Marching On The Club Book 3

By SkyeGreen6

85 1 0

Rejoin Jennifer in her junior year in high school marching. Something has changed to Jennifer in her heart, o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 28

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By SkyeGreen6

Chapter 28
I tied my baritone case to the rack on the back wheel of my bike. "Hey," Nicholas said.
"You rode your bike too?"
"Sure did! I actually live in Tarpon Woods, but I'm staying at my section leader's house for the season," I said.
"Oh, wow! Let me guess, you live on West Worth Rd?"
"Why yes," I said astonished.
"Your address is 1408?"
"No; 1398," I said.
"Dang it! I used to live there; 1408 West Worth Rd," he said.
"So why do you not live there now?"
"I moved. I don't live too far away; I can still ride my bike obviously. But I'm also staying at Claire's house for the season because she's my section leader," he said.
"How is she as a section leader?"
"She's great, and very helpful. She helps us do long tones and lip slurs. She even helps us with our music," he said energetically.
"I wanted to be section leader."
"So, why did you not get it," he asked.
"I didn't even bother showing up to the meetings or the auditions."
"Alright, well take care! It nice seeing you again," he said as he pedaled away on his bike.
"You too!"
I rode back to my section leader's house unnoticed. I didn't want anyone to see me. I untied the baritone case from my bike. I sneaked inside and upstairs to the room that I'm staying at with my baritone case in my hands. I closed the door to make it seem like I was still out and about. I opened my baritone case and grabbed the mouthpiece. I put the mouthpiece on the instrument, and I picked the baritone out of its case. I played for a little bit; practicing lip slurs, long tones, the rummaging tin exercise, exe. Then I tried to play parts of the opener; now that I heard the band play it I should know how it goes. I should feel better about playing it. The door opened, and Drew was on the other side.
"Hey, look who decided to practice their instrument."
I smiled as I put the baritone down to standby.
"You might want to rest your chops because we're about to go to sectionals," he said.
"How about you go to sectionals without me so I'm not embarrassed, and I practice by myself!"
"Okay suit yourself, but I'm coming back to get you so we can do a run through all together as a section. You better be playing boldly with power," Drew said with confidence. Drew left the room as he closed the door.

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