The Hybrid

By Snowy_weather

259K 6.5K 989

Riley is a rouge. One day she ventures off to far and stumbles upon the Summit pack where she meets her mate... More

{Before} chapter 1
{Oak} chapter 2
{What's with Choking me?} Chapter 3
{Mine} chapter 4
{See You Later, not Goodbye} chapter 5
{Caught} chapter 6
{Trust} chapter 7
{Eat} chapter 8
{Ripped} chapter 10
{White Roses} chapter 11
{Brandon} chapter 12
{Accidents Happen} chapter 13
{I Am Not a Doodler} chapter 14
{Soulmate} chapter 15
{The Reason} chapter 16
{Banana Cream Pie} chapter 17
{Lullaby} chapter 18
{Mysterious Voice} chapter 19
{When Night Falls } chapter 20
{Honey Bee} chapter 21
{Pretty Eyes} chapter 22
{To Cross Paths} chapter 23
{Fairytale} chapter 24
{Consequences} chapter 25
{Wasteful} chapter 26

{The Ball} chapter 9

12.5K 329 67
By Snowy_weather

The door busted open revealing an energetic Yuri. She flashed her pearly whites at me stopping a few feet before the edge of the bed. I gazed at her perfect stance and aura. I couldn't understand how she was always so flawless.

"It's finally time," Yuri gleamed, clapping her hands together in excitement. My brows pulled together into a frown. "Come, come.," she waved her hand. 'Getting you dressed and ready will take all day so we must begin now."

"Ready for what," I yawned, arching my back in a deep stretch. Yuri giggled.

"The ball, of course!" I cocked my head to the side and scrunched my nose. Huh? The ball? Was I missing something here? Yuri glanced at me and her giggling fit halted. She squinted her eyes.

"You know... for the ball tonight...that's in your name? Where you are officially going to be presented to the pack as Jonah's mate and the Luna of Summit Pack. Did Jonah not tell you about this?' I shook my head and brought my trembling thumb to my lips. This is definitely something you would think I would be informed about. I scoffed. He probably knew I was going to refuse so what's the point in even telling me?

"No, he didn't say anything. We "talked" a few hours ago. Thanks to you," I mumbled, biting my already damaged nails.

She looked away from my eyes, releasing a sigh. "I apologize for that. I was worried about you and you weren't eating so I didn't know-"

"It doesn't matter. What's done is done." I said, pushing myself off the bed and moving toward the window sill. People bustled outside, hauling pieces of furniture and decorations inside of the house. I should be thanking her. My pride got in the way and because of this, I could have done something I would have regretted and maybe gotten myself killed. Even if it pains me to consume his food, I will never starve myself again. Nothing good will come from doing that.

I jumped as the sound of the door burst open once more. Armon sauntered inside, looking flawless as well in a woolen sweater and gray khakis.

"Armon, I told you to wait until I signaled you to come inside. What if she was indecent? " Yuri shouted, placing her fingertips between her brows and releasing an exasperated sigh. He gave her a sideways glare before addressing me with a slight head bow. My eyes widened slightly.

"Darling," he greeted me, flashing his own set of pearly whites. He grasped my hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the surface. My cheeks warmed up at the contact and I tugged my hand away.

"It's Luna, Armon. Stop calling her that. Formalities still apply to you," Yuri scolded, giving him a pointed look. He simply rolled his eyes and grumbled a few crude words under his breath, ones too low for her to hear. Two people, who both had flawless and perfect auras, put in the same room was either heaven's blessing or a disaster. Right now, I was feeling more the latter.

"Come, Luna, let us try on a beautiful cerulean dress I picked out for you. You will look absolutely stunning."

"Wait a minute, hold on. Armon, what are you talking about? She will be wearing a coral high-necked dress," Yuri stated firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. Armon looked appalled, placing his hand on his chest as they glared into each other's eyes. They appeared to argue with unspoken words. I sighed, preparing myself to acknowledge the curveball they really should have seen coming. At least, Yuri should have seen it.

"You both are wasting your time because I'm not going." Both heads snapped to me in an instant. I have no intention of meeting their pack members and putting on a fake smile for them. I didn't even want to be here. Every person I have met has been from a forced interaction set up by him. I never wanted to meet any of these people so why would I open that door to meet the whole pack?

"Luna, the ball is in your have to be there," Armon frowned, his brows pulled harshly together. My chest tightened. I was so sick of not having a choice in matters that I should have.

"No, I really don't," I growled, narrowing my eyes. "I don't want to go to this stupid ball or show my face to people who don't even know me. Maybe you can relay this message to your Alpha clearer than I have been trying to for the past few days. I don't want to be here and I don't want to be your stupid L—"

"Okay," Yuri shouted, raising her arms up and letting out an awkward chuckle. "I don't think Riley got her beauty sleep last night so Armon, why don't you go check on the dress options for us?" Armon, appearing shocked, quickly nodded before scurrying out of the room. Yuri turned around swiftly, her face neutral but anger evident within those dull eyes.

"You can't say things like that. Especially in front of pack members." I was about to respond with a snarky remark, but she cut me off. "You may complain about anything else, but I wish you would not speak badly about the position of a Luna. That will hurt the pack and I do not wish to see that happen." My glare towards her slowly unraveled and I sighed, biting my bottom lip. An ache started to penetrate my heart.

I knew it was cruel. Even if it was the truth, that I didn't want to be their Luna, it is wrong to make them suffer like that. Those words would cut deeper than knives to Armon and I wanted to hurt him because of my distaste for Alpha Jonah. For a Luna to state that she does not want to be one, means the same thing as stating that she does not want to be with her pack members, with the Alpha, or have any connection to the pack itself. That's never really happened before but I'm assuming that kind of devastation to the people could ruin a pack. Unfortunately, his sister was right. The only thing I would be doing is creating anguish for innocent people.

"I don't really know what you want me to do. You don't really have a choice, Riley. Either come with me with some dignity or face the wrath of my brother. I would rather not be at the receiving end of his anger so I would advise you to choose the first option." I rolled my eyes, choosing to keep them glued to the window. If I looked at this wolf I might just assault her. I would not yield to him because of his anger issues. Me refusing to succumb to his orders might actually help him learn that he cannot get everything he desires by throwing childish tantrums.

"Then let him come," I growled lowly. In reality, however, I would love it if he didn't.

I heard her sigh and take a seat on the bed. For a few moments, we both listened to each other's breaths, waiting for one of us to yield. I thought she would have tattled to her brother by now. Was she simply bluffing?

"It seems unnecessary to go to Jonah about this. If you do not want to go for him or the pack, then...go for...the festivities and food," she exclaimed and I held in a laugh. This woman was truly grabbing for straws now.

"You were a rouge before coming here and I'm sure you miss the excitement of, of celebrating! There will be music and dancing! Really, really good food! There will be hors d'oeurves, champagne, and dessert!" My fingers twitched and I spun my head around to face her. Mmmm dessert?

"Cakes, chocolate, cookies, or anything that you request. I am sure it can be made. Especially since the party is for you," she smirked, her eyes twinkling. My stomach tightened and my mouth watered at the thought of inhaling those sugary, buttery treats. I haven't had sweets in years. Dessert was always my favorite meal of the day. Some people would say that it technically doesn't count as a meal, but for me it did. It never mattered where I was because I could always smell my mothers baking from miles away. She was the best at making anything. Her desserts would fill you up with a little bit of joy because she always put her heart into her baking.

"Will there be pie there," I questioned, licking my lips hungrily. Yuri nodded her head quickly, staging that it could be arranged. I nodded and gulped. She flashed me a triumph smirk before making her way to the door.

"Well, you coming," she asked, but she already knew my answer. I think I was just tricked by the devil's sister. Over sweets. I sighed following her in pursuit.

I am so pathetic.


"Oh, Riley you look so beautiful," Yuri smiled, zipping up my dress.

"The pack will surely fall in love with you" Armon beamed.

I slowly walked over to the huge mirror leaning on the side and looked at myself. I was wearing a long dark black dress that was lace and sparkled. It had a sweetheart lace neckline with lace sparkly long sleeves. The dress fit my body nicely and it had a long train in the back. I did a little twirl watching the dress flow around me. My short hair was curled and I had these small, dangling, cream-colored earings on that had a diamond in the middle. My makeup was bold yet natural with a focal point of a black lip. I looked...stunning. Powerful.

Yuri was wearing a red, classic, off the shoulder long dress. Her hair was pinned up in a low bun and was wearing a bold red lip. She also had little silver studs in her ears. Her look was simple yet bold.

Armon was wearing a golden tuxedo with a black bow tie and black shoes.

"Come on it's time to go," Armon said, checking his watch.

We went to the back room of the ball that was held inside the house. Armon said I had to go there to make my "special entrance."

"They are going to announce you and you are going to walk through the curtains to the end of the stage, turn to your right and take Alpha Jonah's hand. From then on he will take you down the steps and then enjoy the party," Armon explained.

I nodded to him feeling sick to my stomach after he told me I would have to walk out there in front of everyone...alone. I hate being the center of attention.

"I don't think I can do this," I said walking past them

"No, no, no," they both said grabbing my arms and pulling me back.

"Riley look at me will be fine the entrance will last thirty seconds and then poof," Yuri snapped her fingers in my face. "Your done."

"Good evening everyone...," I heard Alpha Jonah say behind the red curtains, catching my attention. I placed my hand on my stomach as it churned. I kept taking in deep breaths and exhaling them out. I am shaking like crazy right now. Even if I don't want to be in their pack...I still don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of them.

"As you all know, this pack has been withheld from their true potential, their true leaders for many years, but that is to change today. The goddess has not neglected us. She has not forgotten us. She has decided that the time is right for us to be blessed with our rightful Luna. I am pleased to announce to you my mate and your Luna," he stated. His voice was as bland as ever and his speech sounded rehearsed. It did not sound like he believed his own words.

I could hear people clapping from the other end in anticipation and suspense about who their Luna was.

"It's your time to shine," Armon said to me nudging me forward. I slowly brought my hand to the curtain sliding it over to let me through. As soon as they heard the click-clack of my heels hit the stage there was not a single word spoken. I brushed past the curtain now completely exposed, but did not look at them and kept my head downwards toward the stage. I walked caustically to the end of the stage and slowly tilted my end until I was gazing at them. I immediately heard gasps and murmurs among the crowd and I knew it was because of my appearance.

I stared at them with no smile on my face and looked to my left at Alpha Jonah raising his hand out to me. His bright green eyes scanned over me and met mine. He displayed a minuscule smile at me that I knew was only for his pack members. It was all for this little act that we were in love. Funny. I hesitantly reached for his hand and stopped abruptly mid-air inches above it. If I do this does this mean I'll be of his pack? Am I committing to this? To being there Luna?

He clapped his hand on mine. He could see my hesitation and I knew that he was showing me the answer I was going to go. There was no choice. The people clapped and smiled at us...happy. Alpha Jonah slowly brought me in closer to him, so close that I could feel the rumble of his chest as he spoke.

"Don't look so pained," he said through clenched teeth. I knew it wasn't a suggestion and so when he pulled away I put on the best half-fake smile I could do. The people in the crowd clapped loudly with big grins on their faces. Some of them even whistled... for what? Me? Him? Me.. and him? I should not be clapped at, I should be feared.

We walked down the steps together to the right and walked past people as they stared at us in adoration. If only these people knew that I wasn't planning on staying here. I tried to escape Alpha Jonah's hold, but his grip tightened around my waist. I scowled up at him and he shot me a pointed look.

"Behave yourself tonight. The pack does not need to be aware of our...relationship issues." I almost gagged. Relationship? There was no relationship.

"You can not have both, Alpha. I came, didn't I? Thats as much as your going to ge–," He spun me to the side suddenly and I slammed into his chest. Soft vibrations tickled my skin as his chest rumbled and I saw him glare at a waiter that apologized quickly before leaving. I pushed him away as much as I could. His scent protruded into my nostrils and began to make my head dizzy.

"You don't have to call me that," he stated, clearing his throat. I gave him a quizzical look and before I could question him about it someone greeted us. He was a tall man with brown, curly hair and hazel doe eyes. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a boa tie and dark shiny shoes. His aura radiated power and strength.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Luna," the man smiled, slightly tilting his head down. "My name is Brandon and I am the Beta of Summit Pack. I pledge my loyalty to you and pray for longevity between you and the Alpha." Oh please no. Don't do that. If only you knew that I prayed for brevity with him, Beta.

"How is your family. Your mother," Alpha Jonah questioned stiffly, grabbing a glass off of a tray by a passing waiter.

"They're doing great, man. Um, my siblings are doing well and my dad has been writing tons of letters to my mom. Her face beams every time one of those envelopes arrives in the mail and..." They conversed some more, while I tried to scope out the room for dessert. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any at that moment, but I assumed they would bring it our later that evening.

The people here looked so joyous like my presence made their hearts explode with happiness. Everyone was laughing, smiling, and not so subtly glancing my way. It was slightly overwhelming. I had eyes trained on me throughout the whole evening which caused me to be on edge. Alpha Jonah left me after speaking with two more guests and then I was alone in a sea full of strangers. Without any sweets in hand.

Just great.


Currently listening to "Plain Jane" right now and totally jamming out. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the introduction of our new character Brandon. He is definitely an important character. 

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