Maxerica: That One Bullet

By Baesies

141K 1.7K 510

During the Selection, America is pregnant with Maxon's child. Just as Maxon announces his future wife, rebels... More

Who Knew?
Time Flies
Secrets Must Be Kept Secret
Choices, Choices
Bullets Hurt
Cancels Out
Where to?
Friends Help
My Right
Bloody Hell
Never Forget
Baby Steps
It's Time
Lying Is a Bad Habit
Bright Ideas, Bad Execution
Soon, So Soon
Her Voice, Her Reality
The Part, Where I Say "I Don't Want It"
Sacrifices Mean Something
Accepting, Accepted
This is Me (Epilogue)
Wise Words
Truth or Truth
Was It The Truth?
Faults Of One Another
Fire Away
I'll Pretend
And I'll Suffer

My Part, My Doing

1.3K 21 26
By Baesies

I woke up quickly once I heard Eadlyn crying. I picked her up but left Ahren there since he was such a heavy sleeper. She just kept crying and crying and I had no idea why. I didn't want to wake up Maxon since we were in such a petty fight, but that's okay since all I had to do was shun him for enough time to the point where he gets it. 

"Queen America," A maid started. 

"America." I corrected. 

She smiled and took my correction. 

"America." She emphasized. "King Maxon wants to know about the caste system and if you really wanted the Two's to do such thing?" She question. 

"What thing?" I asked her. 

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't know since His Majesty didn't tell me, but you could probably ask him yourself." She replied. 

I still didn't want to talk to Maxon since that would mean that I would lose. Instead, I gave orders that I would never do again. 

"Excuse me, but could you tell me your name?" I asked her. 

She smiled cheerfully and replied. 


I smiled back and said. "Rachel, tell King Maxon by the Queens orders, you can decide. I would love to hear a citizens opinion on such. Of course, I will go over this, but have your fellow maids and guards also give their opinion on the castes. I shall read it soon enough. Alright?" 

She was beaming with honor and pride through her facial expression. She felt special that she was picked for the job, and I loved people feel that way. 

"Of course." She curtsied, but the minute she started going around the corner, she ran and I heard her voice again. 

"QUEEN AMERICA PUT ME IN CHARGE!" She whispered yelled. 


It had been around 3 hours since morning, and I knew that Maxon was going to start trying to look for me. 

But being the sneaky woman that I am, I couldn't let that happen. 

This was such a petty thing to fight about. But if Maxon couldn't trust me, it did him no good that I couldn't trust him either. 

I called most of the maids into the Women's Room and had all the maids keep mine away from Maxon. I told them all and they thought what he did was preposterous. 

I giggled and told them my plan.  


My plan had worked perfectly. I had maids always walking in front of me, and behind me. That way they could yell so I could hide. 

I had to avoid Maxon. 

I was walking down the stairs, but I knew that something was up. I saw Ahren crawling around the staircase and I knew it wasn't right. I picked him up and started walking down to the first floor where the chef was cooking. 

"Ahren! What are you doing?" I said in a goofy voice. 

Ahren started crying the minute I picked him up and found that quite strange. So I gave him to a maid he knew well and told her to tuck him in. He probably was tired from crawling with no one watching him. 

The minute I saw him leave my arms, I started walking down the staircase, but I fumbled with my heel and the stairs. My heel did not win, and I fell down, causing something to bleed.  

I saw Ahren's face, and he wasn't crying softly now, he was sobbing. 

The sad part is, is that, that's all I heard afterward. 

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