My Boss's Son »L.s.«

By 1d_potterhead3

11.8K 625 117

*Completed* Might seem boring but it's really not *p.s.- never judge a book by its cover* More

Author's Note (Must Read)
My Boss's Son ~ A Larry Stylinson Fan-fic
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
Author's Note
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Author's note~

~Chapter 11~

372 25 6
By 1d_potterhead3

" on a whole it was a amazing outing! And he is such a nice guy! No offence but he is a complete opposite of what you think he is...He is not at all like those other kids of rich fathers you know? I can bet that you will love him once you got to know him!" Harry said while serving Liam and Zayn tea and cookies in his house, he really wouldn't let any of his servants work that much.

"I don't know..I am still not sure..he seems stuck up..." Liam said,

"That's because you haven't talked to him yet! Promise me you will try please? I don't want you to hate him, it will just make it hard for me to love him...At least try? Promise me you will in the coming party?"

"Alright if it means that much to you I will try...."

"Thank you....what are you thinking Zayn?" Harry asked, 

"Okay, let me get this straight, He called you gorgeous and was asking about your current girlfriend?" Zayn asked gesturing with his hands, while Liam was just sitting by him eating cookies and thinking something very seriously.

"Yes. But I don't think-"

"And did you ask him if he's seeing anyone or not?" Zayn said, not paying any attention to what Harry was about to say.

"I was so awkward!" Harry said,

"You just lost a chance mate!" Zayn said shaking his head.

"I don't think this is gonna happen,-"

"Why?" Zayn said,

"Because he seemed quite insulted when that lady assumed us as gay couple." Harry said, 

"I was about to get on that..." Liam said. Harry sighed looking down,

"It's just...I like him so much...I don't remember feeling like this for anyone else.....ever!" He said, "It all seemed so good before you know? Whenever I looked at his pen, I used to think, how someday I am gonna meet this person and say every thing that I say in my dreams every night, and how he will just look at me listening to every single word I am saying, with his bright blue eyes wide open till I lean in to kiss him and how he's gonna close them slowly and kiss me back.  It never occurred to me that this might happen, the thought of him not being gay never crossed my mind, and you know what? I don't think he is straight, he just never met the right boy." Harry said, while Zayn and Liam were listening to everything.

"May be you are that right person..." Liam said,

"I don't know....I just don't know anything right now....," Harry sighed, "More cookies?" He said and left before they could say anything. Liam and Zayn just sat there looking at each other, no one knew what to say.

"I am so lucky to have you..." Liam said slowly,

"I too.." Zayn said before leaning in to kiss him.


"HEY LOUIS! What are you-"

"What the hell! Why does every one keeps barging in without knock-" Louis said, without looking up, "Hey! When did you come back!?" Louis said.

"Last night and Please tell me you were not reading that old piece of paper again." Niall said as he hugged Louis.

"It just makes me feel good," Louis argued,

"How can you be that vein?" Niall said,

"It's  not that...It's just, I can feel the purity of this girl's heart by her words...I so wanna meet this person." Louis said with a sigh.

"It's about to be three years mate, c'mon get over that it just feels so weird even to say it!" Niall said,

"I are right...but...what do I do?" 

"You certainly can't wait for her for another 3 years...come on! This is so hopeless...I don't think it's even worth need to have a real girlfriend mate." 

"I guess..." Louis said shrugging his shoulders.

"Now, show me the apartment..I am dying to see it!" Niall said pulling Louis...

"Oh! Right!" Louis said and they both walked out happily.


"WOAH! This is....wonderful!" Niall said as he walked around the huge apartment.

"I know right?" Louis said with a smirk.

"I am gonna love hanging out here with you!" Niall said, "Nice choice mate, I have heard choosing the right place to live is a headache can't believe you did it alone." Niall said,

"Well, Not exactly alone...." Louis said rubbing the back of his head, "Harry was with me..."

"Who? The new guy?" Niall said,


"So he helped you?"

"Yes...he was with me all along, trust me Niall he is so amazing, he is more smart than he seems."

"Someone's making new friends I guess..." Niall teased,

"You too are gonna love him, he is fun, understanding, helpful and above all you can easily hold a conversation with him, we talked a lot, and I don't have those sort of deep talks with anyone else but you..." Louis said,

"If that's true I would love to meet him..., Do you wanna go back Or we can just hang out here..."

"Wanna play video games?" Louis said with a playful smile,

"Only if I get to win.." Niall said,

"You wish, loser...." Louis said as he walked to get his Xbox out.


"How do I look?" Harry asked nervously,

"For the tenth time today, you look fine Harry...would you stop now?" Liam said,

"Someone's nervous to see his boyfriend in party....I think that's cute.." Zayn teased.

"Shut up..He is not my boyfriend.."

"Yet.." Zayn added.

Harry just shook his head and blushed.

"I think we should leave now," Liam said looking at his watch.

They nodded.


"There comes my favourite people from office! Happy Halloween!" Mark said as he welcomed Harry, Zayn and Liam. He was really unlike the other bosses. He was sot of Boss who actually gives an informal Halloween party. He was more of a fatherly figure to everyone, he was fun, smart and he knew exactly how to keep his employs happy, may that was the reason Poulston was such a success.

"Happy Halloween Sir.." They said,

"Really? I thought your favourite person in office was me! That was a bummer!" Louis said as he appeared from behind Mark and made Harry's heart skip a beat.

"Oh! Son, C'mon, you know you are my most favourite person in the whole world, except your mom of course." He said wrapping his arm around Louis'shoulder.

"I know, I was kidding, Hello everyone!"

"Okay, I am gonna leave you kids alone...have fun!" Mark said as he left to where his friends were standing.

"Happy Halloween, Louis" Harry said after Zayn nudged him to say something with his elbow.

"You too are you? and Zayn? Let us get something to drink, Niall's about to be here too." Louis said as he directed them to follow him.

"Bugger!" Liam scoffed,

" said you will try.." Harry said,

"I will! But it's quite hard when I am invisible to his bloody eyes!"

"Don't say a word against the eyes!"

"Will you two stop!?" Zayn said,

All three of them were whispering, Louis couldn't hear what they were saying but he certainly heard the whispers, and just heard what Zayn said,

"What's going on?" Louis asked Harry and Liam,

"Nothing....uh....we were just discussing don't have any interest in soccer? Do you?" Liam said, assuming Louis as the boring type who wouldn't be knowing a thing about soccer and this will avoid the further questions. This was a smart move on Liam's side but,

"You bet I do! I think I am the biggest fan of soccer here!" Louis said clapping his hands together,

"No way...get out...Really?" Liam said with a squeaky tone,

"So, tell me what were you discussing?" Louis asked rubbing his hands. Liam swallowed a lump. while Zayn was looking at both of them with a smirk, an Harry, he was was just looking at Liam's face with his eyes full of hope and fear, he has turned all red and was stocking his tongue out every now and then along with moving his hands in his curls.

"Tell him Liam..." Harry finally stammered.

"Well...He was saying that Wayne Rooney is way too overrated and David Beckham is the one who's actually deserving and I said I believe the opposite..and-"

"Wayne Rooney is overrated? Have you lost your mind!?" Louis said looking at Harry,

"That's exactly what I said, have you lost your mind?" Liam said,

"I don't tell me?" Harry said giving Liam the stink eye.

"Well, I think Rooney is more of a team player than Beckham." Louis said,

"I think I have to agree on that...." Harry said.

"I didn't know you were a soccer fan, Liam?" Louis said as he took a sip from his bear and started to walk towards a bunch of chairs to sit and talk..

"Oh no I am...a huge the way, what do you think of Rashford's technique...." Liam as he walked with Louis and became inaudible to Zayn and Harry.

"I. Cannot. Believe. This.!" Harry said,

"Me too! It's all your fault!" Zayn said,


"Yes! You were the one wanting them to get along and now look at my boyfriend forgetting my existence!"

" least you are going home with him! I am going to wave goodbye to the person I love who doesn't even know I love him! At least you can call him your 'boyfriend' I didn't even know his name for 2 years!" Harry said, and Zayn looked at him for a while,

"Alright you won...I think we should join them..."

"What's the point he thinks of me as the dumb person who thinks his favourite team player is overrated, thanks to your "Boyfriend""

"Shut up and come with me" Zayn said as he pulled Harry to where Louis and Liam were sitting.

"...yup! I totally remember! That match was worth remembering right?" Liam said.

"Absolutely!" Louis responded, when Zayn and Harry joined them. They pulled chairs to sit with them, while Zayn gave Liam the stink eye.

"Excuse me, Can we have four drinks over here one with extra ice......" Louis asked the waiter nearby,

"By the way, its totally fine for abandoning us, honey." Zayn said faking a smile,

"Oh! I am so sorry...It's just...Louis is amazing!" Liam said,

"I know, right..?" Harry mumbled in half angry tone.


"I ordered four drinks, does anyone need anything else?" Louis said sitting back at his seat.

"No thanks...." Harry said smiling.

They again started talking about their favourite players and matches.

Harry pulled out his mobile and texted Zayn,

What the hell is going on here! Do something!

Chill! Give me a minute! Although one thing's that's clear is Liam's gonna sleep on couch!

Came his reply a couple of moments later.

And I am sleeping alone on my cold bed! Harry replied,

Be ready...bye Zayn texted before getting up.

"I will be right back..." He said as he gestured Liam to come with him.

"Uh...I- I will...uh join you..." Liam said getting up and left.

Harry watched both of them leave. He knew he was alone with Louis now, he knew he was sitting right in front of him, looking at him probably,he knew this was the best chance but he wasn't ready, he didn't have the courage to turn around.

"What are you looking at?" Louis said making Harry almost jump in his seat.

" have got a great house here...can't believe you left this to live in an apartment." Harry said the first things came to his mind.

" was a tough a decision for sure...." Louis said looking around at his big his dad's big mansion.

"I am glad you took it..." Harry said, sensing the regret in Louis'tone.

"Yeah? Actually me too...I am quite exited to live alone..." Louis said looking at Harry..

Harry nodded.

"Do you want a tour of the house?" Louis said noticing how Harry can't get his eyes of the house although that was completely different reason that he didn't know.

"Uh...okay sure!" Harry said. They both got up and left. Harry looked back at Liam and Zayn who were grinning at him with thumbs up.

"and...this used to be my room." Louis said, entering a huge room.

"Woah! It's.....huge...." Harry said looking around.

"I know...I had greatest of memories in this room..." Louis said with a sigh sitting down at bed, gesturing Harry to sit down as well.

"How's it going so far?" Harry asked trying to make him feel good about his decision,

"Well...quite good except that I burned my breakfast yesterday and forgot to make dinner." Louis said rubbing the back of his head. This made Harry giggle.

"It's gonna be the way I didn't know you can cook..." Harry said,

"Oh I cannot..weren't you listening? It's almost the story of every day except the days I eat frozen food." Louis said,

"Oh dear! So how are you planning on having food?" Harry felt weird saying that.

"I can always order you know?" Louis said.

"Yes..but that is not healthy! You can learn how to cook instead." Harry said.

"But how? I mean I don't think I have time or energy after the end of day to take cooking classes with pretty girls in pink dresses..." Louis said making Harry chuckle...

"Okay..let me think...Hey! I can teach you!?" Harry said widening his eyes.

"You?" Louis asked looking at him...

"Yes...after the office will be fun and there won't be any pretty girls or pink dresses" Harry said making Louis chuckle.

"That is an idea...I will let you know..." Louis said,

"Is that you?" Harry said, gesturing to a photo frame placed by the bedside.

"Oh..yes..." Louis said as he looked where Harry was gesturing.

"Wow. You look really small..." Harry said,

"Uhh..well I was 6 yrs old, I guess...." Louis said as he picked up the frame and stared with shine in his eyes.

Harry looked closely, Louis wasn't looking as tall as a 6 yr old, however he was super cute like present. He was wearing a red t-shirt with a football printed on it, along with white shorts and sports shoes. He was looking incredibly happy and cheeky. There was a football in his one hand and there was beautiful young woman holding his other hand. She was smiling happily at the cameraman as well. She was wearing beautiful olive coloured dress. Harry thought she was beautiful.

"Isn't she?" Louis said dreamily, and may be Harry was thinking loudly.

There were a lot of questions popping up in Harry's mind. Harry wanted to ask, who she was. He guessed she was Louis' mom, but what if she was just a babysitter and if she was his mom, where is she now? Harry thought the best thing to do, would be to keep quiet. He didn't want to seem too nosy.

Louis kept looking at the frame a few more moments. Harry kept silent. He was just admiring how beautiful Louis was. Everything about him was charming, the way he was sitting, with his feet barely touching the ground, the way his tiny little fingers were holding the frame, the way his lips were curved into a beautiful smile and how bright his blue ocean eyes were shining with tears in them. Tears? Harry was a surprised, as well as anxious about what had happened? He was fine a couple of moments ago. what happened? What did Harry miss? Harry wanted to know what was troubling him.

"Lou?" Harry said as delicately as he could, while putting his hand gently on Louis' shoulder.

"Yeah? I am fine..." Louis said blinking a couple of times, trying not to let the tear drops fell.

"Are you sure? You can tell me..." Harry said softly with care and love in his emeralds.

"Nothing.....umm....a couple of weeks after this picture, my mom got admitted in hospital. She had cancer...and after 3 months of painful battle she lost it." Louis said, Harry didn't know how to react to this, he was sad sure, and he wanted make Louis feel better.

"I am's been quite a few years but whenever I miss her, I feel sad and lonely. This was our last picture together." Louis said smiling sadly,

"You both look happy..." Harry said with a sympathetic smile and a gentle squeeze on Louis' shoulder.

"We were..." Louis said smiling at Harry. Louis put the frame back to where it was.

"Are you fine?" Harry asked again.

"Oh yes..I me. She taught me to be strong." Louis said,

"Come one, let us join the party...cheer up.." Harry said getting up.

"Alright..." Louis said as he got up.

They both walked out of the house and entered the lawn where the party was still going on. Liam and Zayn were nowhere to be seen; but Harry didn't worry, he was happy Louis was with him. 

"Louis Fucking Tomlinson!" Somebody screamed, causing Louis and Harry both to turn quickly to find Niall standing, he was looking a bit upset.

"Where the hell were you! Where is your damn phone!" He said while walking towards him.

"Here only and in my pocket." Louis said a bit confused, while pulling out his mobile to find 6 missed calls from Niall, "Oh! It was silent I guess.." Louis said sheepishly.

"Why don't you throw it off the roof? It's useless in your case." Niall said folding his arms.

"Anyway, this is Harry Styles, my new friend and Harry, this Niall my best mate." 

"Oh! Hi, Nice to meet you." Harry said pulling his hand out to shake it with Niall's, while his mind was all new friend! His new friend! friend! A friend!

"Me too, have heard a lot from Louis about you." Niall said shaking his hand with Harry.

Harry chuckled and he had no idea why would he do that! 

"Why were you calling me anyway? What was so important?" Louis said turning towards Niall.

 "Amiara is here!" Niall said,

Who Amiara? Harry thought.

"Who Amiara?" Louis said,

"Amiara your girlfriend! Idiot!" Niall said,

His girlfriend? Harry thought,

"My girlfriend?" Louis asked.

"Yes! She is right there waiting for you! Come on now!" Niall said as he pulling Louis, and with a couple more seconds they were gone and Harry was standing alone. 

He tried to see where they were going and he saw a girl with dark black hair, tucked into a ponytail, waiting. She too seemed a bit upset, however a smile appeared on her face as she saw Louis. He walked close to her and kissed her. Harry could see how he was apologising. 

He felt something turn in his stomach, he was suddenly feeling sick. He couldn't finish the drink he was holding, and couldn't stand the music that was playing. He looked for Zayn and Liam and found them at the corner of the bar kissing. He walked up to them, however he couldn't feel his legs.

"I am leaving early guys, see you tomorrow." He said and left without answering to their hows and whys.


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