
By sayonanda

90.8K 5.3K 1.6K

ー "you're like a hairband- you hold us together," seungcheol always has hairbands ready for his best friend... More

001. i think you're nice.
002. i had fun today.
003. you seem different.
004. you like him.
005. they're your feelings.
006. you're really cute.
007. i'm not jealous.
008. i've missed you.
009. maybe i do.
010. i'm really tired of it.
011. i'm here.
012. please get over him.
013. i shouldn't have kissed you.
014. i'm sorry.
015. tekken's great (so are you).
016. thanks for today.
017. there's no way.
018. are you over him?
019. i like you.
020. for you, anything.
021. today was fun.
022. you'll be okay.
023. i'll be okay.
024. this is fun.
025. how was the party for you?
026. thank you for existing
027. you're a strange kid.
028. don't cut your hair.
029. everything okay?
031. now was that so hard?
032: he still loves you.
not a real update ya girl is just annoyed
033: i'm glad we're hanging out again.
034: i'm happy, because of you.

030. glad things worked out.

1.2K 65 4
By sayonanda

Seungcheol gave Jeonghan some time alone. Surprisingly, Jeonghan didn't really object, saying, "I'll get some good sleep. Would be nice if you could be there, but yeah. Love you," before kissing him. He said all of that, yet Seungcheol pretty much had to pry him off so he can leave. Now, he was chilling in Mingyu's room, the place Joshua never seems to leave for his own house.

"Cheol, when do you plan to go back?" Seungcheol shrugs, then shushes up Joshua when his phone dings. It's a text from Chan.

Chano🦖☄️: okay so he's here,, li said he wanted to talk to me so uhh ig we gonna talk?? more updates at um 8

Seungcheol reads the texts aloud and Mingyu and Joshua exchange glances. "So..." Joshua starts. "Is he and Junhui gonna like... hook up?" Seungcheol shrugs. "We'll have to wait."

Mingyu grumbles something that no one can make out. Joshua asks him to repeat, but the younger shakes his head and buries his face into his pillows. Seungcheol waits quietly after another text from Chan. However, instead he gets a phone call.

"Chan?" Seungcheol calls out, putting the younger on speaker.

"He... I-I don't know what-what was happening b-but..." Chan sniffs. "H-Hyung, I-I wanna g-go home..."

Mingyu snatches the phone from Seungcheol. "Chan?"

"H-Hyung..." Chan cries out. "I-I don't want t-to be h-here..."

"Okay! We-We'll go right now!" He hands Seungcheol back his phone and grabs a coat. Seungcheol looks back down at his phone and Chan had hung up already. He follows Mingyu and Joshua with putting on something warm and walking out the room.

"I don't think the ice skating rink is that far away, so we should be fine walking." Joshua explains. Everyone hums.

After fifteen to twenty minutes, they reach the rink. Mingyu spots Chan on the curb, wiping his tears. He runs over to his nephew and wraps an arm around him. "What happened? Did he do anything?"

"No, he didn't..." Chan croaks out. He leans against his uncle's shoulder, hugging him and crying into his coat. "I don't know..." His grip becomes stronger. Seungcheol bites his bottom lip and tells Joshua he'll look inside for Junhui.

"Sir, you can't enter without paying." Seungcheol groans, turning on his heels to face the employee. "I know, but I'm only in here to look for someone." Not wanting to argue, the employee just sighs. "Five minutes or else your paying." Seungcheol nods and rushes to one side of the rink. He ends up finding Junhui sitting on a bench and on his phone. He walks up to him.

"You told Chan I was here, didn't you?" Junhui looks up at him.

"Yeah. I'm pretty much regretting it, though." Junhui doesn't say anything. "He... really likes you, Jun. And I'm not asking you to just date him... I'm sure he just wants a proper answer, or for you to at least talk to him."

Junhui groans and buries his face into his hands. Seungcheol pats his back. "Did you meet him, though?" The Chinese nods. "What happened?"

"I kind of just... I got frustrated. I literally got over Minghao and convinced myself I was straight by planning this date... But then he just... kisses me as if it'll solve all the world's problems. I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I know I made him cry but he wouldn't let me or Lianghui go anywhere near him. He just stormed out, and when I tried to approach him out there, he punched me."

"I mean, Junhui, you have to understand that Chan's like fourteen. He doesn't know what he's doing. You can continue to make things awkward by not doing anything or you can set things straight."

"If I go out there, Mingyu'll probably beat my ass." Junhui groans, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck it, whatever. Let's go," He takes out his phone to text Lianghui that he's leaving. He stands up and follows Seungcheol out.

"What about your date?"

"Fuck her. She's a cunt, anyways. She's from another school and I only asked her out to ditch her like she did to a friend of mine that genuinely liked her." Seungcheol doesn't say anything.

They get outside and Junhui sighs, staring at Mingyu who wad trying to calm down Chan. He hesitantly walks over to the two and squats down besides Mingyu. Junhui taps his shoulder.

Mingyu looks at him. "What do you want?" He grumbles, trying to sound as angry as possible.

"God, Mingyu, I just want to apologize to him." Chan pulls himself from his uncle's chest, turning his head to stare at Junhui. The Chinese male reaches out to him. Chan flinches, but lets Junhui wipe his tears. "Come on," he whispers. Chan stands up and Junhui walks over to the side of the building so that it's more private. Seungcheol, Joshua, and Mingyu watch.

"I'm sorry for making you cry and stuff..." Junhui says, rubbing his nape while avoiding eye contact.

"I-I mean it wasn't mainly you-your fault... I-I know y-you were t-trying to just c-clear things up... I w-was the one t-that got u-upset." When Junhui's looks at Chan, the younger was staring down at his hands. He frowns, taking his hands in his own.

"Please look at me..." Junhui whispers, just loud enough for Chan to hear. Chan finally raises his head, his eyes still watery. "I know when your feelings make you do something you didn't really want to and it kind of sucks. You react on like an impulse and it isn't your fault. You can't help this type of feeling, too. I don't want to date you now, mainly because I don't want to possibly mess up the friendship you have with Lianghui and I. You're a good person, Chan. Let's slowly make our way into it, okay?"

Chan nods, looking back down at their hands. "I can't say I like you yet since we don't exactly talk a lot, but we can... we can get there."

"You don't have to give me a chance out of pity, you know..." Chan says, sniffling. "If you really don't want to do this, you don't have to. I don't want something that's forced."

"I'm not forcing anything." Junhui reassures. He rubs the back of Chan's hands with his thumbs and Chan looks up at him. "I'm not forcing anything, Chan. I want to do this," They stare at each other for a while before Junhui pulls Chan into a tight hug. "I'm sorry for getting so frustrated earlier."

The younger hugs back, "It's okay. You've cleared things up now."

They both stay silent, Chan listening to Junhui's calming heartbeat. He sighs in relief, burying his face into the older's chest before shutting his eyes.

Seungcheol turns around to stare at Mingyu. The male seemed to be a lot less angry and finally simmered down. Seungcheol sits down next to him and pats his shoulder. "He's growing up, Seungcheol. What am I supposed to tell his mom?" He looks at the older and Seungcheol just laughs. "Don't laugh—this is serious!" He turns to face Joshua. "Why are you laughing?! He's your nephew, too!"

"You're panicking for no reason!" Joshua grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him.

"But look at Chan! I told his mother that he—oh my god, Shua! He's fourteen but he acts like a grown man!"

"Mingyu, calm down."



"Ah." Seungcheol just continues to laugh at Mingyu's random noises.

so today i had to lie to my friend trey bc he almost guess what guy cut me off (aka my crush) bc he wanted to fight him and i like fucking BEGGED him to let it go bc ik its gonna make shit so much worse and literally patrick only has like one more year and im not trynna give him hell??

and i tried to get trey to pinky promise but fatass daren was like "thats a stubby ass pinky" :)))

and another funny thing today was when i walked downstairs and i saw patrick he like was abt to step on but we made eye contact so he moved away and like went to the other stair case djdjsj what did i ever do to deserve this mdndjdjsf

and catherine wants to fcjing fight him too and UDHDHSJ GOD

hows ur guys' day

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