the final round #Wattys2018

By everyhearthasahero18

2.3K 3K 47

a prequel to code lyoko More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 18

59 120 0
By everyhearthasahero18

Distant Memory


Aelita's Dream

"Look at my giant snowball mommy" Aelita says making a snowman, while her parents watch her from a far.

"Stay near the house darling" her mom says, standing next to her husband smiling.

"Well done my angel" Franz says, Aelita smiles at them. A huge howl come out of nowhere Aelita sees a brown wolf looking at her.

"Mommy, daddy" Aelita says looking at the wolf, she looks behind her seeing two men in black, reachs out for her mother who is being taken away from her. Aelita runs after them crying yelling "mommy the whole time" she watches her mother in a car drive away from her. She falls to the ground still crying, Harry appears next to her.

"We'll get her back Aelita I promise you" Harry says hugging her and keeping her close, the wolf appears in front of them watching them.

Present day

Aelita crys, waking up in her room.


"What your still having nightmares" Yumi asks Aelita, the whole gang except for Harry walks to the school gates together.

"Yeah they keep coming back every now and then and what's more there always the same, but don't worry Jeremy I'm used to them" Aelita says.

"No Aelita it's not your nightmares I'm worried about" Jeremy tells her.

"I told you it's no big deal, Yumi won't be far for the holidays and I'm staying here keeping an eye on Xana so there's no need to worry" Aelita tells him, looking at him.

"I don't care about Xana I just don't like leaving you here all alone, I'm going to tell my dad I'm staying here" Jeremy interjects.

"No you're not, you should spend the holidays with your families for me and Harry it's not the same thing" Aelita says, seeing Yumi looking at her.

"Oh yeah, Ulrich how are you going to tell your family about Harry" Odd asks him.

"The holiday time my dad gets more stressed out than ever which makes my mom hysterical, so I'm not sure what I'm going to tell them, anyways I think I rather stay here" Ulrich says.

"Yeah me too my sister's drive me nuts, last year they locked me in the bathroom all night just because they thought it was funny" Odd says.

"They did, but that's even worse than my kid brother" Yumi says, "I thought they were older than you Odd" Yumi asks him.

"They are and they're a lot bigger than me too that's my problem" Odd says looking straight ahead, the others laugh at him.

"Hey Ulrich isn't that your dad's car over there" Aelita asks him pointing to the car where his parents are. Ulrich looks over there, sees his mom waving at him.

"Well the show must go on see you soon everybody and wish me luck" Ulrich says.

"May the force be with you" Odd says.

"Try and have some fun" Aelita says watching him leave the group. Another car pulls up to the gates.

"There's my father, Aelita are you that you-" Jeremy says getting cut off by Aelita.

"Come on now hurry up I won't be all alone I've got Kiwi for company" Aelita tells him.

"Okay, goodbye for now" Jeremy says walking over to his dad's car. Odd stops in front of Aelita and Yumi.

"Speaking of Kiwi don't feed him any cheese at all it gives him gas and that's more powerful than your energy fields" Odd tells her, following Jeremy to his dad's car.

"Thanks for the tip" Aelita laughs, Ulrich dad's car drives away from the school. Odd and Jeremy get in Jeremy's dad car.

A few minutes later

Ulrich's dad's car

Ulrich's dad looks at him, "I see you're still hanging around with that gang-for-nothing" Ulrich's dad says to him.

"And I see you forgot your happy pill again" Ulrich says.

"Ulrich" his mom says to him.

Jeremy's dad's car

"Your friends seem very nice Jeremy" Jeremy's dad says to him driving the car.

"Uh, yeah I really like them a lot" Jeremy tells him, "they're my good buddies" Jeremy says, his dad nods.

"That girl with pink hair is that Aelita the the one you're always talking about, she's very pretty and I get the impression she likes you" his dad says to him, Jeremy blushes lightly.

School gates

Yumi starts to walk away, looks back at Aelita. "I better go, I promised my mom I would help her clean-up" Yumi says.

"Okay, yeah see you Yumi" Aelita says waving goodbye, turning around.

"Aelita are you sure don't want to spend the holidays with us, I'll call my parents and tell them-" Yumi says getting cut off by Aelita.

"No I just be in the way and besides I could use a little time alone" Aelita tells her, Yumi nods then Aelita smiles.

"Well watch for William and Harry, and if you need anything you know my number" Yumi says taking out her phone.

"Okay, have a nice holiday" Aelita tells her, Yumi walks away to go home.

A few minutes later

Aelita walks into her room, while Kiwi is sleeping on her bed, Aelita sits on her bed and picks up Mister Puck.



"Ah he's so cute, I love it what should I call him" younger Aelita asks her parents opening her present with her mom and dad next to her.

"How about Mr. Puck it's a name of an elf" her dad tells her.

"Do you like it" her mom asksher hugging her.

"Yes, thank you mommy" younger Aelita says.

End of flashback

Aelita sighs, remembering that memory.

Jeremy's dad's car

Jeremy dad whilst still driving, noticing Jeremy isn't himself, "you're very quiet son is anything wrong" Jeremy dad asks.

"Oh no it's nothing I was just thinking of something else" Jeremy tells him.

"Uh" his dad says.

Ulrich's dad's car

"You just disappointed me again as usual Ulrich, I thought after we had the talk last month you  would at least try and make some effort, instead there's been no improvement at all plus all those unexcused absenses" Ulrich dad yells at him, Ulrich watches a little girl from a car next to them and laughs. "And you find that amusing" his dad says.

Aelita's room

Kiwi still asleep on Aelita's bed. Aelita is reading a book on her bed. Then music starts playing on her computer, which causes Aelita to look away from her book, she walks over to her computer seeing the music still playing, then she has a flashback of her father playing the paino. A message appears on her computer screen showing it's from her father, then she stops the music on the computer and looks at the screen. Franz sends a message.

Franz Hopper: Aelita?

Aelita: Daddy where are you?

Franz Hopper:....

"Excepting you here on lyoko, you're not on the network" Aelita asks typing on the keyboard, then her computer bugs up on her while she was typing. "Rats it bugged up" Aelita says, then she gets up from her chair and leaves her room.

Yumi's house

Yumi's dad reads the newspaper in the living room, while Yumi goes to sit down. "Yumi could you give me hand in here" her mom asks.

"Soon as I'm finish calling my friend" Yumi tells her, sitting down and on her phone.

"Your phone call can wait I need you to help me right now if not I'll never finish the house work in time" her mom tells her stepping into the room with a broom.

"But mom you've got a whole week to do it" Yumi says.

"Yes and as usual your father's not going to lift a finger so a week might not be enough" her mom says.

"Huh, what did I do this time" her dad asks looking up from the newspaper. Yumi stands up and goes to help her.


The elevator door open to the lab, Aelita walks over to the computer, the message from her father from her room is on the screen. "There isn't much time" Aelita says reading her father message, "not much time for what" Aelita types on the keyboard. "Here are the coordinates" Aelita reads the next message, a little screen pops up on showing where he is on lyoko. "See you in a minute my dear" Aelita says reading the next message.


Scanner room

Aelita smiles looking at her father who was in a scanner across from her. "See you in a minute my dear" Aelita's dad says to her, she watches his scanner door close, then her scanner door closes.

End of flashback

Aelita opens her eyes up after remembering the image of her father talking to her in the scanner room, then she types on the keyboard starting a delayed virtualization program, Aelita goes down to the scanner room, then goes to lyoko.

Ice Sector

Aelita lands on lyoko in the Ice Sector. Aelita looks around to see where her father is at, then she sees a simulation bubble. "What's the thing a simulation bubble" Aelita asks, then she runs over to it to check it out, then she goes through the it appearing inside the bubble.


Aelita opens her eyes once she was in the bubble, and falls to the ground. She notices the cabin from her childhood. "How can this be" Aelita asks seeing smoke come from the chime, then she walks towards the cabin. Once inside the cabin she looked around, while someone was playing the piano. The person stopped playing, who happened to be Franz Hopper, Harry smirks to himself knowing Aelita was in the room, then his smirk disappeared. Franz and Harry turn around to see Aelita.

"Daddy" Aelita asks, then sees Harry and avoids him sitting next to her father.

"Aelita" Franz says opening up his arms for her. "We've have so much catching up to do in little time" Franz says to her.

"I thought you were lost on the network" Aelita says to him crying, Harry stands up and goes to sit down on the couch. Franz looks at Harry and nods.

"Lost, no dear when Xana destroyed lyoko I manage to escape, I have information to give you, but first I waned so much to hold you in my arms" Franz says then they stop hugging.

"But how did you-" Aelita says.

"I had to create the simulation bubble so that I could, plus I manage to free your cousin Harry at the same time, and asked him to join us since we're family" Franz tells her.

"It's good to see you again Aelita, I'm glad to be free from Xana" Harry tells her acting normal, even though he was still under Xana's control.

"This is fantastic everything is just the same" Aelita smiles at them.

"Yes, but it will allow us to do many things my dear like spending an evening together as a family at last" Franz says.

A few minutes later

Yumi's house

Yumi walks into her room on the phone, trying to call Aelita. "Come on Aelita pick up will you" Yumi says, then Hiroki appears in front of her. "Hey what are you doing in here get out" Yumi says.

"Calling Ulrich" Hiroki asks her.

"Mind your own business do I ask you about Milly..." Yumi says to him, Hiroki blushes and runs out of her room. Yumi sees that Jeremy was calling her.

"Hello Jeremy" Yumi says answering his call.

Jeremy's dad's car

"For long of a time, her phone battery might be dead that's all think you can go over there and check it out keep me posted okay" Jeremy tells her, his dad smiles not looking at Jeremy, then Jeremy looks at his dad, "uh dad um I forgot my laptop back at the dorm and I um-" Jeremy says to him trying to figure out what to say, his dad turns around and heads back to the kadic.

"I get the idea Jeremy your laptop wouldn't have pink hair by any chance would it" his dad asks, knowing what he meant, "you know, I can understand that I was in love once to" his dad says.

"You were with who" Jeremy asks.

"Who else with your mother" his dad answers.

Ulrich's dad's car

The car is still stuck in traffic, with horns honking everywhere. "Oh, this traffic's horrible" Ulrich's dad yells, while his wife is sitting next to him reading a book.

"Getting all tense won't get us there any faster dear" his wife tells him, looking at him, then Ulrich's phone rings.

"That you Jeremy, you sure you're right something must be up okay I'll let him know and meet you know where anything is more fun than this" Ulrich tells him, unbuckling his seat belt, opening his dad.

"Ulrich" his dad says looking at him and so his mom, "where are you going" his dad asks.

"To get a little air to stretch my legs, besides I'll get there faster if I walk see ya" Ulrich tells them, closing his car door, then he runs off calling Odd on his phone. "Odd Aelita isn't answering her phone meet us at the factory" Ulrich tells him.


"Okay be right there as soon as I tell my parents" Odd tells him, ending the call and putting his duffel bag on the ground next yo him.

"Well you flying today or not" the man asks Odd, who on his phone again calling someone.

"Just a second, hello Adele it's Odd huh oh sorry Pauline hey listen you think you can ask Elizabeth to tell Marie to say to Louise that she should let mom and dad know I miss my flight uh what do you mean tell them myself hello" Odd says to his sister, then he grunts. "Okay change of plan nothing like sibling loyalty" Odd says grabbing his bag from the ground, and walks away.

A few minutes later

Aelita's room

Someone bangs on Aelita's door, while the glitching on her computer is still making noise. "Hmm, Aelita" Yumi asks, walks into the room, closing her door she sees her computer pink, and Kiwi is still sleeping on the bed. "Excepting you here on lyoko" Yumi says looking at the computer screen.

Simulation Bubble

"Know as long as Xana hasn't been defeated I can't re materialize myself, but the both of you however should be able to free your young friend what was his name again" Franz says ti Harry and Aelita.

"William" Aelita says.

"Uncle I told you William's name when you freed me from Xana" Harry tells him.

"Yes of course I'm going to send a program to Jeremy by the supercomputer by the way how's your fight against Xana progress" Franz asks them.

"We're hunting him down on the network thanks to our virtual ship the skidbadinar" Aelita tells him, Harry does a small grin on his face.

"Hmm, skidbladinar what a strange name" Franz laughs.

"But you know that name it's in the book of Viking Legends that you used to read to me and Harry before we went to sleep" Aelita tells him.

"Yes of course the skidbladinar how could I forget" Franz says acting surprise. Aelita smiles turns into a frown not believing him.


Jeremy dad stops the car in front of the school gates. "Thanks dad" Jeremy says running out of the car leaving the car door open. Jeremy sees Yumi runs past towards the factory, "Yumi" Jeremy says, Yumi  stops running looks at Jeremy.

"Uh, hurry Jeremy Aelita virtualized herself onto lyoko" Yumi tells him.

"What, why did she do that" Jeremy asks.

"Her father asked her to" Yumi tells him.

Simulation Bubble

Harry, notices Aelita is acting strange, then secretly contacts William to be ready. Aelita looks at the door, then at her father and back to the door confused. "Is something wrong my precious" Franz asks her.

"Why'd you ask me to come to lyoko daddy" Aelita asks him folding her arms.

"Because I wanted to see you and Harry, it's been such a long time" Franz tells her, Harry doesn't say anything.

"It's dangerous Xana could attack at anytime, plus take control Harry again" Aelita tells him, Harry smirks.

"Not as long as I'm with the both of you" Franz says.

"You know when I said that everything here was the same I remembered it I meant it" Aelita tells him.

"I'm glad you like it I wanted you to feel as it was your home our home" Franz says to her crossing his arms.

"It's true everything's here nothing's missing except for one little thing" Aelita says.

"Oh no" Harry mumbles quietly knowing what she's talking about.

"Oh really what's that" Franz asks.

"My mother" Aelita tells him smirking.

"But, you remember dear your mother disappeared" Franz tells her, Aelita stands up from the chair, Harry stands up looking at Aelita, the Xana eyes start to show in his eyes.

"Yes and I want to see her again more than anything else in the world and you know that you've always known and since you're a perfectionist you'd recreated her in the simulation bubble that is unless you weren't really my father" Aelita says to him, then looks at Harry.

"Aelita" Franz says to her madly.

"Stay away from me Xana" Aelita says backing away from Franz and Harry, Franz growls and glitches. Aelita opens the door to, then feels someone grab her wrist. Harry smirks.

"Hello Aelita" William says to her forcing her back in the room, Harry appears next to William.


The elevator door opens to the lab. "Something's fishy" Jeremy says to Yumi walking over to the computer.

"Hmm, what if it was Hopper who contacted Aelita" Yumi says to him, Jeremy sits in the chair.

"Xana's pulled this on us before I don't think Hopper would risk this with his own daughter. Aelita is somewhere in the Ice Sector, huh in a simulation bubble" Jeremy says.

"She's in a what" Yumi asks him.

"A copy of a real world sort of ghost channel Aelita fallen into a trap get ready you're going on right now" Jeremy tells her, Yumi presses the button to go down to the lab.

Simulation Bubble

Aelita struggles against William grip, as William has a tight grip on her arm holding it up so Aelita can't escape. "Better give up Aelita you can't beat us" William says to her watching her struggle.

"That's what you think" Aelita says to him, then she escapes from his grip and runs out of the house. Harry goes after her not wasting any more time. William growls, then looks at Franz.

"What are you waiting for go after her" William says to Franz, Franz glitches and nods.

Scanner room

"Transfer Yumi, scanner Yumi virtualization" Jeremy says, Yumi is in her scanner waiting to go to lyoko, a bright light flashed in Yumi's scanner sending her to lyoko.

Ice Sector

Yumi lands on lyoko in the Ice Sector. "Jeremy I didn't land inside the bubble" Yumi says to him pointing at the simulation bubble in front of her.

"I know I can't virtualize you directly inside of it you'll have to find your own way in" Jeremy tells her.

"Any idea how" Yumi asks running towards the bubble.

"Not really, but if you ask me Xana probably greeting his guest" Jeremy tells her.

"For sure, he even left a couple of bouncers at the door" Yumi says blocking the tarantulas attacks with her fans.

Simulation Bubble

Aelita keeps running, looking behind her Harry and Franz were on her tail. Franz turns into a black/brown wolf. Harry and William laugh evily.

Ice Sector

The two tarantulas are still firing at Yumi, who's behind a rock. Yumi steps away from the rocks then throws her two fans at the monsters, the two tarantulas dodge and keep firing at Yumi hitting her in the chest.


"Care Yumi that's 20 life points you just lost" Jeremy tells her, the elevator door opens Ulrich and Odd are in the elevator. "Perfect timing you two head straight for the scanner room Yumi and Aelita are in big trouble" Jeremy tells them typing on the keyboard.

"Sure, but how about a little rundown" Ulrich asks him.

"I'll fill you in later now get going" Jeremy tells him, Odd smiles and presses the button to go down to the scanner room.

Ice Sector

Yumi does a front flip to go over by the huge rock, while the tarantulas are still firing at her.

Simulation Bubble

Aelita keeps looking behind her, seeing the wolf is still on her tail behind her, along with William and Harry. The wolf jumps in front of her making Aelita stop running, Aelita looks at the wolf in the eyes. William and Harry smirk getting closer to Aelita and the wolf. "Impossible to escape, this bubble is your prison" William tells Aelita, walking closer to her along with Harry and the wolf, Aelita backs away from them.

Ice Sector

"Virtualization" Jeremy says, sending Odd and Ulrich to lyoko. Odd and Ulrich land on the ground in the Ice Sector. Ulrich grabs his two sabers, Odd shoots arrows at the tarantulas that are firing at them. Odd runs behind the rock where Yumi is.  Ulrich does the same thing.

"Good to see you again how's your vacation" Yumi asks Ulrich.

"Short, good to be back though where's Aelita" Ulrich asks her, putting his two sabers away.

"Somewhere in that bubble thing" Yumi tells them.

"Laser arrow" Odd says destroying one of the tarantulas.

Simulation Bubble

William laughs evilly cornering Aelita against the bubble, "Give up Aelita" William says to her, Harry smirks seeing Aelita outnumbered.

"You win William, Harry" Aelita says to them, seeing William rubbing the wolf head. Aelita turns away from them, facing the wall and puts her hands on the wall.

"No" Harry and William say, the Xana symbol appears on their eyes while the bubble glitches up on them.

Ice Sector

The simulation bubble disappear from lyoko. Aelita looks on lyoko, looking behind William, Harry and one blok are there. William looks at Aelita, then makes his sword appear in his hands. "It doesn't matter you lose no matter what Aelita" William tells her, getting in a fighting stance.

"Not yet" Aelita says forming an energy field in her hand.

Ulrich destroys the last tarantula.


"Huh" Jeremy says, looking at the computer screen seeing the simulation bubble disappear.

Ice Sector

Ulrich runs over to Yumi and Odd. "The simulation bubble disappeared go help Aelita and step on it" Jeremy tells them.

"Okay Einstein can you call us some taxies" Odd asks him. The over-wing, overboard, and over-bike appear in front of them. Odd and Ulrich get on their ride, Yumi runs over to hers getting shot and sent back to earth.

"A blok" Ulrich says, looking back where Yumi was.

Scanner room

Yumi scanner door opens. "What was it Jeremy" Yumi asks him.

"A blok" Jeremy tells him.

Ice Sector

The blok keeps moving towards Odd and Ulrich firing at them. "I guess we better unblock the situation" Odd says to Ulrich.

"First priority is getting Aelita back" Ulrich tells him going faster.

"Here we go" Odd says following him.

Aelita backs away from William, Harry, and the blok being close to the edge of the sector. Aelita looks over to see Odd and Ulrich coming towards them. William and Harry look behind them seeing Odd and Ulrich coming towards them. "Manta" William yells, "attack" William orders it pointing over to Odd and Ulrich.

"Gaint manta watch out" Ulrich tells Odd seeing the manta coming towards them.

Aelita looks down at her wrist, then her wings appear. The blok fires at Aelita hitting her making her fall to the ground, William and Harry look at Aelita. "You want to leave be our guest" William says to Aelita, forming black smoke in his hand. The smoke grabs Aelita bringing her over the edge of the sector.

"Help" Aelita says, seeing that she's going over the edge of the sector. The Manta keeps firing at Odd and Ulrich.


"Aelita no" Jeremy says looking away from the screen closing his eyes.

Ice Sector

"She's too far away Jeremy better bring her in" Ulrich says to him, looking over at Aelita, William, Harry, and the blok.


"I don't believe it" Jeremy says typing on the keyboard.

Ice Sector

William makes the smoke let go of Aelita, making her go down in the digital sea. Ulrich stops moving waiting to see what happened. A big bright circle comes from the digital sea. "No" Ulrich says driving off.


"Oh no this can't be happening not Aelita" Jeremy says looking at the screen not typing, the elevator door opens and Yumi walks into the lab. "Yumi, Aelita's gone" Jeremy tells her.

A few minutes later

Ice Sector

Ulrich drives towards Harry, William, and the blok. Ulrich grabs one of his sabers. "Harry deal with Ulrich, I'll do the next part of our plan" William tells him.

"Okay, Romeo this is really going to cost you" Odd says to them. Ulrich jumps off the over-bike and throws his saber at William. "Supersmoke" William says turning into smoke to dodge the over-bike then walks over to the edge of the sector.

"What's he doing now, looks like he's waiting for something" Ulrich asks.

"You'll see my friend" Harry smirked.

"I don't know without Aelita it's all over" Jeremy says.

"Einstein something weird is happening" Odd says.

"Yeah hang on I think I get the picture" Jeremy tells him. A glowing ball comes out of the digital sea, Ulrich runs over to the edge to see what it is.

"Victory" William and Harry cheer.


"What is that thing" Yumi asks Jeremy standing next to him.

"Just as I thought, I was right" Jeremy says.

Ice Sector

The glowing ball goes up to the surface in front of William, Harry, and two bloks. William sees that the bloks are ready. "Fire" William orders them, the two bloks do as told and fire at the ball.

"Jeremy, Xana trying to destroy a kindly bright bubble what do we do" Ulrich asks him.

"Protect it that bubble is Franz Hopper" Jeremy tells him, Franz lands on the ground, Ulrich looks at Odd. "I'll handle William and Harry" Ulrich says grabbing his two sabers.

"Okay, I'll go do a number around that blok" Odd says, Odd flies off over to the bloks destroying one of the bloks. Xana brings Harry back in. William sees Ulrich running towards him.

"Super smoke" William says, turning into black smoke. William swings his sword at Ulrich. The blok keeps firing at Franz Hopper.  Franz puts Aelita on the ground.


"It looks like he dropped something off" Yumi says to Jeremy.

"You're right he did it was Aelita" Jeremy tells her smiling.

Ice Sector

The blok wasn't sure who to fire at and looks around getting ready to fire, then hits Franz Hopper once again, weaking Franz Hopper. Aelita sits up seeing her father. "Daddy" Aelita says, seeing a manta and a blok firing at her father.

"Laser arrow" Odd says shooting at the manta destroying it. Aelita smiles seeing Odd, "it's great to see you again princess" Odd says to her.


"Hopper's loosing energy take out that blok and make it snappy" Jeremy tells pounding on the chair in anger.

Ice Sector

"We're doing all we can Eisenstein" Odd tells him, Ulrich keeps fighting William dodging William's attack, then Ulrich gets sent back to earth. William smirks watching Ulrich disappear, then looks up to see Odd firing at the blok. William sends an energy wave at Odd destroying him and sending him back to earth.

"Energy field" Aelita says throwing one at the blok missing it by an inch, the blok freezes Aelita's one leg.

"Super smoke" William says, turns back into smoke and goes over by Aelita.


More of Franz Hopper's energy gets lower. "It's all over" Jeremy says.

Ice Sector

William appears close to Franz Hopper, "daddy you have to get away hurry" Aelita says shooting William with an energy field. Franz goes back into the digital sea. Aelita smiles, then looks over at William and gets sent back to earth. William puts his sword into the ground.

"No" William yelled.

Scanner room

Aelita's scanner door opens up, Aelita rubs her eyes, sees Odd and Ulrich waiting for her. "Hi" Aelita says to them.

"Saying you gave us a scare is an understatement princess" Odd says to her.

"I know someone who's really going to be happy to see you" Ulrich says to her.

"I hope this time he gives us the rundown he promised us because I don't know what's going on" Odd tells her, he and Ulrich help Aelita up from the scanner.


"It's pretty obvious" Jeremy says looking at the others.

"There he goes again" Odd says, Kiwi sleeps on Odd's chest.

"You see when lyoko was destroyed Hopper wasn't spread out over the network he managed to escape" Jeremy tells them.

"He disappeared on purpose is that it" Yumi asks.

"That's right to get away from Xana, which is why he's constantly trying to throw Aelita in the digital sea all the time, he knows that's the only thing to get Hopper to come out of hiding" Jeremy explains to her.

"In order to destroy him" Ulrich says.

"As long as my father's alive he'll always be a big threat to Xana" Aelita says.

"And our friend Xana knows it" Jeremy says.

"Well before we blow Xana away for good why don't we give each other our presents huh" Odd says.

"We said we'd wait till after vacation" Ulrich tells him, Odd grabs presents from his bag.

"Yeah I know, here Einstein this one is for you since Xana made us come back early than expected then why wait right" Odd says to him, gives everyone their present from him.

"That's cool Odd thanks a lot, but um what am I post to do with it" Jeremy asks him opening his present.

"Nothing at all that's what makes it fun you think" Odd says to him, then looks at Ulrich and Yumi. "You're not opening your presents" Odd asks them.

"No in Japan you never open the present in front of the person who gave it to you" Ulrich tells him, looks at Yumi and blushes Yumi winks at Ulrich.

Aelita leans next to Jeremy. "Thank you Jeremy" Aelita says to him smiling.

"And that isn't all Aelita tonight you're coming home with me my parents want you stay for the holidays" Jeremy tells her.

"But, I don't want to bother them" Aelita says.

"It's no bother at all they're the ones who insited I'll give you my room and I'll sleep in the living room we've got a really comfortable couch" Jeremy tells her.

"What about Xana" Aelita asks.

"You know I'm sure that Xana could use a vacation too" Jeremy says laughing, "what you thinking about" Jeremy asks her.

"About my father when he saved me even in his virtual form I could feel his presence, like he was holding me in his arms" Aelita tells him.

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