Scottish Stars Cross

By RedCherry25

1.6K 12 0

Sorcha has been waiting her whole life to find a man who will sweep her off her feet. So far, she's struck o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 7

55 0 0
By RedCherry25

Sorcha stretched and climbed out of bed. She turned to look back down at Calleach. A pile of condom wrappers lay next to the bed as well as several used condoms. Sorcha blushed as she bent to retrieve them. She tossed them in the waist basket by the door. A soft snore came from the bed. Calleach was still asleep and Sorcha bit her lip as she ran her gaze over his hard body. Her body stirred, but Sorcha was sore and knew that she needed a break from his attention.

The door opened silently as Sorcha slipped out into the hallway. She padded naked down the hallway to the bathroom. A glance at the clock in the hall showed that it was two in the afternoon. Sorcha was sure that she had several missed calls and a lot of unanswered texts on her phone from her cousins. She was sure that there would be several from her parents.

The hot water felt wonderful as it cascaded down Sorcha's back. She wasted no time in lathering up and was covered in suds when Calleach joined her in the shower.

Sorcha giggled as Calleach slid his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Sorcha turned and wrapped her arms around Calleach's waist and kissed him. The water was cold by the time they both stepped out of the shower.

Sorcha was down in the kitchen fixing supper that night chatting on the phone with Zefora when there was a knock on the door. Sorcha sat down the spoon she was using to cook with and went to answer the door. Her mood instantly plummeted when she saw her parents standing on her porch. As soon as she opened the door her father pushed past her into the house followed by her mom.

"I gotta go Zefora. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay," Zefora said with a sigh. "But things were just starting to get good. We'll talk over a glass of wine."

Sorcha laughed. "I'll bring the wine if you supply the glasses."

Zefora's laughter echoed Sorcha's. "Done."

The moment Sorcha lowered her phone her father got all up in her personal space trying to intimidate her. Sorcha stood her ground as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. Her mother joined her father and it made Sorcha want to step back, but she knew that if she gave ground they'd run all over her.

"What have you done young lady?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Mother."

Trina stabbed Sorcha in the chest with one of her long manicured fingers. "Of course you do. Who was that man you were with?"

Sorcha raised an eyebrow. "It is none of your concern who he is."

"Do not lie to us," Sorcha's father said as his anger exploded.

Sorcha flinched before she could stop herself. Her father never raised his voice when he got mad. Instead his voice got soft and bit even deeper. Sorcha squared her shoulders and stood toe to toe with her father.

"I am not lying. It is no concern of yours who I am with."

The next thing Sorcha knew her father had grabbed her and shoved her into the wall next to the coat rack that had a built in mirror. Sorcha grabbed her father's hands and tried to push him away as he held her pinned against the wall.

"You're hurting me!"

"Easy Harold," Trina said as she laid a hand on her husband's arm. "You don't want to leave marks."

Harold eased his grip on Sorcha, but didn't let her go. "You listen to me young lady. You will not see that man again. I will not have my daughter whoring around with some man I haven't chosen for her."

"I was not whoring around," Sorcha said in anger as she tried to get away. "And how dare you spy on me!"

The look in Harold's eyes was enough to strike terror in Sorcha's heart. It was the look her father got whenever he was going to take out one of his opponents. The look said that you were going to do what he said or you'll live to regret it.

"Now listen to me. You will do exactly as I say."

Sorcha fidgeted trying to loosen the bruising grip her father had on her.. "And if I don't."

"Oh you'll do it unless you want something bad to happen to that man."

Movement on the stairs caught Sorcha's attention. Relief flooded through her as she saw Calleach on the stairs. His eyes were fixed on her father's back and they were filled with rage. His gaze slid to Sorcha's and he motioned for her to be quiet. Sorcha's attention was taken from Calleach when her father starting shaking her. Her head banged painfully against the wall.

Sorcha grabbed her father's arms trying to hold on when she heard a roar of rage and her father was suddenly gone. There was a huge crash and her mother screamed.

A hand appeared in her line of vision. Sorcha accepted and let Calleach pull her to her feet. He checked her over before he turned and punched her father in the face as he came at him. Her mother screamed again and ran to her father. Calleach looked over his shoulder at Sorcha.

"Call the cops."

Sorcha shivered at the cool rage she heard in Calleach's voice. She nodded as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and with shaking fingers dialed 911. Sorcha reported what had happened and asked for assistance. She never took her eyes off of Calleach or her parents. Her father was spitting mad and he kept getting up and Calleach kept knocking him down. Trina got in the way as best as she could, biting and scratching Calleach. Calleach kept pushing her out of the way not wanting to hit a woman.

Sorcha finally got tired of watching her parents and she went over, threw Trina on the ground and sat on her. Calleach looked over at her and smirked after he knocked Harold down again. "I would kiss you right now if I didn't have my hands full with your father."

Sorcha giggled. "I'd kiss you if I wasn't busy sitting on my mother."

Calleach laughed.

The police arrived minutes later and came in after Sorcha hollered at them to enter when they knocked on the door. The first officer through had a weird look on his face as he spied Sorcha sitting on her Mother and Harold sprawled against the floor as Calleach stood waiting for him to get back up. The first officer cleared his throat as the second officer behind him looked around in confusion.

"What seems to be the problem here Ms. McAllister?"

Before Sorcha could even open her mouth, her mother started protesting. Sorcha reached down and pulled a sock off her foot before she stuffed it in her mother's mouth. One of the officers cleared his throat and Sorcha gave them a weary smile.

"My parents are not welcome in my house. They were peering in my winders while I was preoccupied with Calleach and then they barge in here after I answer the door."

"Is there a reason why you are sitting on your mother and why your father is the way he is?"

Sorcha glanced back to where he father lay dazed and reeling from the punches Calleach had thrown. She sighed and pushed some hair out of her face as she turned to look at the two officers. "My father got forceful and put his hands on me against my will. Calleach came to my rescue."

Officer Carvahal looked at his partner, Officer Johnson, before he looked back at Sorcha. There was apprehension in his eyes as he looked at the scene before him. Sorcha wondered if he'd do the right thing or let her parents go once his palm had been greased. Calleach must have sensed the hesitation because he shifted causing both officers to look at him.

Calleach leveled a killing glare on each officer before he spoke, letting his thick Scottish accent shine through as he growled at them. "I will press a lawsuit against the police department here if nothing is done. Too long has Sorcha suffered at the hands of her parents. There will be no palm greasing this time."

Officer Carvahal paled while his partner shivered at the threat in Calleach's voice. Carvahal turned his attention back to Sorcha. "Are you wanting to press charges, Ms. McAllister?"

"Yes and this time I want them to stick. I am tired of getting abused and nothing being done about it."

The radio crackled and Officer Carvahal reached up and messed with his radio. Officer Johnson stepped forward and politely asked Sorcha if she'd remove herself so that he could arrest her mom. As soon as Sorcha stood up, Trina was on her feet. She pulled the sock out of her mouth and threw it on the ground as she launched herself at Sorcha.

Officer Johnson tried to grab her, but she slipped past him easily. Sorcha pulled her arm back and punched her mother in the face causing her mother to fly backwards and hit the wall. Officer Johnson was right on top of Trina shoving her face down on the floor as he arrested her. Officer Carvahal moved past Sorcha and took control of Harold as he tried to go to his wife's rescue. Both were removed from Sorcha's home screaming profanities at her, Calleach, and the cops.

Calleach moved over and wrapped Sorcha in his arms. Sorcha leaned against him and buried her face against his chest. Sorcha turned her head when Officer Carvahal came back in to interview her and Calleach about what had happened. Sorcha told him in depth what had happened and showed him the marks where her father had grabbed her.

"We'll be in touch," Officer Carvahal said as he left Sorcha's house.

Sorcha shut the door behind him. She knew that news of what had happened would get around town real quick. Sorcha gave a sigh as she leaned her forehead against the door. She had a headache forming and her body hurt from her father's assault.

"You alright?" Calleach slid a hand across her shoulder and onto her back. Sorcha looked up at him and shook her head before she turned and buried her face in his chest. Calleach wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried.

"Shh," Calleach whispered as he rubbed her back. "Every thing's going to be alright."

"I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here Calleach." Sorcha pulled back and looked up at Calleach with watery eyes. "I thought you had left."

Calleach wiped tears from Sorcha's face as he shook his head. "I went upstairs and changed the sheets on your bed. I thought you had the radio on at first when I heard voices so I didn't come down right away. I'm sorry."

Sorcha shook her head as she reached up and ran her fingers down Calleach's face. "Don't be.

You saved me from my parents. It sounds like I will now be free of them. If they are actually prosecuted that is." Sorcha muttered.

"They will be this time," Calleach reassured her. "I will see to it that they are. They should have been prosecuted the first time they laid hands on you."

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