The Faustian Love Bargain (CO...

By sandraadele

17.2K 867 46

A modern twist to the tragedy of Goethe's Faust- a scholar who sold his soul to the devil to satisfy his desi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Volume 2, Chapter 1
Volume 2, Chapter 2
Volume 2, Chapter 3
Volume 2, Chapter 4
Volume 2, Chapter 5
Volume 2, Chapter 6
Volume 2, Chapter 7
Volume 2, Chapter 8
Volume 2, Chapter 9
Volume 2, Chapter 10
Volume 2, Chapter 11
Volume 2, Chapter 12
Volume 2, Chapter 13
Volume 2, Chapter 14
Volume 2, Chapter 15
Volume 2, Chapter 16
Volume 2, Chapter 17
Volume 2, Chapter 18
Volume 2, Chapter 19
Volume 2, Chapter 20
Volume 2, Chapter 22
Concluding Notes (SPOILER ALERT. do not read until you are done with the book.)
Extra Chapter (SPOILER ALERT. do not read until you have finished.)

Volume 2, Chapter 21

238 17 0
By sandraadele

As Nick looked at Stella’s crying face, he could not imagine her dead. He was afraid of death. He thought he would never feel fear for death because souleaters lived by death. As he agreed to the deal, they released Stella. He darted forward to catch her in his arms as she fell. She was shaking with fear while he was shaking inside.

“What have I done! What have I done!” she sobbed into his chest, “I was selfish. Let me pay for my selfishness by dying!” 

He wanted to comfort her but he found no words to do so. He had chosen this for himself. It was his fate- his fate that had been set a thousand years ago. One of them had to die for the other to live. 

Mr Mousseur thrust the dark, cold stone in her hand and demanded her to do it quickly. Voices started entering her mind. She could not release the stone. It was as if it had taken control of her mind. She could not see or hear clearly and everything was in a blur of black and white. 

She thought she heard Nick whisper that he was sorry before he kissed her. She struggled to tear herself away from him. She felt her whole body turn stone cold. The voices grew louder and faster as she sucked and sucked. 

Tears started to fall from his eyes for the first time. Nick lost strength and he felt life depleting away from him. He closed his eyes and prepared himself. He thought he could see her crying as well, exactly like what had happened in his dream. He heard her voice call him, Nick, then, Fredrick, then My Love. Calmly and surely, she disappeared from his vision and her voice echoed for the last time in his ears.

She felt herself suddenly hit the ground as someone ripped the stone away from her hand. Slowly, she regained her vision and hearing. Micheal was staring at her as she laid in his arms. Blood was flowing down his head. She looked around and saw three bodies lying on the ground in a pool of frozen blood.

“Wake up, please!” She heard a familiar voice wail. It was as if everything was in slow motion when she got up from Micheal’s arms and saw Nick lying on the ground motionless.

Kaela was kneeling at his side with her hands covered with blood. Brandon sat at Nick’s side and looked blankly at his friend. 

“Stella, I’m-” Micheal said and he stopped in his words as Stella crawled slowly to Nick. He had not turned human. The reality stunned her at first but it now stabbed her sharply with agony.

“You killed him!” Kaela shrilled at Stella, whose face had turned pallid.

“No. He isn’t dead. I didn’t kill him.” Stella repeated these false words to herself. “He’s supposed to turn human. Right, Micheal?” She turned to Micheal and pleaded. 

“Stella, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” He buried his face in his hands.

“You tricked me!” she cried hysterically, “How could you! How could you allow me to kill him! How could you and Brandon use me like this!” She screamed so hard that her voice turned hoarse. Her head hurt so badly from disbelief that she fainted.

Kaela stood up and grabbed Brandon’s neck.

“You were his closest friend! He told me to protect you and you wanted to kill him? All because you wanted power?” Kaela demanded through her tears. “I’m better off dead,” was all he said. Kaela’s hand shook wildly at his neck. 

“Tell me why!” she cried.

“I was mad. Mad as anyone could be. They said they would kill me and my father if I did not partake in this evil plan. Kill me if you wish to.” He struggled to speak. Kaela put down her hand and just stood there crying.

Soon, others started teleporting in, only to realise that the tragedy was done. When Stella woke up, she saw Anthony desperately trying to revive his son. She looked around. Micheal was gone.

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