Me? Love? -Adopted by Hamilton

By 9pinkypie9

76.8K 1.5K 1.1K

'I don't need your pity!' She signed as she jumped up and ran from him. 'None of you want me well that's fine... More

What the...
Another one.
What's up?
Time Will Tell
Untitled Part 10
The guys
Night turning into Day
Hospital visit #2
Schuyler Sisters
Come On
Story time Part 2
Oh gosh
Untitled Part 29
Sorry guys A/N
Freak Out
Oh no
Stay Alive
More Time
Waking up
Getting there
No...why me?


1.1K 27 17
By 9pinkypie9

Liv's POV

I jump up really early and get ready. I got dressed in short overalls with a black shirt and white leather punk boots. I tied a flannel around my waist. This is a new look and I like it very much. Simply and cool. Today the entire cast is going to six flags. I've never been to an amusement park this big mostly just the fair nothing big. I was scared but the thought was interesting. Besides after waking up so many times at night I'm to tired too torture myself again.

I get dressed and mess around on my laptop for an hour until a very excited Lin busted into my room. I jumped as the door flies open. "Are you ready for an awesome fun day of rides, junk food, and fun." Lin basically screamed while I had my hand covering my face. "I'm sorry sweetheart." He says and hugs me and I just smile at his childlike behavior.

After we get ready and eat breakfast our phones start blowing up. Vanessa and Seb have like three different appointments so they couldn't come but I think it's because she can't handle the entire cast at once. We race down the stairs to see the Hamilton bus right outside the building. We both jump in to the cast already there. This bus was huge. It's bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. "Hey kiddo!" I was greeted by Leslie. I was then crushed by the sisters hugs. "OML we missed you so much. Are you excited?" Jazzy asked as she crushed me in her bear hug. I mouth 'can't breath' and she releases me from her grip.

"My bad squirt." She said as she pulled me to sit between her and Ant. I look at Lin and back at Ant. "You stole my smol child." Lin pouts and Ant hugs me and says, "Mwahaha yes and she ours now." I just smile and everyone else laughs when Lin screams and dramatically falls to the floor.


we made it to the park and everyone was excited. It's a Tuesday morning so no one would be here because work. We pretty much had the park to ourselves. Right as we get in the ensemble split up and went to different rides and/or stores. We were meeting up for lunch in a few hours. "So what do you want to do squirt?" Oak asked me as he lifted me onto his shoulders. I may be 14 but I could easily be mistaken for 11. I look around and just shrug. After a few minutes we hear Groff gasp and we all look in his direction. "Let's ride the daredevil." He says and points at a ride that is just a giant circle. 

We all get on the ride and fill up about half the ride. I'm sitting next to Renee  with Pippa and Jazzy sitting across from us. The ride wasn't as bad as you would thing. This was a good start to a day full of rides. By the time we got off we were more hyped than we were before. I run to Daveed and jump on his back. He picks me up and we run to the next ride with Lin chasing behind us. He is such a child.

We rode about 5 more rides until we found the laser tag. It was huge. we got in and Lin and Leslie were team captains. The teams were Lin, Ant, Pippa, Groff, Renee, Jazzy, Chris and I and the other team was Leslie, Oak, Daveed, Thayne, Javi, Alex, and Andrew. After we picked out teams and went into the arena the game started. The whole point of this game is to attack the base and shoot the others team members. 

Lin and I were off first. There were lots of great hiding places. I made my way to the base while Lin distracted the other team. I watched as he made it very clear he was there. I made it to the base and no one was there. I take down the base and turn around to see Oak and Daveed behind me. They smirk and I smile then pout. I waited for them to shoot me but it never came. "LIN! We have a hostage." Daveed yells and I smile then act distressed. Lin laughed but then said, "I'll save you princess. Just give me some time." He retreats back to the base and I smile and sit down. Oak sits in front of me like a guard while Daveed left.

After a few minutes of waiting my team totally invaded the base. It was like it those old movies were each team charges at each other. A few got shoot but most were good. Ant picked me up and took me back to my base. I smile and watched him go back to the 'war' and I see Lin coming back. I got up and was about to run to him until Thayne hit me. Lin rushed to myside and I fell like I actually got shot. He laughed and then said, " I will avenge you princess." I'm practically dead at this point from 'laughter' I was doing my shoulder shake laugh but no sound. 

Lin goes back to the group and I sneak around the sides. I nail almost every player until Leslie hit me. "She is like a ninja." I heard Leslie say and Lin said, "Go my tiny ninja." Everyone is dying of laughter and I run back to the base. By the time I get there we all hear the buzzer and the game is over. We all exit the arena and check our scores. We won by a few points but it was all in good fun. By this time it's time to meet the rest of the cast and head back to the theatre. We ate at the rainforest café and had an amazing day. This has been such an amazing day with the best people in the world. 

UNEDITED I decided to write a happy chapter because shit is about to go down. I hop you guys enjoyed this chapter and please comment and give me feedback. Thanks guys you know I love you don't forget to vote. Love Yall ;)

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