Finding my way to Love

By Smurfette2121

184 15 3

Music. Boys. Booze. Girls. Weed. What's not to love? People aren't always who you think they are. There is a... More

Meeting the Boys
Study Hall Observations
Friends with Benefits
Fashion Show
Party: Part 2
Hangovers and House guests
Sunday Funday
Play-off Game and After Party
Mike Wonders Off

Shopping Trip

15 1 0
By Smurfette2121

"Scar, please. In and out. I'm really not trying to be here all night. Unlike you, Ally and I actually have studying to do tonight." I begged her to stop getting side tracked. An outfit and shoes, that's all.

"Relax, we won't be long."

"Says the one who will most definitely take forever." Ally mumbled under her breath and I hid a laugh with a cough.

The party didn't demand a dress. It also didn't demand a change of wardrobe just to attend. But if you could be mistaken for a homeless person half of the time, then yes, your wardrobe needed something a little better. That's me by the way. Hoodies, sweats, old shirts and worn out jeans 70% of the time. The other percent is the very few shirts or decent looking sweaters I own that I occasionally wear. I mean come on, sweats are amazing.

I wondered the store, picking up a few shirts or jeans to show the girls and get opinions on. My older brother has better fashion taste than me. I found a short red strapless dress with sweetheart neckline and a flowing skirt. It stopped at midthigh and had jewels lining the neck and down the middle of the front.

I took the dress off the rack and turned to Scarlett. "This screams your name Scar." She looked over her shoulder to see what I was holding. She stopped what she was doing when she saw the dress and took it from me.

"We may have just found a contender!" Scar beamed and rushed off to try on the dress. When she showed us, she looked great. I knew she would doll herself up more for the party, but the dress itself on her accented her figure in a way that would make the boys lose it.

Ally and I complimented her on the dress and told her that's the one. It might not have been my outfit, but at least I picked a winner for someone. One down, two to go.

Ally is more reserved than Scarlett and even me. I found a pair of black skinny jeans and Scar matched it with a blue top that hung off her shoulders a bit. It was a step up from Ally's normal wear but it was still conservative and not out there.

Back to skimming the racks, we all heard Scars phone start playing the party rock anthem. I rolled my eyes but looked at her expectantly. You'll never guess what that ringtone means.

She pulled out her phone and started scrolling. "EEEPP!!!" she squealed loudly and very obnoxiously. "The party has a date!"

"No shit sherlock. When is it?" I had no patience left for this trip already.

"This Saturday at Noah's place." Scar's excitement was growing by the second. I could see the wheels turning, the urge to buy everything around us. Noah is best friends with KJ. They're on the football team together and are as inseparable as two girls.

"Do I have to go to this stupid party? I'd really rather deal with the gossip and dirty looks for missing it." Ally tried to get out of the party but Scar wasn't having it. They argued about who was going and who was with who. I tuned them out and tried to find an outfit that didn't stand out and was totally me. I knew that whatever I picked would be wrong in the eyes of Scarlett.

An hour later and I still couldn't decide on a final outfit. "Can we just go? You can get me whatever you want and surprise me later. You're obviously not going to approve anything I pick out."

Scar sighed heavily and dramatically. "Fine, fine. Maybe I'll recruit Mikey to help me later. Its really a shame that he got all of the fashion sense."

"Yeah, whatever. Just come over Thursday and I'll play fashion show with you guys."

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