U is for Uranium Brownies

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I clung for dear life as Speck sped away.

When we reached the stables she finally stopped and turned.

I didn't dare move in fear of getting bucked.

Why did Percy yell at Speck to run from that bull while she stayed behind?

And who's Blackjack?

I didn't have any good answers by the time I saw Percy riding over the hill.

Seeing me frozen on the mare she hopped off Black and came running.

"Take one foot out of the stirrup and..." I followed her instructions until I was safely on the ground.

Black walked over to us and tried to get in Percy's pocket.

"Stop it. I don't have any." She shoved his head aside.

"Wanda!" Steve was running over to us. "I heard a scream. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. We're fine." I answered as Percy led Black to his stall.

"Did she ride Black?" He was staring over at her as she brushed down the horse.

"Yeah. He didn't even try to throw her. Where did you even find him?" I looked over at the supersoldier.

"He was wandering the streets and he looked lost. He has some scars on him from what looks to be knives and spears. Normally I would think he was abused. But he's totally comfortable around humans."

That's odd.

"Let me guess. He doesn't like Natasha?" Percy asked having finished with Black.

"How'd you guess?" Steve was looking at her funny.

"He doesn't like redheads." Okay. I thought stuff couldn't get any weirder.

"I'm not going to ask. But how'd you ride him? He didn't let anyone on him at the sanctuary. And none of us could ride him either."

"He lets me ride him because I'm his human. And his name is Blackjack by the way."

"He's your horse? What happened to him?"

"I rescued him from some people who were forcing him to work in a war effort. Ever since then I've ridden him if I need a ride." She shrugged.

"How about we go inside?" I asked. I'm kinda hungry.

"Yeah. We didn't put on sunscreen." Percy slung an arm over my shoulder.

Rolling my eyes I started walking back to the compound Percy walking right beside me.

After we walked inside, I smelled the most delicious smell I've ever smelled.


Me and Percy looked at each other before racing to the kitchen.

"Do you two want a brownie?" Vision was standing by the counter a pan sitting out in front of him.

"Sure." Percy and I said simultaneously.

"Jinx! Jinx again!" We laughed together too.

Vision handed us each a brownie and I was about to take a bite when Jarvis interrupted.

"I would not eat that. Vision accidentally poured Master Stark's experimental radioactive fertilizer in it." I dropped the brownie.

"How?" I asked while Percy just stared at me.

"That's what you're asking? Not, why does he have a radioactive fertilizer?"

I shrugged, it is Stark. What are you going to do? He's a man child.

With more child than man.

"Master Stark was attempting to recreate the products of Delphi Strawberry Services strawberries." I've never heard of them.

But apparently Percy has.

"He gets strawberries from there?"

"No. But he is trying to discover what makes them grow to perfection like they do at their farm."

"The perfect mixture of microclimate, experienced gardeners, and natural fertilizers." Percy rattled off. I raised an eyebrow.

I do that a lot when she's around don't I?

"What? I used to work there. Mr. Brunner is the best." She smiled. "But why is it radioactive?"

"Master Stark has a list of materials, this just happened to be a slightly radioactive element."

"I'm not eating that." Percy threw the brownies away.

It's around three right now.

"Hey Percy!" Tony walked in, a smug smile on his face.

"What Tony?" She rolled her eyes.

"I found someone to fight with you." As soon as Tony said that a girl with brown hair and a bandana walked in.

"Hey Prissy, so what you doing hanging with a bunch a punks like this?" The girl leaned against the counter.

"Hey Clarisse. What are you doing here?" Percy knows her. Why am I not surprised?

"Eh. This guy found me helping out an unclaimed in the city. Said he would forget about me killing a girl if I did this. Considering I was protecting the boy."


"Someone's going soft." Percy teased.

"Don't test me Jackson. I can still take out my siblings in a fight."

"Don't I know that? You put your older brother in the infirmary with a broken arm, nose, and wrist." This girl did this?

"How do you know each other exactly?" Tony was examining them both.

"We both go to the camp." Percy explained. "How is the place by the way?"

"Good. Stolls are a bit sad not to have their pranking buddy but that's great for the rest of us."

"Yeah on their own they're terrorizing. But me with them..."

"You're monstrous."

"Yep. Swords?" Percy asked I'm presuming about their practice fight.

"You know it Prissy. Let's go."

Percy led Clarisse to the gym, me and Tony following behind.

Clarisse pulled out a bronze colored sword. Don't ask me what kind. I don't know.

Percy had a similar sword probably just under three feet long.

Thirty-two inches. Maybe?

The two jumped at each other, blades ringing out as they blocked their opponents strike.

They were moving so fast I wouldn't be able to tell who's who without having watched my brother run.

All too quickly Clarisse was on the ground, her sword kicked away.

"Dead." Percy then helped her back up.

"No telling anyone about this Prissy." Clarisse grabbed her sword before storming out.

"Let's go do nothing!" Percy walked out.

I'm just going to go watch every English dubbed episode of Hetalia now.

Ah. Italy.

Don't kill me for that horrible ending.

And the mystery person who Poseidon sends is up next.



(Fem.)Percy Meets AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now