
By highfairyy

2.4M 76.9K 54.6K

❝ suddenly i'm drowning in the things i never told you.❞ ✵ A story where a seventeen year old girl moves int... More



38.3K 1.2K 1.1K
By highfairyy

Hey!! I missed you guys (:

I'm going to start doing shoutouts again, so if you want a shoutout all you have to do is comment or message me a goal you have for 2018! (:

Vote - Comment - Share (If you wanna but I'd appreciate it if you did. But you don't have to. But please do.)


Thalia Lively

I watched as James scanned the Diner, looking for familiar faces, his careless eyes inevitably landing on Nathan's stone cold ones. My breath got stuck in my throat as I watched Nathan's usual relaxed expression turn into one of pure hatred. His eyes looked empty, all emotion pushed to the back of his mind, only keeping anger flowing around inside of him. Nathan took a dangerous step towards James, only to be held in place by Carter.

Carter put a hand on Nathan's shoulders, speaking to him lowly and with all the loud conversations and ruckus going around the Diner, it was hard to hear the two. I looked back at Maya and Emery who were paying no mind to Nathan, they sat contently while drawing and colouring on a few pages Riley must've got for them. Riley looked up at me and then to James, her eyes widening. I had a feeling in my gut that this wasn't going to end good.

I could already tell Nathan and James had a long history, especially remembering that scene in the parking lot, when we were at the football game. I remember the murderous look in Nathan's eyes, the same look that is expressed on his face currently. I wasn't sure what to do, but Carter seemed to be taking control of the situation. Emmett stood guard, staying just a few steps in front of Nathan and Carter, keeping his eyes on James and his crew. Ethan took a few steps closer to where Riley, the girls and I were, almost like he made us his first priority if something were to go wrong. Austin stuck around behind Nathan.

It was like they were protecting James from Nathan, rather than protecting Nathan. The boys didn't have to think twice before they dropped everything and stood on guard, ready to stand beside Nathan's side. It was so intriguing to watch, I've never seen a connection as strong as their's.

My eyes snapped to see Nathan's reaction when I saw James finally look at Nathan with a mischievous grin. There was a certain darkness that pooled around in James' eyes, he practically radiated a dangerous aura. This was the first time I was really taking a good look at him, understandably so, since I didn't really have time to pay attention to every detail when he threw me around like a rag doll. He walked towards one of the tables at the front, while we sat in the back. He was wearing a black jacket, black jeans and black boots. He didn't look a quarter as good as Nathan did, not matter what he was wearing. Nathan was slightly taller, but that didn't matter since they both were skyscrapers. Nathan was more built, while James was lacking in the muscle department.

Something told me that James wasn't the one who fought, my eyes trailed off to his friends— who looked more like bodyguards if you ask me.

"Move." My head snapped to Nathan who was speaking louder than before as his voice hit my hearing harshly. He growled out to Carter who was struggling to keep him in place as Nathan was pushing him away.

"Stop, you're going to cause a scene." Carter said while looking around at the few stares that were being sent Nathan's way. I saw some people sink into their seats and their gazes flew away from Nathan once his unforgiving eyes snapped towards them. My heart started beating faster as I saw James chuckling in our direction, and I knew Nathan caught it too. Carter didn't seem to care about everyone else's stares though, his eyes flickered to Maya and Emery and staying on them until Nathan realized the fact that his little sisters are here too.

A few seconds passed by and Nathan didn't say another word, and that worried me even more. His silence was enough to stir up my nervousness, it was like he was calculating his options. He could go over to James and beat him senseless, or he could stay put and wait until he isn't the presence of anyone other than James and himself. I preferred neither of those options.

"Why's Nathan so mad?" Riley asked Ethan who sighed deeply, keeping his eyes trained on Nathan. "I mean I understand the whole Thalia and James situation got him angry but he looks like he wants to murder him." She forced a chuckle nervously, playing with the ends of her long sleeve shirt. I knew Riley hated fights, I saw it on her face that night of the party.

Ethan looked at me but I was too busy looking back and forth from James and Nathan. I could feel Ethan's eyes on the side of my face but I didn't bother looking back at him. "They go way back, but an incident happened a little over a year ago that caused chaos on both sides. That incident costed us a friend, and they lost someone too. It's just never been the same since." Ethan started off by saying. My eyes narrowed when I heard the 'a little over a year ago incident' part, my heart stopping for a second as I thought of my own tragedy.

"Nathan was never really one to become friends with everyone, he only stuck by a few people. He's huge on loyalty, respect, honesty but most importantly, family. James double crossed him numerous of times but when he started to attack his family, Nathan lost it." Ethan's voice turned angry near the end but he quickly recovered and looked back at Riley. "The Thalia situation added onto his built up anger. James will be lucky if Nathan leaves him with the ability to still walk after this."

"Attack his family?" I questioned, my eyes snapping to Emery and Riley who blocked us out as they talked among themselves. Ethan followed my gaze and shook his head.

"Once you get close enough, he considers you family, blood related or not. He hasn't let anyone in since the incident though, he's never been the same either. The person we lost," Ethan paused, looking down. "— that was the last person he's ever trusted, and that was the last time he let anyone in again. That guy right there, has lost more than you know, not even including the incident." It was my turn to look down and avoid everyone's gaze. I suddenly felt like running up to Nathan and hugging him, but I also felt like pushing Carter away so Nathan could go ruin James' stupid, cocky face. I looked at Nathan who was clenching his jaw in anger, almost like if he forced his jaw shut it would stop him from saying something he wouldn't mean to Carter. His hooded eyes were watching James observantly, almost waiting for him to make a move.

"But recently," Ethan continued talking and I stayed silent, wanting more and more information, weirdly enough. "He's been acting like the same Nathan we grew up with. He doesn't seem so tense and on guard every second of the day, he's not his usual brooding self." I felt Ethan look at me and I turned to look back at him. Ethan seemed to have calculated something in his head as he looked at me.

"What?" I asked, wondering why Ethan had a small smile break out onto his face. It seemed like he had found the solution but I stood before him oblivious as hell.

"Nothing." He shook his head as he spoke softly, still keeping a grin on his face. I squinted my eyes at him and he looked at me from the side then back at Nathan.

"Excuse you." The three of us turned to look at Maya who spoke loudly to catch our attention. She tried pushing Ethan out of her way and I chuckled when she looked up at Ethan with a huff.

"You mean, 'excuse me?'" Ethan questioned amusingly.

"No, why would I excuse myself? How about you excuse yourself from my way, please and thank you." My eyebrows shot up at Maya's sass towards Ethan, making Riley burst out laughing at Ethan's appalled face. He stared down at her which only made her stare back at him blankly.

"Ethan." Maya whined, attempting to push him but to no avail, Ethan didn't move— well not until she gave him the puppy dog eyes. He sighed in defeat and then picked her up, holding her while he covered her cheek in kisses.

"Where do you wanna go, princess." Ethan asked her and she grabbed Ethan's head with her small hands, getting close to Ethan's face.

"Mission, take me to Nathan is on, solider." She said to him commandingly but it came out adorably in her soft voice. Ethan chuckled hesitantly, knowing he couldn't take her to Nathan while Nathan was busy at the moment.

"Why is it always Nathan? Why can't you just spend time with me for once? Have you replaced me?" Ethan looked down, feigning being hurt. Maya's panicked eyes met mine, then she looked back at Ethan worriedly. Ethan looked up with a smile on his face as he started tickling her. "I'm just kidding."

"Don't do that, E." Maya complained, huffing. Her round hazel eyes tried looking around for Nathan but failing when Ethan noticed and turned her the opposite way. Everyone knew that none of us were going to let Maya and Emery see Nathan in this state, we wouldn't allow them to have that image of their older brother. They look up to him, and having them see Nathan so angry and full of hate, wasn't going to happen.

"Do you guys want some ice cream? There's this really good place just across the street and while we're at it, we can do a little shopping in the stores around here." Riley spoke, also realizing that Maya and Emery needed to be taken out of this environment. Riley, herself, also didn't seem comfortable being here anymore, the nervousness she was getting from the boys being on guard was throwing her off. I could see right through her.

"Yes!" Emery and Maya squealed at Riley, both of them smiling excitedly. Maya forgot all about Nathan as she reached for Riley, wanting to take her up on her offer. Ethan handed Maya over to Riley and Riley held her while holding Emery's hand. She sent me a nod and left out of the side door.

"You should leave too." Ethan said to me, not looking at me though as he kept his eyes on Megan who was stalking over to James slowly. My eyebrows furrowed, and my eyes narrowed at her retreating back. What the hell is she up to?

I knew I couldn't trust her from the beginning, there's something off about her and I felt it from the moment I met her. I don't trust her and never will— and her current actions are giving me the more reason not to like her. There just something about that grin she does, or maybe it's the evil glint in her eyes, I don't know but I do know that Nathan doesn't see it. He watched her walk over to him and there was no waver in his glance, no confusion, no nothing. He trusted her, a little too much.

It was getting dark outside and it'll only take a couple minutes until the full grey sky turns black. People noticed that too and some started leaving the diner, finishing up their meals. Carter looked over at me and nodded towards the door, giving me a warning look. I shook my head at him disobediently, not following through with his request. I wasn't leaving and that was shocking myself in the process, why did I care enough to stay? This isn't about me, this something personal between the two groups, but my feet remained planted in my spot. They refused to move, as if my mind wasn't enough to convince them.

Megan and James talked to each other, then Megan turns around ever-so-subtly and glances my way, the mischievous grin on her face going great with James peering eyes. I kept a blank stare and didn't bother looking away, we had a stare down, neither of us backing down. I could see her kissing her teeth, finally looking away but this time towards Nathan. I felt this pull inside of me to go stand next to Nathan, not liking the way she scanned him up and down.

"You don't like her either, I assume." Ethan said beside me, also keeping his trained on Megan.

"There's something about her, I don't know what it is, but—" Ethan cut me off with a short laugh.

"But it feels like she's Satan's spawn? Trust me, I know what you mean. There's something off about her, especially with that creepy look in her eyes." Ethan practically shivered as he looked back at her, tearing his eyes away seconds after. I wasn't able to respond when her group of friends stood up so suddenly and my attention was forced onto them. Megan smirked as she walked back to her table, grazing Nathan's shoulder in the process. Nathan didn't seem to pay any attention to her as his phone starting ringing and he picked it up angrily. He walked away from Carter and went somewhere in the back rooms.

I had the urge to follow him, curiosity consuming my entire being but I stayed next Ethan nonetheless. Carter looked over at Ethan and I and nodded his head towards Nathan, silently telling Ethan to go with him. Ethan looked over at me hesitantly but I shook my head.

"Go, I'll be fine." I said to him, giving my best convincing voice.

"It's not you I'm worried about," he looked back at Megan then at me again. "I really think you should go with Riley or maybe even home, Thalia." Ethan begged with his eyes but I looked away at towards Carter who waiting impatiently.

"I'm staying, now go." I said while keeping my eyes on Emmett and Austin who stood next to each other, looking around the diner calmly. Ethan let out a grunt, giving me one last look that screamed 'be careful' before he walked over to Carter. Carter and Ethan walked out towards the back and I didn't have enough time to turn around fully before I felt someone's presence behind me.

"New girl, new girl, new girl." I rolled my eyes at Megan's voice and gave her a deadpan stare while she tsk'ed at me. Her friends stood behind her confidently, eyeing me warily.

"You know, it's really cute." I looked at her confusingly, not understanding what she meant by that. She noticed my confusion and continued. "You know, the way you look at Nathan like a lost puppy, one that's craving attention." Her friends chuckled and she smiled sweetly at me.

I didn't bother responding, instead I just looked her dead in her eyes and calmly stood before her, letting her continue playing this game. I knew what she was doing, I'm not stupid.

"What? Cat caught your tongue? You know I'm right, and you know that he'll never want someone like you." She looked me up and down in distaste, finally meeting my humoured eyes. Once she saw that I found amusement in this little segment where she tries to make me go running for the hills, she glared at me as if it would make me cower. "Listen to me, I won't repeat myself. You're getting yourself involved in something that doesn't concern you, now leave before I make you. Nathan doesn't care about you, stop chasing him around, you look pathetic." She spat every word at me but only one stuck.


I hummed and nodded my head slowly, my gaze not wavering one bit but the word echoed in my head— however in different context. The context she used it in, meant nothing to me but it still stuck. Pathetic. I'm pathetic. It didn't register in my head yet that it was Megan who was saying this to me. I'm, the pathetic one?

"But lucky for you, your little friend Riley is even more pathetic than you." I paused as she chuckled. "I mean, you might have something going for you but that girl is as pathetic as it gets. And I caught onto to the way she looks at Emmett, what a loser. You're both stupid for thinking guys like that would ever want girls like you two. You're both ugly—"

"Excuse me?" I bit the inside of my lip angrily, my body itching to fight her for using Riley's name in such a foul way. "The fuck are you rats laughing at?" I said to her useless friends that had no voice, they just followed Megan around blindly. They stopped laughing as they flinched at my harsh question.

I looked back at Megan, wanting to do nothing more than to give her, her own medicine. "I don't know who the fuck you think are talking about Riley like that. Go ahead and insult me but never fucking talk about Riley again." I got closer to her, venom spewing into every word I spoke.

She smirked at me, having to look up at me slightly as I was the taller one. "What are you going to do about it?" She said, allowing a smile to grace her face afterwards.

I chuckled and looked away for a second, then met her eyes once again. "You don't want to find out, trust me. You may have your little crew of rats to listen to you, they're the pathetic ones here. I mean, come on, they kiss your ass. They're the ones following you around like a lost puppy and just because they bow down to you, doesn't mean I will.You're a manipulative little bitch, and by the looks of it, Nathan doesn't give a shit about you either." It was her turn to glare at me, and I continued. "I saw that little stunt you pulled back there, you're the only one craving attention here. Nice try coming over here to scare me away, as if it would work." I got even closer and she didn't back away, we were almost face to face, just a few steps away, as I matched her glare.

"With that being said, now you and I have a problem. I was going to let you go easily until you brought up Riley. What? She's the pathetic one? That's funny coming from you, at least she doesn't have to beg for anyone's attention." I wasn't going to let this one go. I thought her and Riley were friends, and I knew from the jump that she was just playing Riley.

"You little bitch—" I took another step as Megan spoke, interrupting her in the process.

"What are you going to do about it?" A smile spread itself on my face, but it left as quickly as it came when I saw her raise her head. I caught it before she could slap me. "You're going to regret that." She didn't have enough time to register my own arm about to swing, but someone else did.

I felt someone grab onto my arm and pull me away from Megan. I thrashed in the person arms, getting angry at the fact that they are the only thing stopping me from teaching that bitch a lesson.

"Hey, stop." Austin's voice hit my ears and I listened. He continued pulling me away from Megan and as he turned me the other way, I saw the cocky smirk on her face.

"What the fuck, Austin?" I said to him, shaking him off of me as I walked away from him, clearly angry at the fact that he had to stop me.

"Listen, I know she deserves it but—"

"There's no but's! She does deserve it so why did you have to pull me away?" I argued.

"There were seven of them and one of you." He reasoned and I stared blankly at him.

"You really think her bimbos would jump in? They barely even talk. I could take them too anyways." I said to him but he wasn't listening, instead he was looking around the diner, getting more and more frantic. I didn't realize why he was getting worried until it hit me too, almost everyone was gone and left the diner, and the boys were no where to be seen.

James was no where to be seen.

"Austin—" I started off but he was already running out of the door, and my legs followed him without my mind's consent. It didn't take us long to find everyone as we heard arguing coming from the very back of the diner's parking lot. We ran towards them, and the closer we got, the more I noticed the insanely expensive cars that were around. James stood face to face with Nathan, both of the boys having back up. Carter, Emmett, Ethan and now Austin stood behind Nathan.

No one noticed me yet however as I kept my distance. I wasn't sure what to do, they would want me to leave but I stayed put.

My heart started beating faster and faster as I stared at Nathan, I've never seen someone look so terrifying, his eyes held nothing. This was a new Nathan, one I wasn't accustomed to. He stood confidently and menacingly, as he faced James. The wind brushed past us, having its own fight around us. If I wasn't so focused on Nathan, the cold that was piercing at my skin would've made me run inside. But I didn't care about the cold, I cared about how badly this might turn out.

It was ten against five. It was uneven, again.

"Don't try something funny, Nate. I see the look in your eyes, be careful now." James said tauntingly, the cockiness never leaving his expression. He thinks he's already won, won whatever it is that's going on between them. This more than a fight, more than just a a 'I hate you', from what Ethan said, this was deeper than that.

"When is he getting out?" Nathan growled, his husky voice maintaining his cool, but not for long. His curly hair flew around his face but I don't even think he noticed the dangerously cold weather.

"Wouldn't you like to know." James grinned, looking up at Nathan, seeming to have the upper hand. He, however, did notice the cold as I saw him shiver. "I'll tell you what, you give me what I want—"

"What do you want? Huh? What fucking more do you want?" Emmett cut him off, keeping a close eye on James' bodyguards even though he was talking to James specifically.

"I should want all of you dead, but that would be too easy." The smirk was wiped off of James' face and a cold expression covered it instead. "I want you to suffer as much you made me suffer. I want you to beg for forgiveness, I want you to feel my pain!" James' said loudly, his harsh words hitting me, making me even more worried.

"Oh, fuck you!" Ethan said, attempting to attack but was held back by Carter. I was taken back by Ethan's hurt expression, I was even more taken back by his next sentence. "We weren't the ones that lost control of the car! It was you, you were the one that took everything from us! You killed him, you little bitch—" again, Carter held him back. My eyes widened at the new information and I suddenly felt like I was invading this personal conversation. As I made a move to walk away, the sounds of my footsteps were loud against the puddle under me, cutting through the silence that followed.

"Well, look what we have here." I froze and closed my eyes, knowing James was referring to me. I didn't want to turn around, mainly because I could feel Nathan's stare, and I didn't want to meet his empty eyes.

"Turn around, or don't, this view is good too." I heard James chuckle along with his friends, his serious expression long gone. I was convinced he was psychotic. Because of his statement, I turned around and faced him directly, ignoring the boy's. Ignoring Nathan. I've been caught and I know I was going be in shit for this.

James peered at me and took a step towards me but stopped when Nathan took a step with him, eyeing James dangerously. James looked between Nathan and I and he hummed in recognition as he came to conclusion.

"I see now." James chuckled, backing away from me with his hands up in surrender mode, looking at Nathan. "She's a pretty little thing, I must admit. Hold onto that Nathan, or you could send her into my direction, I don't mind." Nathan glared down at him but I was the one sinking back. I cursed at myself mentally, knowing I might have caused something bad.

"She has nothing to do with this." Nathan's forced calm tone hit my ears once again and I flinched, knowing that I played a small part in his anger.

James nodded slowly, but amusingly, turning to me again. "I do apologize for being a bit too violent that night, you were just collateral damage. If your little boyfriend here didn't piss me off, it might have been a different story."

I cringed back at his words, disgusted by him entirely. I was about to speak until Nathan's voice spoke before me.

"Don't you ever fucking touch or even look at her again." James smirked at nathan's outburst, looking somewhat accomplished.

"Oh, but why not? You can't possibly keep her all to yourself, I mean those legs, damn." He let out a 'mhmmm' as he scanned my figure up and down, making me want to gag. Nathan was about to make a move until Carter put out a hand before him and said something to him lowly.

"She is not be involved, we barely even know her." Carter said confidently and I stared at him silently. My heart beating faster and faster but stopping for a second after his sentence. We barely even know her.

"Nathan is telling me otherwise. Do you know her Nate? Huh?" James pried. When Nathan didn't respond he continued and I wish he hadn't. James purses his lips and thought for a second, taking in Nathan's silence. "Answer the question Nate, do you know her? Does she meaning anything to you?"

I could see Nathan clench his jaw tightly, even through the darkness and I, along with James, awaited for his answer.

"Don't make me ask again." James spat out, not liking how long it's taking Nathan to answer.

"No." Nathan finally said, his face not revealing anything.

"No what?" James pushed even further.

"No, I don't know her or care for her. Like you said, she's just collateral damage, but she's not to be involved. Let her go and handle this with me and me only." My heart stopped entirely, whilst James chuckled.

"Shame for you, she must be great in bed. Lost your chance." James shrugged and tried walking to me by Nathan grabbed his shirt and glared down at him, not letting him move. "Ah, now I know you didn't just lie to me." James said, eyeing Nathan.

"I didn't lie, she means nothing to me but I don't have time for your bullshit. When the fuck does he get out?" Nathan growled to James who pushed him away, now getting angry.

"You know, you're getting on my last nerves. He's getting out soon and he's coming for you, and I can't wait for that day so I could see him kill you. See your soul leave your body as I stare into your eyes, just like I did with—"

And then, all hell broke loose.


{ not edited }


This chapter is honestly so sloppy to me, I have no idea where I was going with it but it happened so I hope you guys liked it anyways. I'm sorry for the late update again but I'm going to get better (disregard the fact that I said that a hundred times before)

Thank you guys so much for 300K, you guys are unbelievable and I want to hug all of you to death.

Thank you so much for reading, it means the world.

me ^ hiding from you guys after this chapter

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