To Offset The Shakes (Andy Hu...

By BangTheDoldrums21

41.7K 1.6K 952

Mom and dad divorce before the baby is even born. Typical, right? So Elizabeth grows up never knowing her fat... More

To Offset The Shakes (Andy Hurley)
That Blade Is My Best Friend (Elizabeth's POV)
I Knew This Would Happen Someday (Natalie's POV)
I Don't Understand (Elizabeth's POV)
I've Got To Do This (Elizabeth's POV)
And You Are? (Andy's POV)
Let Me Explain (Elizabeth's POV)
Get To Know Me (Andy's POV)
Dad ... I Could Get Used To That (Elizabeth's POV)
Surprise? (Andy's POV)
Quality Time (Elizabeth's POV)
Movie Time (Andy's POV)
Do We Have To Talk About This? (Elizabeth's POV)
Hey, Can I Talk To You About Something Else? (Andy's POV)
Come One, Come All! (Elizabeth's POV)
Meet Uncle Brendon and Uncle Dallon (Andy's POV)
Does This Happen Often? (Dallon's POV)
Let Me Explain (Elizabeth's POV)
Not So Important Author's Note... WHOOOHOOOO
We Haven't Got Much Longer (Andy's POV)
Not What I Was Expecting (Natalie's POV)
Be Strong (Libbie's POV)
I'm Here (Natalie's POV)
The Day Before (Libbie's POV)
I Knew This Would Happen (Andy's POV)
Court Time (Libbie's POV)
And The Verdict Is... (Andy's POV)

I Have Uncles (Elizabeth's POV)

1.1K 46 55
By BangTheDoldrums21

"So what exactly is going on now?" Brendon chuckled slightly, still not sure how to react to all of this.

"Basically," I stood up, getting a weird look from Andy, who then shrugged and sat down. "I am Andy's daughter. He was married to a woman named Natalie a while back, but when she was about two or three months pregnant with me, she told Andy that she wanted a divorce. They got divorced, then when I was born, supposedly Natalie called Andy and said that he was not allowed to see me or anything. He was upset by that, obviously, but he couldn't do anything about it. Anyway, about like three days ago - literally - I decided to take things into my own hands. I had always been curious about who my father was and my mother would never tell me. So, when she left for her business trip that morning, I cracked down on everything - and I mean everything. I was basically stalking like a lot just to find out who my own father was... Once I finally found out just about everything I needed to after hours upon hours of searching, I decided I'd basically run away from home. I packed everything I thought I needed, then went to sleep until it was dark out. I set my alarm on my phone, and once it went off, I grabbed my bag, then started towards the highway. I literally walked all night and part of the day to get to Milwaukee from Chicago. Once I finally got to Andy's house, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He opened it, and well, the rest is history."

"Holy crap," Dallon and Brendon both said.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but look at it this way: if Libbie here would have never gotten curious about me, then we probably would have never ever met. I wouldn't know who she is, she wouldn't know who I am. I'm actually really glad she stalked me," Andy stood up and hugged me.

"I guess stalking does have its advantages," Brendon shrugged.

"Smartass," Joe laughed.

"Hey man, you know you love me!" Brendon said.

"I know I do," Dallon said.

"Ok, Brallon," I smirked.

"Oh god. Your daughter ships us. This could be an issue," Brendon said as he got up.

"You learn to love her," Andy laughed.

"She seems pretty cool," Brendon said as he hugged me. Yeah, Brendon Urie just hugged me. Go ahead and be jealous, peasants.

The six of us talked for at least another hour, then both Andy and Joe's phone rang, so they got up, said they had to go, then said goodbye to all of us. I have to admit, I was a little nervous being with Brendon and Dallon for the first time in forever, especially with them being my second favorite band. But hey, if I can get over my dads being from my favorite band, why can't I get over my uncles being in my second favorite band? I'm sure I'll fit right in actually.

"Sissy! Come play with me!" Summer interrupted my thoughts. I walked over to her and gladly sat next to her on the living room floor. "Whatcha playing?"

"Legos," she smiled.

"Ok, she totally got that from Spencer," Dallon laughed. "You cannot separate that man from his Legos."

"But once you think about it, you totally get it because Legos are freaking amazing," Brendon joined in. "until you step on one."

"Then you feel like you're going to die," Dallon said.

"Basically the story of my life," Brendon said. "Spencer and Summer here always leave their Legos out."

"Are you two really discussing Legos?" I asked as I laughed.

"Yes. Problem?" Dallon smirked. "Anyway, you two wanna go do something?"

"Like what?" Summer asked.

"Hmmm," Brendon danced around us, making us all laugh. "Maybe..."

"What?" Summer asked, seeming to be on the edge of her non-existent seat.

"You guys up for the zoo?" Dallon asked.

"A million times yes!" Summer cheered.

"Sure," I smiled, actually wanting to go.

Call me weird, but I've never been to a zoo. My mom never did anything like that with me. It's kind of sad once you think about it. I never really ever had a childhood, but now that I'm surrounded by people who love me, I might as well live it while I can, right? Right. The four of us packed a few things, like water bottles, a few snacks, then both Brendon and Dallon grabbed their wallets and off we went. We climbed into their vehicle, then Dallon drove off. After a little while, Brendon shouted, scaring all of us, but once he turned up the radio, we knew why he shouted. Miss Jackson was playing.

"That's my song!!" he shouted, making a weird face.

"Babe, you are insane," Dallon laughed.

"I know, but it's who I am," Brendon smirked.

The rest of the at least half-hour drive to the zoo was full of singing, laughing, smiling, and just all around great times that I won't forget. Especially the stories Brendon and Dallon told me. They were hilarious, but I'm not allowed to repeat them, so I guess no one will ever know. As Dallon pulled into the parking lot, it was full, but we managed to find a parking spot close to the front. We all climbed out of the vehicle and headed towards the doors. Summer insisted on racing me again, and this time I let her win again. I laughed when I "finally" caught up to her, the high fived her as we waited for Brendon and Dallon. Once they reached us, they smirked at me, then we walked into the building. We paid and everything that needed to be done, then we walked out a different pair of doors.

"Ok, where should we go first? Should we go see the penguins or flamingos first?" Dallon asked.

"Penguins!" Summer said.

"I'd actually have to agree. Penguins are kind of amazing," I said.

"And I'd have to agree with my two beautiful nieces," Brendon smirked, taking both mine and Summer's hand, then skipping towards the penguin exhibit. We all heard Dallon laugh from behind us.

After we spent at least ten minutes at the penguin exhibit, we made our way to the flamingos, then the elephants, and so on. About halfway through the zoo, Brendon and Summer said they were getting hungry, so Dallon and I led our children (that's basically what they sounded like) to a restaurant within the zoo. It was called Moose Junction Snack and Beverage, which was clever because it was right next to the moose exhibit. We grabbed a few snacks, even though we brought some, then found a seat in the shade outside.

"So, tell me about yourself," Dallon smiled.

"I'll tell you what I told Andy: Can you just ask me questions because I'm not good with this whole 'telling people about myself' thing," I chuckled nervously.

"Sure," Dallon said. "Umm... How is having Joe and Andy as your dads?"

"Dude, do you even know how cool that is?" I laughed. "I love them both so much already, and from what they tell me, they love me too."

"They do!" Dallon smiled.

As Brendon and Summer had their own conversation, Dallon continued to ask me about myself, even when we started walking about again. He asked me a whole bunch of things ranging from when my birthday was to how I felt about my mother. I didn't feel as though I should lie to him, so I didn't. It felt really good to get that all off of my chest again from when I told Andy, even if it was yesterday.

After walking around for another hour or so, we had finally made it around the zoo. That place was freaking huge, let me tell you. We finally made our way back to the vehicle, then drove home. Summer even fell asleep on the way there, so once we got back, Brendon took her into her room, then came back out into the living room, where Dallon and I were talking up a storm again. We were standing a normal amount of space apart from each other. Before we knew it, Brendon barges in between us.


"Oh my god," Dallon practically face-palmed himself.

"I have always - and I mean always - wanted to do that. Thank you for this opportunity," Brendon said.

"Jesus, would you like a fucking Oscar?" Dallon laughed.

"If you have one to spare, sure," Brendon shrugged.

"Oh my god, you guys," I said as I practically died of laughter.

"If she's not completely appauled by us yet, then I think she's gonna fit in perfectly," Brendon said.

"I have Joe and Andy as dads," I stated. "I think I'm used to it already."

"Touche," Dallon smirked. "Anyway, it's around four, so I'm going to start supper, then once I'm almost done, Lib, can you go wake Summer up?"

"Sure," I smiled.

"Hmm.. What should Libbie and I do while you're cooking?" Brendon asked.

"Help me?" Dallon asked.

"Dude, hell no," Brendon said, making me laugh.

"Oh, well, fine," Dallon smirked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Brendon said. "You up for a mario kart battle?"

"Dude, mario kart is only life," I said.

"SOMEBODY GETS IT!" Brendon cheered.

I laughed, then followed Brendon to the living room. He gave me a Wii remote, then grabbed one for himself. He got everything set up and we started playing. He beat me in the first few games, but hey, I hadn't played this game in a while. I started warming up to it and wound up beating him in at least six games before Dallon told me to go wake Summer up.

"In yo' face, sir," I said to Brendon as I got up.

"Please, teach me your mario kart ways," Brendon said, literally falling to the floor and bowing to me.

"Oh my god, babe. Please, get up," Dallon laughed from the kitchen.

I laughed as I walked down the hall to Summer's room. I walked in and she was still sound asleep on her bed. I smiled, then gently sat on the edge of her bed.

"Hey, you gotta get up," I gently shook her.

"Mmm," she mumbled.

"Dallon's almost done with supper," I chuckled.

"But I'm so tired," she mumbled again.

"I am too, but once we eat, maybe I can watch a movie with you and we can get some rest?" I suggested.

"Yes!" she shot up in her bed.

"Alright!" I laughed. "Come on, my love."

I took her hand and we skipped down the hallway and into the kitchen. Dallon was just finishing supper and told us to grab our plates. After we got our food, we sat down at the dining room table and started eating. Brendon and Dallon joined us soon after. We all started talking again and they both told us even more stories, which of course made us laugh and me nearly choke on my food. Once we all finished, Brendon took our plates and started cleaning up the kitchen.

"Hey, need any help?" I asked him.

"No, but thanks for asking," Brendon smiled from the kitchen.

"Uncle Dallon, can you put in a movie in my room so Libbie and I can watch it together?" Summer asked.

"Well, nothing would give me greater pleasure," Dallon smiled. "Tangled?"

"Duh!" Summer smiled, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall to her room.

Her and I got situated on her twin size bed together and Dallon soon came into the room and put the movie in. He closed the curtains and turned off the lights.

"Don't get too crazy, you two," he smirked, then left and closed the door behind him.

After watching Tangled for at least a good forty-five minutes, I drifted off into a deep sleep that I really needed. All was fine until I started to have "that dream" again...

"No! Please! Stay back!" I shouted.
"Shut up!" she sneered.
"Please!" I pleaded as I crawled backwards.

She came towards me and slapped me across the face. I winced in pain as it spread across my face. I tried getting up as getting away from her again, but she caught me by my shirt and pulled me back, making me hit my head hard against the floor. As I was out of it, she started beating me, more than she ever had before. I couldn't fight back. I didn't have anything left in me anymore. I was too afraid and paralyzed with fear. She laughed as she struck me again and again, getting pure pleasure from my anguish. She didn't care. She never did. She never even wanted me anyway. She never wanted me to live my life, she never wanted me to be successful, and she sure didn't want me to disobey her. I never did, but then again, I wasn't perfect, and that was enough to her to make her think I was disobeying her. She hated me. There was only one place I was safe, but now that she found it, I knew this was it.
She was still beating on me and was still getting pleasure from it. She finally stopped and I thought that was it. But I was wrong.

So wrong.

She stood up, walked away, but sadly came back a minute later. She smirked at me once again and knelt down beside me.

"Oh Libbie. You're capable of so much. I really do love you," she said. "It's too bad its all got to get cut short."

She pulled a gun out from behind her back and held it to my head. I head a loud bang, then nothing but black.

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