Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxb...

By ManicBookworm2021

77.2K 2.7K 183

Alex Danvers is a 26 year old maths teacher, at the start of his career, who should be having the time of his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors note/Update
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note

Chapter 20

1.4K 60 6
By ManicBookworm2021

September, 2017, Present Time
Photo: Reference to Aro's manic smile above.

Aro sets down the steaming plate of food in front of me and my nose twitches from the smell. The steak is done perfectly and the mashed potato looks creamy. "Aro, this looks good. Thanks." I grab a fork and dig in before he can say anything else. He sits opposite me, his fingers wrapped around the stem of his wine glass, watching me with hooded eyes.

I can't tell what he's thinking. Most likely about the fact that he almost strangled me just now before the food was done. He takes a deep gulp of wine and runs his tongue across his upper lip, teasing me, and I look away. "Stop trying to be sexy, you're distracting me." I snark and shovel mash into my mouth, while he sips wine and watches me closely.

"I have to admit, I have never cooked for anyone before." He looks impressed with himself to the point of smug and I almost roll my eyes. 'Ooh, goody goody for you, Gordon Ramsey. Fantastic, you cooked a meal.' Richard grunts in my ear and I stifle a laugh, but try to act like I'm listening and paying attention to our conversation.

"Really?" I challenge and he nods. "Yes. I have been immortal for so long and I have never had anyone that needed looking after." He shrugs. "What about your guards?" I argue through a mouthful of asparagus, which is really tasty by the way. He looks surprised by my question. "The guards? They can look after themselves. They're not children, Alex. They're full grown adults." He adds as if to back up his statement.

"Yeah, and you're the 'full grown' psychopathic killer that houses and shelters them from the dangerous humans, eh?" I tease and his lips lift in an amused smile - a genuine one- not the usual manic grin he has spread across his face daily. I feel a warm glow at the satisfaction of making him smile properly.

His deep red eyes bore into mine across the table and suddenly, I forget about my food and concentrate on his face. His face that seems to be made of marble, white and perfectly toned. His angular jawline that looks so sharp, I imagine my finger will bleed if I touch it.

And his lips, they're perfectly soft, and full, although I've only ever let him kiss my cheek, disgusted whenever he tries to kiss me anywhere else. Why didn't I let him kiss me properly? I look up at him, and although his mouth is still and unsmiling, his eyes are seductive and his stare is compelling, and I can't look away. He smiles then, a full smile baring his perfect straight white teeth.

His insanity comes through within that smile, and his eyes light up excitedly. He wiggles his eyebrows as an attempt to make me smile and I start eating my way back through my food again, desperate not to react positively to his joking around. "You should smile more, my dear. It will make you seem more attractive." He muses and I glare.

"Are yer saying that I'm ugly? Cause if that's how yer feel, then yer can fuck off and find some other crazy orphan to shack up with you." I warn but he just keeps smiling, that manic grin spreading across his face.

"My darling, once the mating bond is established, you will never want to leave my arms, never mind the castle." He says confidently, smiling all the more. His smug attitude makes me want to punch him.

'Don't mess up his pretty face, Alex.' Richard mocks and I flinch at his tone. Pretty face. Yes. He is good looking. 'He's more than that. He's a greek god.' Richard continues, blathering on.

'Greeeek goooood.' Sandee agrees and I huff in exasperation at the two of them. "What is this? Aro Apprectiation Day?" I grunt under my breath but Aro hears me and smiles. "Whoever you are deep in conversation with, I like them very much." He admits before pointing to my plate. "Finish your food." He demands and I sigh.

"Do this, do that. How" I mutter and he raises his eyebrows. "You dare to challenge me?" He sounds excited. Oh no. "Fuck's sake. Don't tell me you're going to start wrapping your hands around me neck again? You're making it into a habit." I point out, stabbing my steak and chewing obediently.

"Me neck?" He mocks. "It is 'my' neck. Not 'me'. Speak properly." He insists and I sit back in my seat, arms folded, staring at him.
"I'll say whatever the fuck I like, mate. I don't know why you think it's got anything the fuck to do with you." I snap, using full English slang just to confuse and infuriate him.

He growls then, low and feral, and I flinch. Carl appears then, standing by the kitchen window, looking out. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He tuts as if disappointed with me. "Why do I keep seeing you?" I ask, almost begging, which annoys the hell out of me.

He turns to smirk at me before turning back to the window. "It's barely six yet it's gone dark outside. It makes me confused. Like it's later than it actually is." He practically ignores what I've said which angers me.

"Carl, please? Why? Tell me why? Do you know what happened to make me lose my job? Tell me what happened. It's been almost a year and I still can't remember." I sob, and that's when Aro steps in.

"Alex, my dear, it's alright. Whoever is talking to you, ignore them. Concentrate on something else." He comes round to my side and places his hands on my shoulders, commandeering my attention onto him.

I look into his eyes. "He's right there!" I point without looking, but out of the corner of my eye, I can see Carl has disappeared again. Not that Aro would be able to see him anyway. Aro looks sympathetic.

"Just finish your dinner, Alex. I promised you when we met that we will figure out why you lost everything and we will get it back. I swear." He adds as a promise and I relax by a fraction.
"Okay." I sniffle and shakily reach for my fork, stabbing a piece of steak and starting to eat. It's ridiculously tender and falls apart in my mouth. "There." He soothes. "Isn't that much better?" He stays beside me, his hands rubbing my back and for once, I don't push him away.

At this point, I just need comfort, from anyone. It could be Blondie soothing me for all I care. Once my sobs disappear and my breathing gets back to normal, he takes his seat opposite me and finishes his wine. "Are you sure you don't want another glass?" He holds the bottle out to me as an offering but I shrug.

"I'm good." I finish off my food and push the plate away from me. "Thanks for the grub." I add with more slang to cheer myself up. He takes the plate and dumps it in the sink. "Grub?" He questions, frowning.

"Food." I smirk, and he nods with understanding. "I see. So, if I said...'police', what would you say?" He asks curiously and I almost laugh.

"Dickheads." I substitute and he smirks, his head tilted to the side. "Why do you hate them so much?" He comes around to my side. His fingers start reaching towards me, to caress me.

My shoulders hunch up around my ears and he sighs. His hand drops to his side. "They gave Olive twenty years for what she did to Jodie. She should have had life in prison." I grunt and his sympathetic face switches on. "My sweet, even if she did have to spend longer in there, it would not bring back your sister." He points out and I hate him for being right.

"I know that, you stupid fuck. It doesn't make me any less angry though." I get up from my seat and walk out of the kitchen.

He follows of course, and grabs my hand before I can stop it. A jolt of static goes through me and I yell, pulling away from him. "Fuck! What did you do?" I rub my hand gently and he sighs.

"It's called a bond, Alex. It happens." He summarises and reaches for me again, but I slap him away. "Don't you dare. I'll hit yer." I warn and he steps back, easing away. "Let me touch you, Alex." He demands and I roll my eyes, continuing down the hall at a brisk pace.

His steps are slow, yet easily he catches up with me, until he's walking alongside me. "You cannot ignore me." He warns though I smirk. "Well so far I'm doing an amazing job." I scoff under my breath but he hears.

"Alex..." He rushes at me and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, his lips against the nape of my neck. I shiver, my breath caught in my throat. "What are you..d..doing?" I stammer and he groans softly, pressing gentle kisses against my skin.

I stand frozen, not able to move, my feet rooted to the floor. "Aro, you have to stop." I beg, and his groans grow deeper. His arms tighten around my waist. "I'm not finished yet." He complains, but his voice is smooth and calm, not whiny or irritable.

"Aro. Stop." I gasp, as his lips reach my earlobe. He chuckles and spins me around to him so quickly I see stars. "Ah, fuck." I grab a hold of him for balance and he pins me against the wall. "Aro," I glance around frantically, terrified that someone will randomly materialise in this corridor and find us.

He chuckles again, and presses his body right against mine, so my front is pressed against his. He looks deep into my eyes and I have that sickening urge to look away again. Red versus blue. Vampire versus human. "Alex, you infuriate me." He admits and I shrug, trying to act indifferent although my heart is pounding and sharp, exciting feelings are forming in my trousers.

He notices and smiles. "You infuriate me." He repeats. "Let me kiss you." He grabs my chin with his slender fingers, and as usual, I turn my face to the side to avoid his lips on mine. "Alex." He grunts from exasperation. I turn to face him warily.

"If you want me to kiss you, you have to earn it." I announce, pushing our bodies apart. As he moves away, I feel his hardness brush against mine and it takes everything in me not to cry out from excitement.

I pull myself together and take deep breaths. "If you want me to kiss you, like, really kiss you, then you have to earn it." I add and he listens carefully. "Cooking me a meal and then pinning me against a wall doesn't cut it." I conclude and I start walking back to Aro's room.

"You remember where our room is?" He sounds happy about it, which almost irritates me. I turn to face him. "It's not 'our' room. It's yours. I just happen to sleep in it." I snap and continue walking briskly down the corridor until we reach his door.

He opens it first and lets me stomp in. I shove myself down onto the sofa and grab a random book, to pretend I'm reading. He stays by the doorway, watching me intently, waiting for my eyes to lift to his. I stay transfixed on the book and he sighs.

"I have a meeting to attend. I shall be back. Later." He adds quietly and I shrug though deep down, I kinda want him to stay.
'Aww, you getting fond of him?' Richard laughs harshly and I flinch.

"Whatever, I don't care." I snap, and he sighs. "Alright. Goodbye Alex." He lets the door close and I breathe a sigh of relief. Let me kiss you.

Why didn't I let him?
'You definately like him.' Richard laughs again and I sigh. 'Definately liiiiiikke hiiiim.' Sandee agrees. "Shut the fuck up, guys. Aro isn't my boyfriend. He can go to hell for all I care."

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