(Fem.)Percy Meets Avengers

By PokemonDestiny

602K 15.4K 7.8K

Percy Jackson is broken inside. When the rest of the Seven (Piper, Leo, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Andrew(Male Anna... More

Pirates Read Files
Gaea is well a *beep*
I meet Miss America
The Pirate and the Half-Fish Horse
Family Bonding Only a Seventy Percent Chance of Being Murdered
No Heartbeat? No Problem.
The Comicon Interrogation
Percy is a Ninja
I am A Super Spy
A Normal Day of School. Well Kinda.
F is For Friends... and Fathers
U is for Uranium Brownies
N is for... No Singing Cupcakes!
The Three Stooges... Sorry I Meant Musketeers
RED and Blue Hairbrushes
Rachel Spews Green Smoke. Suprisingly Not the Weirdest Thing I've Seen.
Guinea Pig and The Hawklings
Percy Plays Some Dodgeball
Playing Cards and A Game of Hide and Seek
Avengers get Guilt Tripped by a Secretary
Arguments and Natasha has been Replaced by an Alien
Explosions... Been there done that
Spying on Two Elderly Men...It Sounds Wrong Now That I think About It
The Apartment Building of Doom...Not Much More I Can Say
And People Wonder Why I Like Dogs
I get Grounded
Steve and Tony: The Budding Bromance: Not
Steve's the Nice Parent
Nothing like the smell of escape in the morning...or is it afternoon
Bucky remembers his best friend...from WWII...and I make a huge apology
Wanda is almost as Scary as Little Neeks. what? i did say almost
Airports...Remember all weapons must be surrendered...hah!
A Old Friend meets two of my other friends: Explosions and Bad Planning
Scott does something really stupid-Wait. Who am I to judge?
A pinch of synthetics, a witch, and a cup of a chat with a father
Well. Dreaming is good, follow your dreams, and don't jump off a jet
Idiots apparently don't understand death
I Make A Proposal
Kings don't have good manners
My Uncle is a Super Creep
Percy has A Timeskip in a bottle
...well then...I am traumatized
I Break The Fourth Wall (Slightly)
I Admit Something
A Camp Counselor gives me a Mental Examination
Wanda is Dramatic (Not as Much as Uncle Z though)
I Enjoy A Lunch With My Stalker
Let's Play Hide and Seek
Didja Know Ice Is Just Water
I am Confuzzled
Conversations in a Coma This is New
I'm too tired to think of a good title
Sleep. Something that I don't do
Humongus Timeskip that Causes Percy Some Anxiety (4th Wall Break yeah!)
The End No This is not Minecraft

I get in a van with a stranger

5.4K 165 30
By PokemonDestiny

Yawning I sat up.

At least I tried to.

There were two sets of arms protectively wrapped around me.

Clint and Steve.

Sighing I shook Steve first. He should be easier to wake up right?

"What is it Wanda?" He yawned.

"We should get going soon. Or at least wake Percy up."

The super soldier sat up and shook Clint.

Who woke up easier than I expected.

But he is a highly trained spy so...


I shook my head before slipping out of the bed, kicking Scott lightly as I walked out.

Yep. We were all in one bedroom.

Which is kinda why Steve and Clint were like that.

Not like I couldn't protect myself or anything.

And not like Scott and Sam would do anything either.

"I'm going to go see if there's anything to eat."

Why would there though?

Judging by the looks of this place, no one's been here for a while.

But when I walked into the kitchen, I was surprised to see Percy cooking a huge stack of pancakes.

Which were of course blue.

"Hey Wanda." She greeted without looking back at me.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"You're the only other girl here. You step a lot lighter than the guys. Including Clint."

I heard somebody walk out. "Why is the food blue?" Scott asked.

"Don't question it. It makes it taste better. And you better start eating before Steve gets out here and eats it all." She handed him a plate.


"So are we heading to the safe place today Percy?" I asked taking my own plate.

Where'd she even get this stuff?

She nodded. "Yeah. It'll be nice to see everybody again."

"Hurry up and get your food before I eat it all!" She yelled.

We could hear the guys crash through the bedroom, probably fighting over the door.

Then they finally got in here.

And I started laughing. Steve had no shirt, Clint had a pair of pink pajamas on.

How did I not notice those earlier?

And Sam?

Well... He was holding onto Steve's leg.

"Percy look at this." I elbowed her.

She turned and shook her head, no sign of a smile.

That's odd. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She sighed and pried Sam off of Steve's leg before handing him a plate.

"Honestly? I don't know. Half the kids there have lost a sibling in the last like two years. And most of them I knew." She twisted her hand in the two beaded necklaces she wears.

Wait. "I thought you only had one beaded necklace?"

She shook her head. "The one with the ring is Andrew's. He gave it to me before he died."

But I never noticed that one before...

"I usually keep it under my shirt. Less questions."


"So what's our game plan? Go in there with weapons?" Sam asked.

"What weapons?" Percy asked, eyebrow raised.

"Oh. Right..." He trailed off.

"Besides we're just going to walk in and hope Clarisse is in a good mood."

"Why?" Steve questioned.

Percy chuckled. "Well, she'd either try to hurt me. Or you guys. But if she's in a good mood she'll hurt us less. Maybe just put us in the infirmary for a day."

My eyes widened. How violent are the people she knows?

Like Nico ran away from Thalia just because he touched her.

Why would cousins do that?

"Well hurry up people. We need to hurry up." She clapped her hands. "Especially if we don't want to get caught."

That sped up our eating tenfold.

So five minutes later we were ready to go.

"Where are we going?" Scott asked.

Percy smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes.


Percy stepped out of the cabin and I shrugged following her.

"Percy, where exactly are we going?"

"About six miles up the way. If we cut through woods and fields that is."


Well I have a seven minute mile and the guys are probably around there. Except Steve.

That's obvious though.

"That's about what? An hour at full pace? So...maybe two hours?"

"Yeah. But...we actually have a ride."

At that moment a blue van pulled up.

"Uh. Percy, who is this?" Steve asked, pulling his baseball cap lower.

"Come on. Trust me." She walked over to the van and opened the passenger door and hopped in.

Unfortunately I couldn't see the driver's face.

"Can we trust her?" Scott asked.

"I trust her." Running over to the van I opened the side door and hopped in before closing it.

"Wow Wanda. Just went against everything Steve says about getting in a van with strangers." Percy looked back at me.

I still can't see the driver's face. Stupid sun.

The driver chuckled and patted her leg. "I could say the same thing about you."

She stuck her tongue out. "I know you though."

"Aren't most kidnappings by people the kids know?" The mystery man asked. His voice is really familiar though...

She lightly punched his shoulder. "Yep. Like hm.... Your sister?"

"She shouldn't have done that. I had no idea where you were."

The other door opened and the guys slid in.

"Good. They're all here." Percy told the guy.

"Did you see who it was?" I whispered to Clint."

He shook his head. "He has his visor to the side to block the sun. And we walked around the back."

The van started moving. "Tyson misses you."

"How is he?" Percy questioned.

"Good. I'm ninety percent sure he has a crush on Ella."

My friend cooed. "Aw. I so want pictures of that."

Our driver laughed. "You sure you aren't one of Sil-" He cut himself off.

"I'm sure."

After a long pause the driver spike again.

"You can't keep blaming yourself."

"It's my fault. So why can't I blame myself?"

Again with that weird language.

The driver sighed. "We're here."

"Thanks. See to you later." Percy hopped out.

I shrugged and got out too.

Blinking I let my eyes adjust.

Then my jaw dropped. A huge pine tree stood on top of a hill. It was so big. And so pretty.

Percy turned around and looked at us. She held her arms up in a manner that reminded me of Stark.

"Welcome to Camp."

Sup guys?

Okay so I now got a Q&A going for my YouTube channel I want to do so ask away.

And uh...yeah

Clint was dying of laughter like two chapters back guys.

Also, typed 3000 some words in a day. What was wrong with me yesterday?

Right... No school and not wanting to put a Christmas tree up


My friend made me a cover

It looks a little different now cause of last minute changes on Covers.

(She made this on a photo editor website)

But it's cool.

See yah!

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