Love & War (Completed)

By ImJustReese

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SEQUEL to 'Waiting For Mr. Left' **This is Book Two of the Fighting Temptation Series.** Bruce and Alexis are... More

Copyright ©
Ch 1: Fu** Love, This is War
Ch 2: Truth Is...
Ch 3: Repairing the Broken
Ch 4 Face Your Fears
Ch 5: My Name is Payback, and I'm A...
Ch 6: When The Levee Breaks Pt 1
Ch 7: When the Levee Breaks Pt 2
Ch 8: Black & Noke, Better than Rum & Coke
Ch 9: The Experiment
Ch 10: Low Down Dirty Shame
Ch 11: Bad Move
Ch 12: Special Delivery
Ch 13: War On All Fronts
Ch 14: Old Wounds
Ch 15: Lo Siento
Ch 17: Soul of My Soul

Ch 16: Not Letting Go

396 29 10
By ImJustReese






They finally make it to the hospital. Kane follows until the nurses stop him. He watches as they wheel his little brother out of sight. He walks out of the hospital and drops to his knees. I looks at his little brother's blood coating his hands. Every form of rage bubbles inside him. Pulsing and festering into vengeance.

He stands to his feet calmly, and cracks his neck. He sees a black SUV rapidly approaching. Before it fully stops the door flies opens and Gabe comes running out. It breaks Kane's heart to see the pain in his baby brother's eyes. He catches him in an embrace. Gabe falling onto him as if he doesn't have enough strength to hold himself up anymore.

Shortly after, another SUV approaches. Again, before the SUV can park, the door flies open and Alexis comes barreling toward them. Kane and Gabe open their arms to receive her.

Eagle calmly walks up communicating with his eyes. Kane shakes his head. Eagle tenses his jaw, looking away with a sniff. "Da**..."



I wake briefly when I feel a jolt to my system. I try to open my eyes, but I can't. All I want to do is sleep. I start to drift back out...the calm calling to me. Peace unlike anything I've ever felt. All I want to do is embrace it. I begin to fall into it. Until I feel another jolt to my system.

Why can't I just sleep? How many times do we have to repeat the same thing? Leave me alone.

I hear muttering, or mumbling or something. I try to listen harder.

"You better fu**ing fight you little sh**. Please..."

I try to smile. Knowing it's Kane. But it's like my body isn't mine anymore. I want to tell him, I'm fine, no pain. Just tired. I feel I'm moving. Light dancing behind my eyelids. I see Alexis and my heart soars.

My Light.

I'm back at her place. We're on her bed...just talking like we usually do. Planning for the future. She's wrapped in my arms. Her warm soft supple skin against mine. I smile. She smells a little like jasmine, but a lot like me. Which I am more than proud of. Da** I could stay like this forever...

I feel sleep start to take me deeper into that peace I was feeling before.

After unconsciousness finally claims me, I feel nothing but peace. It's like I'm floating down a lazy river on a warm summer day. The coolness of the water on my skin. Weightlessness. The sun on my-

HOLD UP! Sun?! I could have sworn it was dark out, last I checked.

I open my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. Once adjusted I look up into the warm chocolate eyes of a woman I've only seen pictures of. "Abuela?"

She smiles warmly down at me. Running her fingers through my hair, my head on her lap. "Mi pequeno guerrero (my little warrior). He esperado tanto para finalmente conocerte (I've waited so long to finally meet you)."

"What am I doing here? Where are we?"

She smiles at me lovingly.

I sit up and look her int he eyes. "Not that I'm not happy to see you Abuela, but I can't stay here. Alexis and Gabe and Kane-I can't stay! I promised." I stand to my feet looking around. But all I see is endless blades of the greenest grass I've ever seen. A sky so blue it puts the caribbean ocean to shame. Clouds so white they are almost blinding, and so fluffy...

STOP!! I'm getting carried away. I look back at her. "How do I get out of here?"

She shakes her head and laughs softly. "So eager to leave your abuela? I only just met you and now you want to leave?" She huffs playfully.

I smile at her and hug her. It's perfect. Like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold day. I never want to let go. "I guess I can stay for a little while.


I stand stoically in the front of the hospital. Most likely scaring everyone either entering or leaving. Pops just called. He said he'd be here in 20mins. Shana called me and said she'd just landed.

I remember when we were little. D annoying the hell out of me, following me everywhere I went. I chuckle, remembering his famous words every time I made a fuss about it.

"If you can go, I can go too. I'm a boy just like you."

Pops would laugh... Ma... I shake my head from thoughts of her.

I wonder... If she knew that Daniel was fighting for his life right now. Would she care? Probably not.

I close my eyes to try and clear my head, but I can't. D was always so good at getting me out of my head.

Nayati I know your Einstein a** can hear me. I never have to speak for you to know what I'm thinking. Your ass better not die again. I swear I will rip apart every fu**ing dimension and drag your cocky a** back here by skin of your bolas. You can't stay dead. As your older brother, I forbid it... I can't... I'm not built for this emotional sh** D! I'm not Gabe. not fu**ing torture. I mean WHAT THE FU** D?! YOU PROMISED ALL THIS SH** WOULD BE FINE! I don't! I fu**ing care that it didn't...I just want your pretty a** back here, on this planet alive.

I know I should be inside right now with Mocha Loca, but after she lost her sh** the first time...I can't. It's my fu**ing fault. I didn't react fast enough... I hope that fu**er gets everything coming to him and then some. I got Noke stashed back in Miami. He has no idea what's coming if you don't make it. He's going to wish for death. AK will have Black singing that same tune soon. I would pay to see that. Anyways, you know me. Noke will suffer until my heart stops hurting in your absence. Until I can take a breath without wanting to break, burn and torture everything in a 100 mile radius.

What the fu** am I talking about?! Your a** ain't dead, because you know better. When you get out of this sh** stack. I'm going to kick your a** for flatlining on me so many times on the way in. Just don't leave...


Mi Dios que estas en el cielo...por favor trae a mi chico de vuelta. No solo para mi, sino para todos los que lo aman. El es muy joven para dejarnos. El tiene demasiado para el. Mucho mas para vivir. Confío en ti Dios. Cuida a mi hijo, como hiciste con lose Tuyos.

With those words I leave my son's life in God's hands. I know what mi mama said, but God always has the final say. If we only show Him that we trust and believe.

I look down at my the picture I have of he and I back in Miami before his 'abduction". He is smiling. My handsome boy. I don't care how old he is, he will always be my boy.

I remember when he was serious he was. He was born with his eyes open. And I could see the wheels turning in his head as an infant. Taking everything in, mentally dissecting everything, and then putting it back together in seconds. He's always been so intelligent. He looked at me with a look of curiosity. And then I smiled, and I saw the light in his eyes. And from that day until his mother left that light has gotten brighter. But...after that, it dimmed to almost a dull flicker. And then he met my Little Wildfire, and the light began to come back in.

Thank you Padre for Alexis.

The fire in her, brought back the light in him. I smile. "My boy will be just fine. He would fight God Himself...if he had to, to get back to Alexis."


I look over at Alexis, while her friends comfort her. Her pain is so deep, so intense I can feel it in my bones, amplifying mine. When she finally saw his blood on Kane's hands...the raw anguish in her wailing scream nearly floored me. The lights fu** blinked. Wild sh** man. Good thing her friends showed up when they did. Kane and I wouldn't have been able to handle that on our own. I swear if she were a mutant or some sh** we would have all died. That was some straight Magneto sh**.

I need some air.

I walk down the hall until I reach the doors that lead out into the hospital garden. I walk until I make it to the farthest place there.

He's...NO! I won't think like that. Brother Mom can't...he wouldn't... He knows I need him. He knows Alexis needs him. And he knows that the only thing keeping Kane remotely sane is him. Eagle disappeared a while ago. Dad lost it on the flight in. Lord knows how Shana is...D was like her big brother.

I think back to when Ma left...D was so angry with her for making me cry. He said we didn't need her, and if she wanted to go, to let her. That it wasn't my fault, she just wasn't strong enough to be a Santiago. I remember when Kane would go out with his friends and Dad would be out, building his empire... D would make us sandwiches, and we'd sit in front of the TV until we both passed out. Sometimes he'd read me stories, and when he got bored of hearing the same ones, he'd make up his own. I liked those best...

I look up. " can't leave. People still need you...I need you. And Alexis... I..." I swallow hard. "I don't know if she'll stick around if you don't... And don't get pissed. You didn't see, or feel... or maybe you did... I don't know. But she's not doing good D. I can fix anything. But a heart... is a whole different form of mechanics. There are no tools for that sh**. I don't know what to do D. You're always there to tell me it's going to be okay, or we'll figure it out, or you just fix it yourself. But...I can't... I don't know how to D... Please don't leave for good. You can visit heaven if you want...but please don't stay..."


...I can't feel him. I always know when he's okay because I can feel him. But, I can't...

I think back to our la... When I saw him la... When we were together. I remember the look of complete and total devotion in his eyes. The gentle curve of his lips. His fingers woven between mine...

I remember back to the first time I saw him. He was so cocky, but smooth like velvet. The smile that danced on his lips as he spoke. I couldn't help but be intrigued. Usually cocky guys turn me off, was something about him that pulled me in. His eyes. Da** those eyes. They watched me with this controlled intensity. Like he was hunting me or something. But at the same time there was this whisper of playfulness...


please please please come back. Please? I promise I'll let you get whatever ring you want and I won't make you take it back. Anything...everything from you is perfect. Please Dani... Please come back... I won't survive without you. I can't. I refuse to... If heaven is the only place we can be together, then wait for me. And I know you'd try to get me to come back without you, and I promise you I will refuse until you give up. Where you are is the only place I want to be. I can't Dani... I can't be us without you.

What about the future we planned together...Wait for me Dani...

I calmly stand to my feet. Everyone looks at me with eyes of pain. I shake my head and smile softly. "I need some air."

"You want us to come with you?" Kamari and Nahia ask.

I shake my head. "No...I'll be fine."

I stand and make my way toward the entrance. I see Kane off to the side. "I need a walk."

He nods. "Call me if you need me."

I nod and hug him. "I will.

I take my leave toward my condo.


I grab my chest. Pain so intense, it buckles my ankles and brings me crashing, knees first to the dirt beneath me.


I look up at my abuela as she kneels in front of me. "Lo siento." Crystal tears roll down her cheeks as she pulls my head against her chest. "Lo siento..."

I hear her voice so clear, it's as if she is standing right in front of me.

"What about the future we planned together...Wait for me Dani..."

I grip my chest harder, feeling pain as if it were my own. "No...Alexis..." Tears cascade down my cheeks. A surge of pain hit say right shoulder. I flip onto my back breathing hard. The next wave of pain feels like a shot to the back. Hot. Searing. I writhe on the grass, mi abuela looking at me with such helplessness.

She cups my cheeks. With teary eyes she kisses my forehead and says, "Pronto terminara (It will be over soon)."

Another wave of pain, and I roar. "ALEXIS! PLEASE!!" And then...nothing.


I watch as Pop's ride pulls up and he hops out, cool and calm. He walks toward me. His eyes already firing questions at me. I shake my head and shrug. His shoulders deflate a little. He stands in front of me and looks me square in the eye.

"Are you okay, Mijo?"

I barely shake my head.

He pulls me to him. "Me either mijo."

"I should have been faster..." I say against his shoulder.

He pulls me closer. "Don't you dare blame yourself. You know he would kick your a** if he heard you say that."

I chuckle. "Yeah..."

"Everything will turn out alright. No matter what. We Santiagos stick together. Right."

I nod. "Right."

He lets go of me. "Come. I have a doctor or a nurse...or a few nurses to third degree, and I need my right hand with me." He smiles at me and pats my back.

I chuckle because I know pops is about to start some sh**.


I figure shrouded in darkness watches a helpless Bruce struggle to get free of his restraints. He smiles. "We finally meet Bruce. I have a few bones to pick with you. Shall we begin?" He says with a sinister smirk.







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