hair... was in your face..." She bites her lip shyly, keeping her hand on your cheek.
"Your hand is still on my face..."
"Oh, I um... I... fuck... sorry." She quickly takes her hand off of your face, looking down in embarrassment.
"It's fine... I kinda liked it." You laugh nervously, awaiting her response.
"Oh... well... um..." Camila puts her hand back on your cheek, leaning in to kiss you.
"Cami?" You hear a little girl's voice from on the dock.
Camila quickly pulls away, grabbing the pool noodle and getting out out of the water.
"Um... did you find my pool noodle?"
"Yeah, it's right here... hey, you're not supposed to be over here... Can you go back by the campfire for me?" Camila hands the girl the pool noodle and reaches down to help you out of the water.
"Thanks, Cami! Sorry... I forgot... wait... why are you and YN all wet? Did you fall in the lake?" The little girl giggles as she starts walking back towards the campfire.
"Yeah, we did." You laugh, following the girl.

You and Camila walk back to the campfire and sit down.
Camila picks up her guitar and starts to strum it, humming quietly to herself.
"Hmm?" You lifts your head to look at her, continuing to strum her guitar.
"You're shivering... do you want a towel?"
"Yeah... that'd be nice."
Camila went to her cabin and get two towels, quickly bringing them back to the campfire.
"Here." Camila wrap the towel around you, giggling a little.
"Thanks." You give her a shy smile.

You and Camila sit by the campfire, Camila's arms around you (since she was taller than you) and your arms wrapped around her waist, resting your head on her chest, and roast marshmallows with the campers until it gets too dark outside.
"So..." You giggle, starting to walk back to your cabin.
"I'm sorry about earlier... I don't know what I was thinking... I just like... went for it and it was like... really stupid... so... I'm sorry."
"It's alright... I um... I didn't mind." You bite your lip shyly, looking down at the ground.
Camila stays quiet until you get to your cabins.
"Um... there's something I didn't get the chance to do..." Camila stops in front of your cabin.
"What's up?"
Camila leans in and kisses you, giggling against your lips.
"Night, YN!" She smiles as she skips off to her cabin.
"Night, Cam."

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